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Emperor's Praetorians - now V2


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2nd Draft can be found at post 11...






old post -


I welcome feedback....!


notes - this is a mixture of prose and short notes, with some abbreviations, which are hopefully self evident.

- I wanted to use the BA Codex with a Imperial Fists/Black Templar type background, I've no idea if I've been successful!

- For the older readers amongst you, you may notice a pronounced WFRP skew to this; I was first a WFRP player and I've always wanted to bring it into 40k.



Formed in the 5th Founding, to guard the edge of the Veiled Region against the mulitude of raiders that infest that region.


5th founding – 220.M33


Founded by Emperor’s Champion Maximillian of the Imperial Fists, with several instructors from the IF and CF, nearly all of whom were Vet’s of some kind.




[Homeworld possibly called Riesa.]


Homeworld on the edge of the Veiled Region, along the rimward edge. The E’sP have ensured their homeworld is not charted on any standard map of the Sector, and conduct most of their required business through the Imperial Navy way-station on the spinward side of the Region. Whilst it is rare for the E’sP to collect supplies un-announced, any trade that is required (i.e. AM production, meeting Imperial dignitaries etc) will be done through this outpost. The onward move of items is then conducted in one of the E’sP large fleet of vessels to their homeworld.


Homeworld is at a blackpowder-esque level of tech, however there are significant level of natural physic ability. This is monitored by the E’sP to ensure that it does not come above levels set by the Imperium. The majority of psykers are at a very low level (1)


Homeworld is a forest based world, with several significant towns and cities. It has no Imperial tithe (due to it’s homeworld status), and is in all regards self-sustaining. The forests are home to several bands of feral Orks as well as a significant Chaos Beastmen population. These are both hunted by the “Orders”, groups of Nobles second sons, from whom all recruits are found. Due to the low level psychic level of the world, a significant minority of recruits have “knacks”. Tradition dictates they fight with a pistol and a short sword. This “tradition” is inculcated by E’sP planet-based serfs, as it allows for combat training to progress quicker. Some nobles use either twin pistols or twin swords, which may be dictated by their knack. The Orders are continually monitored by the E’sP as their members grow up and one of the 3 following paths are followed – not strong enough (killed by beastmen!), good enough to survive by themselves, but not strong enough for SM (left on planet to aid in hunt against beastmen) or strong enough to join E’sP. Orders are headed by those who were left behind by the SM, and are used to guide the newer members.


E’sP only interact with the population to extract those nobles whom it deems good enough to join them. This may take place at the formal meals after a hunt, or in the field when the noble is on the edge of life. The faces of the E’sP are never seen by the natives of their homeworld, and this contact is conducted in a highly formalised way. At all other times the E’sP live on the moon of their planet, which can be regarded as a “eden” world, albeit with areas set aside for weapons practice.


E’sP encourage a positive attitude towards life, however they will subtly influence development to ensure that life does not become too easy. Chapter serfs are utilised to guide population of the world to the correct state, which may include targeted assassinations of “impure” individuals and those who wish for the world to develop beyond a level required by the Chapter.




Omicron // Xi // Nu // Mu // Lambda // Kappa: Unconscious and minor level of psionic brain activity. Such low levels of talent only manifest in high-stress experiences and remain beyond the control of the individual. Phenomenon commonly explained as "good luck" or "fluke" occurrences. [http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/The_Assignment]


Combat Doctrine:


Assault based Chapter, emphasising the use of raids instead of protracted warfare. Everything used to deliver the Marine to the battlefield is fast, and once on the battlefield close combat is preferred as it sits well with the core beliefs of the Chapter. As a result, Dev and Tac squads are the first to loose manpower if reinforcement is required elsewhere, typically in the Assault squads. All Assault squads employed in 10 Marine units, however it is typical for Tac/Dev to work in Combat squads to ensure fire is placed correctly.


It is not unusual to see solely Assault based attacks, with all units using either Jump Packs or bikes, supported by Land Speeders as a mobile heavy reserve.


The aim for the E’sP is to concentrate on destroying the enemy one unit at a time, moving together quickly to produce overwhelming force at a specific point and then onto the next target. If they are drawn into a sustained fight their pride will often prevent them from withdrawing, despite this being the tactically prudent thing to do, and the history of the E’sP is filled with “glorious last stands” as relatively small numbers of Marines are destroyed by their much more numerous foes.


