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Hoping you guys could clear something up for me here.


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So I'm gonna be getting back into the game soon after a VERY long hiatus and have a few questions about some things about the BA.


I'm doing my own chapter and was wondering if there would be any BA chapter fluff pieces out there that would keep me from making my own death co. color scheme with my chapter. Basically I wanna do my marines up in some black armor and red robes, but have the death co. guys instead of wearing the standard black, wear a skull white-ish color instead. I noticed the codex pointed out that the Angels Encarmine have changed their death co. and sang guard unit colors, but are the only ones to do so. How hard would it be for me to get away fluff wise with making my death co. have white armor and my sang guard have black wings instead of white?

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Well, I think the only reason why the DC actually have the black armour is the cultural background of western symbols, as black is the colour of death in our culture, whereas white is rather the opposite.


So, nobody would call on you if you just said "I didn't want them armour black but white", but it is much better if you had the background made up. In short, there are no fluff redistrictions regarding the colour of your Death company or the colour of your Sang guard's wings but people will tolerate your decision even more if you put some effort into your successor chapter's fluff.


I haven't read the bit in the codex that actually prohibits successor chapters from painting their DC's armour white, so I say go for it! <_<


And in the end, they are your models, you can do whatever you want. Actually, you could paint them pink and put some pinkish feathers on them...not that it would be a good idea, but you could do so. ;)





Ah, welcome back to the Blood Angels!





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I was thinking about doing black and red wings on a retinue for astorath so basically DC with winged jump packs but I've also thought of Doing more models with black wings, SG but used as my honour gaurd maybe.


White DC would look awesome, I'm pretty sure a guy on here has done some already!

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Thanks a bunch for the replies guys!


Ya my fluff reasoning behind making them white is this. I'm basing my chapter off of the Angels Sanguine, and am going to have their combat doctrines be reflective of the Angels Sanguine captain that was given the duty of taking over his new BA chapter.


I like fast reaction forces and infiltration tactics, so I wanted my chapter to reflect that. When I think of my chapter going to war, I think of the newly recruited scouts moving into position and learning how to "see but remain unseen", the assault squads shooting in out of the skies with pinpoint accuracy,the tactical squads riding in rhino's and storm raven's getting where they need to and fast, and terminators popping out of thin air where the enemy don't need them to be most. I like to strike hard and fast, and retreat to the shadows to do it all over again. I just <3 hit and run tactics. Since I want my chapters armor to be black, the death co. would make a great contrast as being white because when you're constantly fighting from the shadows, being dressed in white is a bad wardrobe decision ya know? That and to reflect the fact that they're marked for death, I thought it would be cool to have them white to represent them as being walking ghosts.


I'm having a tough time coming up with names, but I want it to reflect two main things. Shadows and blood. I'll figure something out eventually, but I wanna at least get my bases covered with the fluff of my chapters combat tactics, origins, and home world before I try and name 'em.

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I'm having a tough time coming up with names, but I want it to reflect two main things. Shadows and blood. I'll figure something out eventually, but I wanna at least get my bases covered with the fluff of my chapters combat tactics, origins, and home world before I try and name 'em.

I might be able to help with that a bit- the Latin for "Blood Shadows" is "Umbras Sanguine" (the singular form sounds better to me- Umbra Sanguine.)

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I might be wrong.... But I think in Spain they use white to mourn rather than black.


I can't speak for Spain, but I know that in eastern cultures such as China and Japan white is the typical mourning color instead of black. In the end, asaye it's your chapter and your models, you can paint them however you want!

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Since I want my chapters armor to be black, the death co. would make a great contrast as being white because when you're constantly fighting from the shadows, being dressed in white is a bad wardrobe decision ya know?


I can recall a ton of quotes about Astartes don't caring about the colour of their armour because they're opponents will be dead before they see them anyways xD


White DC and the rest black sounds really great though! Good luck with it.. and welcome back :D

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In the end, asaye it's your chapter and your models, you can paint them however you want!
As long as you don't paint them pink :D


Depending how far you want to diverge from BA fluff, you might not even need another armor color. Instead of repainting the whole armor, and possibly angering its machine spirit on someone who is going to die in the next battle, those unfortunate souls could be adorned with special (white) robes/tabards and their shoulderpads could be replaced/upgraded with Xes. It would look a lot like BT though.

If you remove the whole "dead man walking" theme you could make them specialized spirits of vengeance, who only appear in the most dire of circumstances. I remember some really cool looking Legion of the Damned in Ghostly white/green, don't remember where though.


