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BA Chaplain/Reclusiarch


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Ditto on the parchment looking awsome. What is that, Dheneb Stone with a Bleached Bone highlight and a Gryphonne Sepia wash? Because whatever it is, it looks great.


That's the method I'm doing but I haven't finished any of the scroll work yet, hope mine turns out this good.

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Ditto on the parchment looking awsome. What is that, Dheneb Stone with a Bleached Bone highlight and a Gryphonne Sepia wash? Because whatever it is, it looks great.


That's the method I'm doing but I haven't finished any of the scroll work yet, hope mine turns out this good.



Thanks everyone.


However the above described method is not what I used. I do my blending w/ oils paints, like the ones used on canvas surfaces, the effect was achieved using white, yellow, and brown.


First the parchment was painted w/ Vallejo brown, then let to dry.


Next came several thin coats w/ mixture of Windsor and Newton foundation white and brown.


Once a baseline color was achieved that I liked, I mixed a sepia color, then started applying thin horizontal lines to create the texture, then using varied shads of my sepia mix began blending the sepia color w/ the already present white/brown base, my brush dipped in OMS was sufficient to facilitate the blending.


Once I had the shading I liked I moved on to the other shading on the model, all of it was doing using oil paints.


Once it was all done I clear coated everything in a flat lacquer, then did the detail marks on the parchment using Vallejo Chocolate Brown. After all the detail was done it got a final coat of clear then all done.


The process sounds labor intensive, but once you get the hand of how to use oils it goes rather fast, that parchment was done in about 15min,minus dry time.



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I've never really heard or thought of using anything else other than citadel paints until I came on this site, it's opened my eyes I must say as far as paint and models is concerned, I would have never thought of using oil paints.
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