Use of Power Swords is a sign of honour and seniority amongst the Chapter, although those with a “knack” for swords will be encouraged to bear arms in Dorn’s name. Assault Squads are heavily armed in comparison to a standard Chapter, to reflect the E’sP use of a “hard hitting” hammer.


Dreadnoughts are relatively rare in the E’sP, solely as a result of previous combat losses. Whilst the E’sP have a cordial relationship with the wider AM, they are not favoured in the way some other Chapters are, and thus find it hard to make good their losses in specialised areas such as Dreadnoughts. However, they do have larger than usual stocks of vehicles, some of which have been produced by the “local” Forge World in excess of the usual tithe as an expression of thanks for the E’sP help for a AM Explorator Fleet that was heading into the Veiled Region. These vehicles are relatively simple – all based around the Rhino chassis – yet contribute hugely to the Chapter’s manoeuvrability. The Forge World is of a relatively low production value, which reduces their ability to produce the more complex vehicles that may be furnished by famed worlds such as Agrippna.




Apothecaries have a significant presence within the Chapter, and hold a place in the running of the Chapter. This is due to having a homeworld with continual presence of chaos which leads them to be very aware of possible mutation. Drawing from the nobility they are obsessed with their purity and the continued preservation of the Chapter and their home-world. Use of eugenics to “guide” those they select – both positively and negatively (they may not select those who are most pure to ensure their blood line continues, even if they may in all other respects be good enough to join). The result of this is that the Senior Apothecary sits on the Command Council of the Chapter.


Founded by an IF EC, brought the use of the sword and righteous zeal to new chapter. He decided the best way to defend the region assigned was to conduct constant raids against the Veiled Region. Formed around the four core Companies, it is not unusual to see significant reinforcement from the Reserve Companies during a raid.


Due to raiding nature of the Chapter, the E’sP have a larger than usual Fleet, almost approaching the size of a Crusading Force. The main limitation is in the size of the vessels, as the E’sP have only one Battle Barge, however they do have enough Strike Cruisers and Rapid Strike vessels to allow the full embarkation of the Chapter in times of great crisis. Each Cruiser is permanently assigned to a specific Company, and the Master of the Fleet is merely an honorific assigned to the Master of the 4th Company, as each Company Master dictates the movements of his own vessels.





They bring the Emperor’s Light to the darkest places – “we lead the way”. Not as rigid as the BTs, they do have messianic zeal, especially against abhumans and mutants. Mainly hunt against chaos cults and the wider xenos threat.


Brought about due to the circumstances of their creation, with a mandate to tame the Veiled Regions. The inheritance of Dorn, and his glory, only serves to underpin this.


The presence of “knacks” within the Chapter has resulted in them being relatively comfortable with the psykers in general. A “knack” may manifest itself as simple as always being able to roll a certain number on dice or have a coin land the same way up; the most useful “knacks” revolve around combat abilities. Some Brother Marines are able to use pistols in a much more effective manner, almost using their mental powers to increase the range and ability of the pistol he is holding. Others are able to move metallic objects by thought alone – something that can be used to bring a weapon to hand quickly and smoothly. These “knacks” are always limited in capacity and range – being able to move a sword to hand from the scabbard does not translate to being able to move a Rhino APC! This latter level of power is always found in the Librarium, as the Codex dictates, and the E’sP adhere to this as strongly as any other chapter.


The Emperor’s Champion can be found within the Chapter, and will be attached to the Chapter Master’s Honour Guard.


Given the relative proximity to the Cardinal World of Ophelia IV (i.e. adjoining sectors), there is some interaction with the Ecclesiarchy (and Ordo Hereticus), however the E’sP maintain the usual SM-like detachment from the wider Imperium. They do not advertise themselves as widely as the BTs, preferring to maintain the task set for them with as little as possible interference. Un-announced visitors will find a hostile reception, and the E’sP are established enough within the Segmentum to be able to act in a hostile manner and be left alone.





IF descendants – enmity between E’sP and BTs due to use of psykers. Geneseed remains stable since being passed down from Dorn.




“The Emperor Lead Me!” called by the forward most element of an assault.

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I welcome feedback....!





Formed in the 5th Founding, to guard the edge of the Veiled Region against the mulitude of raiders that infest that region.


