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Huron's been getting attention


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It isn't a lot he's been in but with two books coming out within the year (Gildar Rift and Blood Reaver) he has been getting attention. Who do you want to see as a main character in their own book? My votes on Khârn. I've wanted for BL to do a World Eaters book for so long.
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I just hope they take their time and use the good writers they have. I'm kind of worried that they'll basically take the Space Wolves omnibus by William King, change a few names and the Chapter to be World Eaters or somesuch and simply relaunch it .. BL is churning out a lot of books these days, and although I am extremely grateful for all the fluff that is added and reading books by Abnett, ADB, McNeill etc is just great, there are also books in there that are less than stellar to put it politely.


As for who, I would really like a proper book on the World Eaters (I read the thread about it and if ADB really does want to write a book like that I'll sacrifice a goat or something to Jervis to make it happen) and that will mean a guy like Khârn. Having a book around the time he snaps with some stuff in front and some following up what happens would be great.


Personally I would also like another book on the Alpha Legion. I am - however - a bit divided on that since I do not want it to reveal "too much" about the Legion. It's supposed to be very secretive after all, though a book following a captain/CM/Lord would be great.


So, characters:

* Zhufor

* Khârn

* AL Captain/CM/Lord (Voldorius for example, how did he become DP?)

* Ahriman

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It isn't a lot he's been in but with two books coming out within the year (Gildar Rift and Blood Reaver) he has been getting attention. Who do you want to see as a main character in their own book? My votes on Khârn. I've wanted for BL to do a World Eaters book for so long.


Thats not counting two very large campaign books by Forge World focusing on Huron and his "fall/push" <_< nto open rebellion against the Imerium.


I would quite like the Punishers to get some fluff, but only because I like the cool Skeleton armour :) but named character wise perhaps Cypher, or Fabius Bile...I think Khârn gets lots of love, there are plenty of stories surrounding him.

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I would quite like the Punishers to get some fluff, but only because I like the cool Skeleton armour <_< but named character wise perhaps Cypher, or Fabius Bile...I think Khârn gets lots of love, there are plenty of stories surrounding him.


Well, there certainly are some stories, but that to me is a part of the problem. Stories are generally very superficial and give you a black and white image of a character. Few in the 40K universe is like that, hell, the entire Grimdark setting is as grey as they come. A book on Khârn would give him more flesh (figuratively) as well as adding to his background. Not a single one of the Khârn stories I have read (granted, I'm not saying I've read them all) give him any depth at all.

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Khârn in current timeline would more than likely not get a full novel to himself due to the whole 'KILL MAIM BURN' and nothing else, as a supporting charecter who turns up and wrecks the place before leaving would suit him a lot better.


He was portrayed awesomely in After Desh'Ea when he first meets Angron and convinces him to lead the Legion.

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He was portrayed awesomely in After Desh'Ea when he first meets Angron and convinces him to lead the Legion.


Agreed. Actually all the pre-heresy World Eaters seem to be done well.


As for a main SC in a novel, I vote Lucius. The idea of the eternal duelist wandering the galaxy looking for a fight seems entertaining and it might do a good job of fleshing out how a Slaaneshi Marine lives and thinks.

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My ranking would have to be:

1. Kharne (The way he was portrayed in the first HH books made him seem like there was alot more to him than KILL MAIM BURN and I'd like to get to know what happened to change him into what he is now.)

2. Abbadon (He doesn't get enough love outside those first few book. Any other time he's seen in novels it is short and from a a very certain point of view.)

3. Ahriman (Just cus......well he's awesome.)

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2. Abbadon (He doesn't get enough love outside those first few book. Any other time he's seen in novels it is short and from a a very certain point of view.)


Is it just me or does Abaddon come away as a total retard most of the time? Outside of the HH books, I can't name a single book, video game or short story that depicts Abaddon as anything but a failure and a sad person. I would like to see someone really write a book with Abaddon as the main character. He's the most powerful Chaos warlord in existence for crying out loud, yet it seems to me that everyone wants to portray him like a spoilt child who was denied his weekly allowance.

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Abby doesnt come off as anything like a retard or spoilt child as far as I am concerned but the only real emotion he leaves me with even before the fall to Chaos is one or grumpyness. He seems permanently grumpy :-).
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Abby doesnt come off as anything like a retard or spoilt child as far as I am concerned but the only real emotion he leaves me with even before the fall to Chaos is one or grumpyness. He seems permanently grumpy :-).


That I can stomach. Whiny? Not so much. I confess that I haven't read every book BL has to offer, but where he does appear as a character I find his portrayal to be less than satisfactory and a bit on the weak side where it makes me pose the question of how someone like him became the greatest champion Chaos has. I take tips on books I need to read to see him in a better light ;)


edit: Isn't the point of Chaos being grumpy? ;)

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I just hope they take their time and use the good writers they have. I'm kind of worried that they'll basically take the Space Wolves omnibus by William King, change a few names and the Chapter to be World Eaters or somesuch and simply relaunch it .. BL is churning out a lot of books these days, and although I am extremely grateful for all the fluff that is added and reading books by Abnett, ADB, McNeill etc is just great, there are also books in there that are less than stellar to put it politely.


As for who, I would really like a proper book on the World Eaters (I read the thread about it and if ADB really does want to write a book like that I'll sacrifice a goat or something to Jervis to make it happen) and that will mean a guy like Khârn. Having a book around the time he snaps with some stuff in front and some following up what happens would be great.


Personally I would also like another book on the Alpha Legion. I am - however - a bit divided on that since I do not want it to reveal "too much" about the Legion. It's supposed to be very secretive after all, though a book following a captain/CM/Lord would be great.


So, characters:

* Zhufor

* Khârn

* AL Captain/CM/Lord (Voldorius for example, how did he become DP?)

* Ahriman


Ahriman has another part coming up in summer


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I would like more Alpha Legion myself dont care who.






Not having IA10 this could be a redundant suggestion but I would like a book/short story based on Huron that shows what happened in the retreat from Badab to becoming Maelstrom badass.


Would it be like an Apothecary recovering Hurons battered body and rebuilding him later on, then when Huron awakes he asks:

"Did we win?"

Apothecary looks away from his master and mutters "No sire."

Cue Huron raising his arms and doing a Darth Vader style "Nnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".


How would that sound?

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1 Typhus

2 Honsou/Arkos/Talos/Erebus (!!!!, give these guys a model+rules)

3 Bile


Seriously give every first founded legion a special character... they deserve that love!

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Is it just me or does Abaddon come away as a total retard most of the time? Outside of the HH books, I can't name a single book, video game or short story that depicts Abaddon as anything but a failure and a sad person. I would like to see someone really write a book with Abaddon as the main character. He's the most powerful Chaos warlord in existence for crying out loud, yet it seems to me that everyone wants to portray him like a spoilt child who was denied his weekly allowance.


Did you read Soul Hunter? I think ADB made him very sinister and more along the lines of what he should be, two faced. He acted more "polite" with a bit of edge to his words when Talos first meets him then when the wrong words are exchanged he just gets nasty and sinister. Still my favorite 40k villain.



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