Alternately a possibly special Chaplain (*cough* Counts-As-Lemartes *cough*) could be so inspiring that a few of the battle-brothers willingly give up their control of their rage to achieve a certain goal. Whether or not this is a permanent change is up to you. I prefer the Berserker idea over, "oh you have gone nuts, battle-brother. Let me paint your armor black and nice knowing you, tomorrow you will be dead - either by the enemy's hand or Astorath's. Good day to you"


Another idea came to my mind. Do something similar to the Blood Drinkers. To achieve greater control over the Flaw, marines are allowed indulgences from time to time i.e. membership in the DC. "Beast we are, lest beasts we become"


As far as I'm concerned do with your models what you like, if you have a story as to why the chapter did what they did, all the better. I don't think many people would object.

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So your army are black to represent stealth and the fact they attack from the shadows so dc being White is them saying 'here I am you can't miss me, but now your dead' haha I like it :) I know my description isn't the best bit I get the idea you're going for.
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So your army are black to represent stealth and the fact they attack from the shadows so dc being White is them saying 'here I am you can't miss me, but now your dead' haha I like it :cuss I know my description isn't the best bit I get the idea you're going for.


That's pretty much it right there! :ermm:


I've decided that my chapter is going to be coming from a feral world and will have some tribal roots going on. Think tribal space vampires who strike from the shadows and that's my chapter in a nut shell.


Here's a few of my ideas so far as how to model and paint em.


Assault squads will be chaos black with a red gore shoulder pad, and have blood red loin cloths.


Tactical squads will be black with red gore shoulders and have blood red robes with some brown fur around the helmets from shoulder to shoulder. Devestator's will be done up the same, and also power armored vet's. I've been trying to figure out some ways to give them a lil more flare on the armor so I've been looking into some ways on how to paint some simple tribal designs and maybe have some of that white scribbly text in some areas. Vet's of course will go all out with trophies and such to show how hardcore they are.


Death Co. will have skull white armor and keep all the BA death co. heraldry. This goes for any dedicated transports for them as well of course. I'd like to keep any attached chaplains armor the standard black cause it helps the unit as a whole stand out even more imo.


Sanguinary Guard will be done with the standard gold armor, but have any wing designs painted black instead of white.


I'm having a bit of trouble trying to come up with some clever ways of doing up my terminators. Maybe blood red loin cloths, furs or skins, and heavy tribal markings?


My chapter is gonna be very reliant on storm raven's and land speeders as far as vehicles go, but won't be bottle necked into them alone. Think + flyers, - tanks.




And since I'm here I wanted to see if you guys could review this army list I've been looking at. I'm trying to have a list that is as tactically flexible as possible at first cause well, I'm a war gamer on a budget so I gotta have something that I can take on all comers with at first. Any who, on to the list.




Reclusiarch - melta bombs, infernus pistol, jump pack

175 pts




Sanguinary Priests - 2 priests w/ no upgrades, 1 priest with jump pack

175 pts




Tactical Squad - Vet. w/ power weapon and melta bombs, 1 flamer, 1 missile launcher

190 pts


Tactical Squad - Vet. w/ power weapon and melta bombs, 1 flamer, 1 missile launcher

190 pts


Assault Squad - Vet. w/ thunder hammer, 2 melta guns

240 pts


Assault Squad - Vet. w/ thunder hammer, 2 melta guns

240 pts




Land Speeder - multi melta and heavy flamer

70 pts


Land Speeder - multi melta and heavy flamer

70 pts


Land Speeder - multi melta and heavy flamer

70 pts




Storm Raven - twin linked lascannon, multi melta, heavy armor

215 pts


Storm Raven - twin linked lascannon, multi melta, heavy armor

215 pts


TOTAL = 1850 pts


This list will play hard and fast, the way I like it. The reclusiarch will jump in with an assault squad, and the sanguinary priest with the jump pack will go with the other assault squad. Each tactical squad gets a sanguinary priest and will ride in the storm raven's.


What do ya guys think? Would this list be able to take on any and all comers with some level of competency?

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Assault squads will be chaos black with a red gore shoulder pad, and have blood red loin cloths.


Tactical squads will be black with red gore shoulders and have blood red robes with some brown fur around the helmets from shoulder to shoulder. Devestator's will be done up the same, and also power armored vet's. I've been trying to figure out some ways to give them a lil more flare on the armor so I've been looking into some ways on how to paint some simple tribal designs and maybe have some of that white scribbly text in some areas. Vet's of course will go all out with trophies and such to show how hardcore they are.

Am I understanding this right? RAS get one red shoulder pad and the rest get two? The RAS might look a bit out of place.

How about using runes or other symbols to represent squad and Company markings?


