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I'm a huge fan of the aquilla. That's a really cool way to paint it. And I especially like how it matched up with the plasma coils on the plasma gun and the lighting on the power axe.


Good job, man! In many ways color choice is more important than painting ability, and you've done quite well at both.

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Very crisp, any chance of a recipe for your aquila and your yellow?


For the Aquila I start with space wolf gray/shadow gray watered down. I will hit it with a with a diluted wash of asurman blue. From there i just progressively build up to the white I want by adding astro gray then white. I would give the mix ratio but its different each time. I think it is a matter of personal preference how white you want to go with it.


Yellow on these guys I did a little differently than normal. I started with diluted snakebite leather and added some Iyanden Darksun to that for a couple of coats. Then I built up to the yellow I wanted using bad moon yellow and eventually adding skull white at the very end. The last highlight is almost pure skull white but you have to go sparingly with it.


For the Robes I tried to make them white at first but that just didn't look right.You can see the failed attempt at white in the WIP thread if you like. I ended up going with the old standard robe recipe of starting with graveyard earth and then adding bleached bone to it until I got it where i wanted it. Throw some washes of devlan mud in there for good measure then build up to white/bleached bone to your hearts content. Hope that helped and thanks for the kind words.

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