5th founding – 220.M33


Founded by Emperor’s Champion Maximillian of the Imperial Fists, with several instructors from the IF and CF, nearly all of whom were Vet’s of some kind.

IIRC the instructors are usually from just one chapter, but you would have to get one of the major fluff gurus to tell you if it is possible.




(Homeworld possibly called Riesa.)


Homeworld on the edge of the Veiled Region, along the rimward edge. The E’sP have ensured their homeworld is not charted on any standard map of the Sector, and conduct most of their required business through the Imperial Navy way-station on the spinward side of the Region.

Why, what does this add to your chapter? It could work, but would need more fleshing out and explanation.


Homeworld is at a blackpowder-esque level of tech, however there are significant level of natural physic ability. This is monitored by the E’sP to ensure that it does not come above levels set by the Imperium. The majority of psykers are at a very low level (1)

Fine, apart from the "(1)" link bit, it breaks up the flow and it is probably fine to expect that people know, or can research accepted levels in the Imperium.


It has no Imperial tithe (due to it’s homeworld status), and is in all regards self-sustaining.

Again, probably a given.


The forests are home to several bands of feral Orks as well as a significant Chaos Beastmen population.

IIRC if there are Orks they willreach a 'critical mass' of sorts and start a Waaaaagh! Although i gather that you want the "orders" to keep their population down?


These are both hunted by the “Orders”, groups of Nobles second sons, from whom all recruits are found.

These sons would have to be pretty young to be able to be taken into the E'sPs, also why not the first sons?


Due to the low level psychic level of the world, a significant minority of recruits have “knacks”.

I would change this to "a significant minority of recruits have what are known as "knacks"" then explain it brielfy, and expand later if it's needed.


Some nobles use either twin pistols or twin swords



The Orders are continually monitored by the E’sP as their members grow up and one of the 3 following paths are followed – not strong enough (killed by beastmen!), good enough to survive by themselves, but not strong enough for SM (left on planet to aid in hunt against beastmen) or strong enough to join E’sP. Orders are headed by those who were left behind by the SM, and are used to guide the newer members.

I'm unsure about this part, as again it's probably widely known that this happens, also it may be better suited to the 'recruitment' (Or geneseed) section depending on which one you have.


E’sP encourage a positive attitude towards life, however they will subtly influence development to ensure that life does not become too easy. Chapter serfs are utilised to guide population of the world to the correct state, which may include targeted assassinations of “impure” individuals and those who wish for the world to develop beyond a level required by the Chapter.

Huh? :lol:


Combat Doctrine:


Assault based Chapter, emphasising the use of raids instead of protracted warfare. Everything used to deliver the Marine to the battlefield is fast

This is basically what all SM chapters do.


As a result, Dev and Tac squads are the first to loose manpower if reinforcement is required elsewhere, typically in the Assault squads. All Assault squads employed in 10 Marine units, however it is typical for Tac/Dev to work in Combat squads to ensure fire is placed correctly.

How exactly does this work, re-specialising in the middle of a mission? Might be a bit 'slow'. I'm unsure about the Tac/Dev Combat squds bit aswell.


However, they do have larger than usual stocks of vehicles, some of which have been produced by the “local” Forge World in excess of the usual tithe as an expression of thanks for the E’sP help for a AM Explorator Fleet that was heading into the Veiled Region.

I don't quite understand this, mainly because of the structure of the sentence: it's confusing.


These vehicles are relatively simple – all based around the Rhino chassis – yet contribute hugely to the Chapter’s manoeuvrability. The Forge World is of a relatively low production value, which reduces their ability to produce the more complex vehicles that may be furnished by famed worlds such as Agrippna.

Unnessecary info.


I think the Combat Doctrine section should be more about their attitudes to war, and less about what they do, You've got the start of it, it just needs to be expanded upon.




Apothecaries have a significant presence within the Chapter, and hold a place in the running of the Chapter. This is due to having a homeworld with continual presence of chaos which leads them to be very aware of possible mutation.

...Wait a minute... You're recruting from a world with chaos taint? Why have these guys not been ExCommed yet?


Drawing from the nobility they are obsessed with their purity and the continued preservation of the Chapter and their home-world. Use of eugenics to “guide” those they select – both positively and negatively (they may not select those who are most pure to ensure their blood line continues, even if they may in all other respects be good enough to join). The result of this is that the Senior Apothecary sits on the Command Council of the Chapter.