Death Co. will have skull white armor and keep all the BA death co. heraldry. This goes for any dedicated transports for them as well of course. I'd like to keep any attached chaplains armor the standard black cause it helps the unit as a whole stand out even more imo.
While this would look good in contrast, you may want to look at some of the Night Lords armies that have marines with a painted white skull on their helmets. This may look good too, especially if you use different helmet colors as base to represent to which type of unit the marine belonged before succumbing to the Black Rage. In that case, keep the rest of the armor black though.
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If someone has a fit, just declare them Angels Sanguine successors and that clears that up... they retain some of the traditions of their direct parent Chapter... (invariably someone will quote that, in the 'Eavy Metal section, all BA successors maintain the Black/Red DC and Gold Sanguinary Guard). Despite that, they are your Marines and it's not up to them, just make sure that they have a nice backstory. =)
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If someone has a fit, just declare them Angels Sanguine successors and that clears that up...


I'm not sure if that's how founding a chapter works...I may be wrong, but last time I checked the new successor chapters are created from the original Legion, so the new successor would be to the Blood Angels and not the Angels Sanguine.


Nevertheless..your marines, your background, your painting. ;)




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AFAIK the High Lords of Terra decree that a new chapter should be created. The mechanicum then uses the tithed geneseed it has stored to create the first marines of that chapter. The Geneseed can come from the original Legions as well as successor chapters, as both have to give tithes.
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AFAIK the High Lords of Terra decree that a new chapter should be created. The mechanicum then uses the tithed geneseed it has stored to create the first marines of that chapter. The Geneseed can come from the original Legions as well as successor chapters, as both have to give tithes.


Well, my knowledge on this is rather limited, but that's what I've heard about the process of founding a new chapter. Maybe somebody could clear that up eventually, it starts to interest me. YES, I'm talking to you out there, lurking in the shadows! ;)


Ah well, it's not that it changed anything...he can still do what he wants for his chapter. :lol:




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So your army are black to represent stealth and the fact they attack from the shadows so dc being White is them saying 'here I am you can't miss me, but now your dead' haha I like it :P I know my description isn't the best bit I get the idea you're going for.


That's pretty much it right there! :D


I've decided that my chapter is going to be coming from a feral world and will have some tribal roots going on. Think tribal space vampires who strike from the shadows and that's my chapter in a nut shell.


Here's a few of my ideas so far as how to model and paint em.


Assault squads will be chaos black with a red gore shoulder pad, and have blood red loin cloths.


Tactical squads will be black with red gore shoulders and have blood red robes with some brown fur around the helmets from shoulder to shoulder. Devestator's will be done up the same, and also power armored vet's. I've been trying to figure out some ways to give them a lil more flare on the armor so I've been looking into some ways on how to paint some simple tribal designs and maybe have some of that white scribbly text in some areas. Vet's of course will go all out with trophies and such to show how hardcore they are.


Death Co. will have skull white armor and keep all the BA death co. heraldry. This goes for any dedicated transports for them as well of course. I'd like to keep any attached chaplains armor the standard black cause it helps the unit as a whole stand out even more imo.


Sanguinary Guard will be done with the standard gold armor, but have any wing designs painted black instead of white.


I'm having a bit of trouble trying to come up with some clever ways of doing up my terminators. Maybe blood red loin cloths, furs or skins, and heavy tribal markings?


My chapter is gonna be very reliant on storm raven's and land speeders as far as vehicles go, but won't be bottle necked into them alone. Think + flyers, - tanks.




And since I'm here I wanted to see if you guys could review this army list I've been looking at. I'm trying to have a list that is as tactically flexible as possible at first cause well, I'm a war gamer on a budget so I gotta have something that I can take on all comers with at first. Any who, on to the list.




Reclusiarch - melta bombs, infernus pistol, jump pack

175 pts




Sanguinary Priests - 2 priests w/ no upgrades, 1 priest with jump pack

175 pts




Tactical Squad - Vet. w/ power weapon and melta bombs, 1 flamer, 1 missile launcher

190 pts


Tactical Squad - Vet. w/ power weapon and melta bombs, 1 flamer, 1 missile launcher

190 pts


Assault Squad - Vet. w/ thunder hammer, 2 melta guns

240 pts


Assault Squad - Vet. w/ thunder hammer, 2 melta guns

240 pts




Land Speeder - multi melta and heavy flamer

70 pts


Land Speeder - multi melta and heavy flamer

70 pts


Land Speeder - multi melta and heavy flamer

70 pts




Storm Raven - twin linked lascannon, multi melta, heavy armor

215 pts


Storm Raven - twin linked lascannon, multi melta, heavy armor

215 pts


TOTAL = 1850 pts


This list will play hard and fast, the way I like it. The reclusiarch will jump in with an assault squad, and the sanguinary priest with the jump pack will go with the other assault squad. Each tactical squad gets a sanguinary priest and will ride in the storm raven's.


What do ya guys think? Would this list be able to take on any and all comers with some level of competency?


Your SR's should be delivering hammer units such as dc or cc terminators not tac squads, tac squads are best for holding objectives and should be drop poded onto objectives or give them a rhino.


I also think your SG should have scab red armour and black wings!

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