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Banshee Mask vs Psychotroke


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Its their job - fob off enquiries with whatever seems appropriate to them at the time. I'd really like to see what sort of job description/requirement for rules knowledge they have to show to get that job - I dont think it's as omnipotent as some think.
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I'm not saying its omnipotent or infallible, they are humans, just like us. But who else makes the rules? Humans do, and the FAQs change. I'm pretty sure that Tau vehicles couldn't give KPs if their detached Drones were alive, they don't do that anymore. All I'm saying is that until the FAQ comes out this is the only official thing that GW have said, and like FAQs this is liable to change. Now if your local gaming group have already agreed on some of these issues, or your store manager or whoever says different, then that's fine. If you choose not to play by what this GW employee has said, then that's fine, your game. However, until the FAQ comes out I'll be looking at what he says as guidance towards how GW may have intended some of the grey areas of C:GK to be. And of course when the FAQ finally comes out I'll then focus on that.
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