Founded by an IF EC, brought the use of the sword and righteous zeal to new chapter. He decided the best way to defend the region assigned was to conduct constant raids against the Veiled Region.

Against the actual region of space?


Formed around the four core Companies, it is not unusual to see significant reinforcement from the Reserve Companies during a raid.

Do you mean the battle companies?


The main limitation is in the size of the vessels, as the E’sP have only one Battle Barge, however they do have enough Strike Cruisers and Rapid Strike vessels to allow the full embarkation of the Chapter in times of great crisis. Each Cruiser is permanently assigned to a specific Company, and the Master of the Fleet is merely an honorific assigned to the Master of the 4th Company, as each Company Master dictates the movements of his own vessels.

All well and good except for the last sentence which is just waffle...




They bring the Emperor’s Light to the darkest places – “we lead the way”. Not as rigid as the BTs, they do have messianic zeal, especially against abhumans and mutants. Mainly hunt against chaos cults and the wider xenos threat.

It's not a good idea to compare your chapter with an official one, especially one so well known as they BT.


The Emperor’s Champion can be found within the Chapter

Where else would he be? :P


Given the relative proximity to the Cardinal World of Ophelia IV (i.e. adjoining sectors), there is some interaction with the Ecclesiarchy (and Ordo Hereticus), however the E’sP maintain the usual SM-like detachment from the wider Imperium. They do not advertise themselves as widely as the BTs, preferring to maintain the task set for them with as little as possible interference. Un-announced visitors will find a hostile reception, and the E’sP are established enough within the Segmentum to be able to act in a hostile manner and be left alone.

Bit too much name-dropping, again BT comparision




IF descendants – enmity between E’sP and BTs due to use of psykers. Geneseed remains stable since being passed down from Dorn.

Apart from the genetic defects that his Geneseed entails.


And Finally, have you read the Guide to DIYing and the Octaguide 2.0, as both are well worth it...

Thank you for this - I'll take it away, give it a "proper" read, and come back to you. I suspect many of the flaws come from the fact it isn't continual prose; I've read both guides, but perhaps not closely enough!

A good thing to always keep in mind is always "Explain the differences"



Feedback craved for!




The Emperor’s Praetorians were formed as part of the 5th Founding, on or around 220.M33. They were raised to guard the wider Imperium against the horrors that can be found in the Veiled Region. The Adeptus Mechanicus utilised Dorn’s geneseed for the Praetorians, and Emperor’s Champion Maximillian of the Imperial Fists was assigned as the new Chapter Master.




Reisa is a world located on the Rimward edge of the Veiled Region. Intentionally kept at a level of technology associated with black powder weapons, the Praetorians use Chapter Serfs located within the native population to ensure that no radical progress in technology is made. Much of the population are located in several cities and towns that punctuate the great forests that blanket Reisa. These forests are home to bands of feral Orks as well as a significant Beastman population.


The Nobles of Reisa have organised several Orders of Knights who work to protect their serfs against the might of the Orks and Beastmen. It is the Knights who form the recruiting population of the Emperor’s Praetorians. These Orders are formed from the second sons of the ruling families, with the majority entering at the age of 11. First-born sons are barred from entering an Order in order to preserve the line of succession within his Family. An Order is formed around a core of these young men, known as Squires, lead by those Knights who have survived against their foes, but were not selected to join the “Chosen” on their 14th birthday. There is an air of determination around these older Knights, as though they are determined to show the Choosers they too are worthy of recognition, despite being left behind.


The Squires do not act as servants to the full Knights, instead they work as small units of no more than 10, each unit guided by an individual Knight. Generally armed with a single flintlock pistol, and a sabre, they act as Dragoons, generally dismounting only to inflict a coup de grace. The similarities with a standard Space Marine squad cannot be missed, and this is intentional. Master Maximillian was intent on ensuring that every recruit would find the transition from Squire to Praetorian a natural one.


