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Red Corsairs colour scheme?

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In this army, I won't hesitate. I'd bring in several figs from other legions (including loyalist). I often think they steal several armor's piece from old ennemies without even repainting it. Yes, that would include several marines with different color scheme.


As an example, one could be painted with : UL breatplate, legs and shoulders from BA, arms and helm in their own colors).

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My Corsairs are an alternating red/black scheme. On 1 squad i paint the chest piece, shoulder pads, gloves and shin guards red and do all the trim in black. on another squad I'll reverse the order. I'll also alternate between red and black helms in the same squad to break up the pattern a bit.
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, although part of me preferred the old style scheme where you painted them any colour you wanted with big red crosses everywhere.


Yeah I like that one better too.

Panda , it was not them stealing armor off dead guys as much as loyalist s/m's turning to chaos (sometimes whole squads at a time) and defiling the empiral symbols on their own armor.

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Hi guys


Im new to chaos. For a couple of years now I have collected my 4th company ultramarines, but have since decided to try my hand at a chaos army too as I battle them alot with my imerial army.


I have just finished my second model and would appreciate and feeback. . .thanks guys






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