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grey knight grand master


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hey brothers,


just finished my new grey knight grand master for my revamped grey knight army.


ordered the mini online @ scibor. he's a wee bit bigger then normal models but he was to damn cool to pass up :lol: he can easely go trough life as a GK GM in terminatour armour.


i hope you guy's like it.


CC welcome as alway's. first time attempted some freehand also (not that bigg of a deal, but it took me long to paint some straight lines :P ). Needs a little patching up now that i see the photo's.







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Why do i feel like pulling his finger.



Looks good.




thanks for the advice guy's.


yeah the sword really did not turned out like i wanted so i think i'm going to give it some drybrushing and highlighting.


maybe some light grey for the cloak also to give it some more dept?


tnx again for the reply's. keep em comming :)

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