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Also, as for the crew sizes from Nightrawen, I have the BFG rulebook, and I do not see where it says where the crew is. The only SOLID crew fluff I have seen comes from the Rogue Trader RPG, and they put the crew sizes of Imperial Ships of the equivalent sizes in the uper 80,000s.

Now, SM ships would naturally have fewer crew, and personally, I like Nightrawen's crew sizes a little better, but as I said, it is not SOLID like the Rogue Trader RPG

It's is direct quote from Andy Chambers, the head designer of BFG.

The latest BL book (The Fall of Damnos) put the crew of a Dominator-class cruiser at 12,381. Standard-sized Imperial cruiser, so you take your estimates.


As for how much can fit aboard the ship, the rule of thumb for all Imperial ships is roughly 1/3 is engines, engineering, etc. Then for Space Marine ships, I'd hazard 1/2 of the remaining space is all hangars, drop pod tubes, and etc, as it is commonly held that "considerable space" is given over to such things. Afterall, that is the space marines' primary mode of deployment. Then you have armories, combat practice chambers, chapels, then also the vital ship locations like the bridge and other command/control places, as well as the massive weapons batteries (and their ammunition) that take up space as well. Don't forget, it's not just the company's-worth of marines on board; it's also all of their supporting equipment and vehicles (so a dozen rhinos per, a few dreadnoughts, buckets of bikes and landspeeders, and whatever armor has been allocated to the force for the mission. Finally we come to crew quarters and the like, of which quite a few are for the serfs and such that crew the ship.

If Rogue Trader contradicts BFG- maybe the newer source takes precedence?


Andy's description here:




seems more like ballpark estimates, than hard-and-fast figures.


Same principle applies to ship speeds, and gun ranges:




Rogue Trader provides more detailed figures- that produce quite long ranges for guns compared to here- and fix a turn as 0.5 hours.


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