Reisa has a high level of natural psykers, albeit at a low power level. Typically these powers manifest themselves as “knacks”, little useful abilities that are limited in range and duration. Some knacks are as simple as always being able to find north, to more useful ones such as always being able to roll a certain number on dice. The Orders will utilise knacks amongst the Squires as much as possible, especially if they are more martial in nature. A Squire may have a natural affinity for the blade or pistol, being able to use them with a skill that is normally only seen by a master of those weapons. These Squires are formed into specialist groups, which may only be 4 or 5 strong in any given Order. Pistoliers are one such a group - Squires with a knack with flintlocks and who are able to guide their rounds with a precision that belies the workmanship associated with their weapons. The Pistoliers tend not to use a sabre, instead are armed with a second flintlock.


Through their Chapter Serfs the Emperor’s Praetorians have tried to ensure that although life on Reisa is tough, it is not “nasty, brutish and short” – at least for their fellow nobles. This “deus ex machina” help ranges from the occasional introduction of new high yield crop types to raids by Praetorian Scouts on the very worst bands of Beastmen.


As with many worlds within the Imperium, mutation is a common occurrence, one that the general population of Reisa strive to wipe out. Nobles in particular are fastidious about their bloodlines, and will keep records dating back many generations to ensure that their families are kept as pure as possible.


Beastmen, and other abhumans are accepted in the majority of Imperial Worlds as a necessary evil, tolerated only due to their profound faith in the Emperor. On Reisa, the Beastman population has lost any of this faith, and instead infest the forests intent only on murdering and destroying everything and anything that lies in their path. Coming together in Warherds, they act as a natural opposition for the Orders, allowing the Squires opportunities to demonstrate their martial skill to the “Choosers”. A unit of Squires that destroy a Beastman Warherd can expect to be singled out at the victory feats, an act that will be noted by the Chapter Serfs.


Combat Doctrine:


For the Praetorians, close combat is the most honourable form of warfare, one that reminds them of their time in the Orders. This is reflected in the way they choose to fight as Marines, with Assault Units always at full strength, even if this depletes the Tactical and Devastator squad manpower. The hallmark method of war is fast, hard hitting strikes, harassing the enemy until the time is right to move in and devastate him. Not for the Praetorians the use of Devastators and their long range destruction or massed tactical squads marching and firing together. It is not unusual to see solely Assault Squad based attacks, with all units using either Jump Packs or bikes, supported by Land Speeders as providing the harassing fire. If they are drawn into a sustained fight their pride will often prevent them from withdrawing, despite this being the tactically prudent thing to do. The history of the E’sP is filled with “glorious last stands” as relatively small numbers of Marines are destroyed by their much more numerous foes.


Use of Power Swords is a sign of honour and seniority amongst the Chapter, although those with a blade knack will be encouraged to bear arms in Dorn’s name. Assault Squads used as troops are heavily armed in comparison to a standard Chapter, to reflect the E’sP use of a “hard hitting” hammer. Another variation on Guilliman’s Codex is the use of the Squire Pistoliers; now fighting as full Space Marine Bikers, using their knack with specially modified artisan Bolt Pistols, making best use of their phenomenal accuracy.


The existence of Dreadnoughts in the Praetorians is rare, reflecting both their tradition of mobility and the fact they do not have strong ties with the Adeptus Mechanicum.




The Emperor’s Praetorians view the Codex as a starting point, one to be adapted to the circumstances found on Reisa. Their principle divergences can be found in the use of Assault Squads as troops and the role of Apothecaries within the Chapter Command.


The Chapter maintains its First Company as the home of the Veterans, many of who will choose to fight as Vanguard Veterans when not in Terminator Armour. The Chapter Master is always careful to ensure however that enough of Marines who favour the use of ranged weapons are promoted to the First, thus allowing him some tactical flexibility when required. It is in the 2nd to 6th Companies where the Emperor’s Praetorians begin their move away from the Codex. The Battle Companies (2nd – 5th) have equal numbers of Tactical and Assault Marines, whilst the 6th Company is a Biker Company manned by members who have specialised as Assault marines. This increase in Assault squads throughout the Chapter reflects the heritage left to the Praetorians by their first Master and his influence on their homeworld. It is in the 6th Company where the Pistoliers can be found, although due to the rarity of their knack typically there will only ever be a single squad.


Despite their transformation into Space Marines, the Praetorians remain obsessed by their bloodline and health. They monitor the bloodlines of those Squires they select, and may occasionally choose not to select an individual if his line requires preserving, or indeed mixing with other lines. Once they have joined the Emperor’s Praetorians, it is not unusual for an individual Marine to keep his helm on unless the environment has proved to be of the highest quality. Indeed, when fighting against Xenos or Chaotic enemies, Marines will enter voluntary isolation for a period of some weeks afterwards to ensure that impurity is not brought back to their brothers. This has elevated the role of the Apothecary within the Chapter Command Structure, such that the Master Apothecary sits alongside the other Masters in the Council of War.


