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4th company Ultramarine Tournament


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Hi people

People that know my work know that I havnt been around for a while. To be honest the whole 40k scene has been a little slow for me. Still It has picked up again and Im pleased to report I have more pics to share.






Saturday saw a tournament at my local club. The members are all great guys and we play on award winning scenery, that is all made by the members themselves. :tu:


I only stuck around for a couple of games and started with a rather strange game against MORE ULTRAMARINES . . . .LOL. ;)



Second game was against nids and I won both of em 4th Company rocks!!!.


Im crap at reports guys, enjoy the pics.











As always, thanks for taking the time to check my topic guys. Stay tuned for more pics :angry:

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The date is 12.04.2011 Imperial standard.... incoming transmissions ( from thurs game)


" this is Fourth company scout unit 1 assaulting Chaos Vindicator... negative results... by the Emperor a Deamon and the cursed Noise marines...AAAAAAGH!" [contact lost]


"Chaplain, two Deamon princes of the ruinous powers have appeared on our right flank, Tactical squad to engage....AAAAAAAAGH! [contact lost]


"Venerated Librarian Dreadnaught, I wouldnt stand there if i was you" whooosh "Feth, whered he go"


lol, u get the picture.... cheers for a great game Scott and Colin.


Dont you just love it when a plan comes together Nig.

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Blood for the Blood Gooooo....oh forget all that rubbish.Yes it was a good game.It was a little slow to begin with,but then it turned into a really good game(and not because us nasty Chaos Marines won).I am looking forwards to our game on tuesday night,and fighting my favourite enemies the Space Wolves.
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