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Honour guard


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Codex says that any HG can replace standard gear (boltgun, bolt pistol/chainsword) for storm bolter, melta, plasmaor a choice of various other weapons.

With this I was under the impression that the novitiate could use, in this case, a storm bolter as they are a HG.


So the Blood Champion is already an upgrade model.

Is the novitiate a free upgrade model or standard?


If he can't use the storm bolter can I put a bolt pistol on him?

Or does the reductor work as a bolt pistol? It shouldn't as it's reserved for mercy kills on fellow space marines.



The Novitiate is technically not a HG model, as he has his own statline and therefore the term "any HG may replace...blabla" does not refer to him(or the blood champion) but the normal Honour Guard models which are named like this.

That's the common consensus at least, and I tend to agree. Although a Novitiate looks awesome with Powersword and Infernus Pistol....;)


I think he already has a pistol, but I'm not sure of that. If that's true, then yes, you can put a pistol on him as he has one as standard wargear.




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I'll give him a plasma pistol. I have about 10 spare.


Thanks for the advice.


I'm sorry if my response was unclear, he is equipped with a bolt pistol, but he can't upgrade it in any way. The apothecaries are the blank guys in the squad, so to speak. Means no Plasma pistol either I'm afraid. :)


Glad to be of service.





Edith says:


Ah, you ninja'd my post. ;)

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Yeah I've been looking and the box of DA guys with the robes is really cheap in comparison to other boxes I was thinking of using plus they will look amazing (gold armour and crimson robes) but you can also actually get a DA sprue for 8 pound that has all the bits to make four or five full robed marines so I'm wondering if it's not just gonna be better to get that and then order some metal meltas too then just use the DC jump packs on them if I want them to fly (which is the whole point really, deep strike with Dante and mess up somomes plans of knocking my birds out of the sky)
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I had all parts lined up to make some plasma death HG, but now I think I'll scrap that and go with 4*flamer & 4*melta instead. All plasma is quite god anti MEQ and MC, but it also makes the unit worthless at CC. FL+MG has the same cost, better against multiwound T4 and armor, better against enemies in cover and them both being assault weapons lets you make use of any IC to help in CC.


A unit like that would be brutal with Dante leading them.

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I had all parts lined up to make some plasma death HG, but now I think I'll scrap that and go with 4*flamer & 4*melta instead. All plasma is quite god anti MEQ and MC, but it also makes the unit worthless at CC. FL+MG has the same cost, better against multiwound T4 and armor, better against enemies in cover and them both being assault weapons lets you make use of any IC to help in CC.


A unit like that would be brutal with Dante leading them.



Well I ordered 10 melta's today from the GW site, think I'll do four with melta's to accompany Dante to deepstrike and spoil some tanks day :(

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Well I ordered 10 melta's today from the GW site, think I'll do four with melta's to accompany Dante to deepstrike and spoil some tanks day ;)


Meltas and Flamers, that's the key. Not a real hammer unit but with Dante (no scatter, hit n run) it's a true scalpel.

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What about 2 dudes with meltas, 2 dudes with an infernus pistol and power weapon each. That way you can still pop tanks galore and do a bit of chopping while furious charging. Comes out at 245pts and its how I'm thinking I am going to do mine. If you have the spare points you could even add storm shields to the meltagun guys.
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What about 2 dudes with meltas, 2 dudes with an infernus pistol and power weapon each. That way you can still pop tanks galore and do a bit of chopping while furious charging. Comes out at 245pts and its how I'm thinking I am going to do mine. If you have the spare points you could even add storm shields to the meltagun guys.


Yeah that's a good idea too, I'll definitely think about doing that, thanks.

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Flamers would be good too especially for taking out my brothers nids, think I'll do another 4 with flamers too.


Meltas and flamers at the same time, 8 special weapons on 4 models in a 5 man squad. For each HG ('cept the sang noviate) replace boltpistol with melta, replace chainsword with flamer.

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Flamers would be good too especially for taking out my brothers nids, think I'll do another 4 with flamers too.


Meltas and flamers at the same time, 8 special weapons on 4 models in a 5 man squad. For each HG ('cept the sang noviate) replace boltpistol with melta, replace chainsword with flamer.


How does that work? Do you have any pictures? So I would have a melta in one hand and a flamer in the other?

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Flamers would be good too especially for taking out my brothers nids, think I'll do another 4 with flamers too.


Meltas and flamers at the same time, 8 special weapons on 4 models in a 5 man squad. For each HG ('cept the sang noviate) replace boltpistol with melta, replace chainsword with flamer.


How does that work? Do you have any pictures? So I would have a melta in one hand and a flamer in the other?


You just decide which (or how many) guns you want to fire each time. Against enemies in cover or hordes you spam 4 templates. MCs, Nobs, tanks and stuff like that you give them a face full of melta. I haven't done math yet but flamers are probably mathematically superior against 1 wound non FNP infantry like terminators.


I'm going to make flamer/melta combi weapons once I can unpack my stuff again. Just holding one big gun in each hand would look pretty silly. Having one of the weapons on your back HALO/Gears of wars style wouldn't look right either, specially not with jump packs.

Using slings from DC, scout or AoBR bolters might work, but I'll go with the scratch-built combi weapons.

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Yeah, melta/flamer combi sounds like all types of hell to make our foes soil their power armour/ flak/ whatever, haha.


You must show me a finished model of this amazing tool of destruction.. I gotta try and make me some too.

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