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gothic style imperial bunker


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This is something i did ages ago and has been sitting gathering ust in the dungeon i just wonderd wht the general concensus of opinion would be re casting and selling?

caution picture heavey.















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It looks very good, though the arrow tips on the top of the bunker are a little much. The top turret doesn't match the 40k era weapons. Now if you were to create a defence line kit with bunkers, gun emplacements, communication arrys, ect. I would would purchase it .


Very good work. Is this the only piece you made or are there others in your dark dungons?

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I like this, and I think people would buy it if it was reasonably priced. What reasonably priced would be I don't know. Just not what Forge World charge for theirs =P


As for brother varen's coment.. Yes I can see what your point. But if it was easily identifiable as a 40k weapon system, GW would be down on it like a ton of bricks. Personally I like the weapon system you have created. But maybes the solution would be to just leave it off? Or making so it can be left of.


Sterling job Cassar.



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The thing is gorgeous. The turret is not very imperialish, but its a beautiful piece on its own, you may want to add a standalone base for it, just like in the imperial bastion box, so people can give it another use or just make it a stand alone kit, Tau players may be more interested in it as someone pointed out.

I can see only a weak point in the whole thing, and it is the back access door. It fails to match the quality of the rest of the kit, if youre going to re cast this, its high time to re-esculpt it.

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the turret gun has been a bone of contention in the past lol and yep it was modelled off the dawn of war game, well spottted! as for the wall system yep there were plans to do a wall system hence the flat sides at the rear Buttress's for them to be placed.

The turret can be removed and i did a plate to cover the housing.

Brotherhood of steel i must look that up .

cheers everyone for the imput, anything else that might occcur to you please feel free to have a go

heres another one i did, you can get the idea behind the wall system the force field generators connect to the top of the walls by removing the square pegs








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I think it'd sell pretty well.



I agree - It's good solid work and dependent on price I think wuld sell quite nicely.


I also echo an earlier poster, and say I don't think the bunkers top weapon really works that well, not really fitting for the grimdark aesthetic and it seems a little large too too - but that's just my opinion.

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Yes I can see what your point. But if it was easily identifiable as a 40k weapon system, GW would be down on it like a ton of bricks.


You are wrong actually... have you seen what a number of sites do? They are not doing it because GW is unaware of their activity... infact GW got on their cases and put them in really difficult positions where they had to get legal advice... After chatting with some people in the know they realised they could do even more than they were currently... hence the explosion of stuff that looks like it was made with 40k in mind... almost note that weapons like auto-cannons could be some generic modern day weapon... or world war two... and so on... GW can't do that much.

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cassar, The 2nd model looks like the Dawn of War Cmd bunker. Don't get me wrong, i like Dawn of War. But some of their building designs weren't the greatest.


I love the idea for the force field generators. Could you show a picture with an Imperial guard or space marine miniature to help with scale?


I love your ideas but think you might want to define them a little better. What i mean is this: Which faction are you intending the bunker system for? Each faction would have differences in design ( Imperial Guard, space marine, ect.)


I would love to get my hands on a kit that gave me options and was like a battlefield in a box. Here is a site that i was thinking of buying from when i get to the terrian aspect (after building my Malevolent army).




It isn't the greatest, but it closer to what i'm looking for in design and options. I hope it gives you some ideas. The only thing i don't like is you have to buy it piece by piece. Like i said before a battlefield in a box. I think this would entice buyers more if you gave them something that gave them their battlefield in one go and then create some unique pieces for add-ons. But this is only my opinion.


I love your work and would be intrested in buying. Just need that wow factor to hook me, lol.


For instance, the GW adominble fortress doesn't work for me. Now if it was it had 2 levels, a tower in the center of the 2 levels (lookout post), 4 gun turrets branched off the main level, and 4 weapon emplacements on the 2nd level. To me that is a wow factor.

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I think these models are brilliant – a few more skulls needed maybe ;) but brilliant. My main criticism is that they are too 'clean'. They need more bolted on bits: small rivet heads, armour plate, girders, grills, vents or something, otherwise they might look ending up a bit Tau rather than Imperial - especially the second model. Just my personal opinion of course.


But congrats on putting together some really nice pieces here :tu:




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thanks for all the interest everyone. At the moment i have'nt the time to do anything with this at all, im doing commission "maxi-tures" (largescale figures) lol which takes up most of my free time be assured if and when i get around to this you will be the first to know, thanks again for the encouregment, kind comments and useful tips/hints.
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