The Chapter maintains a significant number of Serfs, who aid them in maintaining the purity of their homeworld. Many will work as major-domos or chamberlains within Noble households to influence their actions, whilst others will infiltrate artisan guilds to ensure that forbidden technology is not developed. It is these Serfs who will notice Squires who are suitable for selection, and act as the “Chooser" at their 14th birthday. On this day, he is expected to spend the night, alone, in the forest, and it is during this time a Serf will lead him, in silence, to a site where he is then transported to Reisa’s moon to begin his training as a Praetorian. This remarkable trust placed in the Serfs is a reflection of the fact that not a single one has betrayed the Chapter, in word or deed. This trust is reinforced by a shadow organisation within the Serfs, ensuring that this trust is not misplaced and, if necessary, disciplining or disposing of those who may potentially fail the Chapter.


The Veiled Region:


The Veiled Region has always been un-tamed, with giant gas clouds and asteroid formation preventing the regular and easy navigation need for commercial ventures. Many attempts to form settlements have failed, either due to starvation in the early years, as their re-supply failed to arrive, or being wiped out by one of the many pirate clans that infest the system. It was to combat the latter that the High Lords of Terra formed the Emperor’s Praetorians, providing the “rapier point” to the mailed fist of the Imperial Navy in it’s attempts to pacify the pirates. Immediately after the Praetorians had been founded, they quickly moved on from combating the pirates, as they discovered more than one Chaos War band had used they area to shelter after the dark events of the Horus Heresy. Time and time again they attacked these war bands, destroying as much of their foul equipment as they could, hoping to weaken them to allow a glorious assault. Unfortunately this led to some war bands finding common cause with the pirates, who then took the fight to the Praetorians. In the last 7000 years there have been many clashes between the sides, but however many of the heretics and pirates the Praetorians seem to exterminate, some use their low cunning to ensure survival to fight again.


It is not only the foul taint of Chaos the Emperor’s Praetorians must contend with. The Eldar Swordwind of the Beil-Tan Craft world roams the edge of the Veiled Region, attempting to re-establish the glory days of their domination over the entire galaxy. They concentrate their inhuman way of war on innocent settlers, attempting to bring wild worlds under the control of the Imperium of Man. The Praetorians have little to do with the settlers, if only because they are so widely dispersed, but they do track the Swordwind’s movement through the stars. When battle is joined, it is quite often a sporadic affair, as each side attempt to use their highly mobile forces to strike a decisive blow against their foe.




The Emperor’s Praetorians bring His Light to the darkest places – “we lead the way”. In common with many who are founded from Dorn’s original legion, the Chapter believes in discipline and order, and fights to ensure both are widespread throughout the Veiled Region. In the Praetorians case, this can be manifest in their absolute desire to maintain the purity of the Veiled Sector and will brook no toleration of abhumans or mutants. However, given the prevalence of those with knacks on Reisa, this intolerance does not extend to the use of psykers.


As descendants of Dorn, they send an individual Champion to the centennial Feast of Blades. The first Champion sent to the Feast had a blade knack, which led to the Black Templars’ Champion attempting to execute him, well outwith the spirit of the Feast.


The continued desire for purity means not a single non-Chapter member has ever stepped foot on either Reisa or it’s moon. The system is surrounded with automated warning beacons and sentry guns, and any visitor who survives the latter will be quickly intercepted by one of the Praetorians’ Strike Cruisers. If the Praetorians do have to conduct business with outsiders, they have an understanding with the Imperial Navy Battle Fleet Commander assigned to the Veiled Region. At Admiral’s home base of Parsifal IV the Praetorians maintain an isolated landing area from where transactions, negotiation and delivery of equipment can occur. From there it is uploaded to a Strike Cruiser who disappears into the Veiled Region, its trail covered by the Navy until well away from the planet.




As Imperial Fist descendants, they lack the Betcher’s Gland and Sus-an Membrane, but otherwise there has been no noted divergence.




“The Emperor Lead Me!” called by the forward most element of an assault.


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