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Painting reinforcements to Baal


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I need some advice on what chapters I should paint. My idea for my army is that they are defending Baal against the nids and chaos (Kabbala or whatever his name is). The main part of the army is painted as BA 4th coy with some heavy support. But I'm planning on including a Flesh tearer RAS, and also an Ultramarine tactical squad (we scratched their back some years ago, and they are masters of battling Tyranids.)


BA are quite well-liked among the other chapters, but what chapter would actually come to BA's aid when they need it?


I was thinking of maybe some Ravenwing Attack bikes or speeders. Maybe some other chapter aswell? A grey Knight terminator squad wouldn't be surprising.

What are the other chapters known for? And would they send aid?


Attack bikes - Ravenwing or White scars

Landspeeders - Ravenwing






I'm still using the BA codex for everything of course.




Disclaimer: we don't really need help, but it's nice of you guys to show up! :D

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I really do not see Dante asking non BA successors to come help for one reason ALL OF THE DC that will be present there will be Masses of our Crazy brethren running about killing daemons and Nids alike and this would raise a few eyebrows since they are not really known of well our Dirty little secret.


PLUS I don't really see us needing the Help Seth is throwing his entire chapter into the fray so I would hazard a guess we will be putting our DC into stasis and dumping them somewhere to do their thing so that's 400ish Tearers plus X DC *X= a lot plus 8* and then there is likely to be the whole BA chapter so a 1000ish there plus DC then there are all other children of Sangy so a metric :D tonne of Marines I would guess it will be like back in the days of us fighting as a Legion But more awsome ;)

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I would just got for BA successor chapters.. If it's different colour schemes you want then lamanters have an awesome colour scheme as do all of the successor chapters, keep it in the family bro!! :)
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++A message from Michelangelis Maximilius, Chapter Master of the Knights of Blood, Sons of Sanguinius, wrongly named Renegade++


+++To Commander Dante, Lord of the Blood Angels, First Sons of the Angel+++


++++Most noble Cousin, the brink of invasion may be upon our homeworld, but know the Knights of Blood hurl their entire weight to break upon the tide++++


+++++By your blessings, we now number SEVEN KNIGHT COMPANIES+++++


++++++We will make orbit around Ammonai within 11 days hence this message++++++


+++++++We are at your command+++++++


++++++++We exist to bring our enemies low++++++++


+++++++++May we prove your trust worthy by our deeds+++++++++


++++++++++And regain our status amongst the Sons of the Angel++++++++++


+++++++++++BY YOUR LEAVE, MICHELANGELIS OUT+++++++++++


++++++++++++END TRANSMISSION++++++++++++

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I need some advice on what chapters I should paint. My idea for my army is that they are defending Baal against the nids and chaos (Kabbala or whatever his name is). The main part of the army is painted as BA 4th coy with some heavy support. But I'm planning on including a Flesh tearer RAS, and also an Ultramarine tactical squad (we scratched their back some years ago, and they are masters of battling Tyranids.)


BA are quite well-liked among the other chapters, but what chapter would actually come to BA's aid when they need it? WE DON'T NEED IT


I was thinking of maybe some Ravenwing Attack bikes or speeders. Maybe some other chapter aswell? A grey Knight terminator squad wouldn't be surprising.

What are the other chapters known for? And would they send aid? GREY KNIGHTS were most likely enroute before Dante knew of the Daemon invasion.


Attack bikes - Ravenwing or White scars

Landspeeders - Ravenwing





I'm still using the BA codex for everything of course. What else is there? ;)


Disclaimer: we don't really need help, but it's nice of you guys to show up! ;) There's more than enough Blood Angels and Successors to handle a measly Hive Fleet and Daemon Host!!!


I really do not see Dante asking non BA successors to come help for one reason ALL OF THE DC that will be present there will be Masses of our Crazy brethren running about killing daemons and Nids alike and this would raise a few eyebrows since they are not really known of well our Dirty little secret. Agreed, especially since FTs and KoBs don't play well with others! :(


PLUS I don't really see us needing the Help Seth is throwing his entire chapter into the fray so I would hazard a guess we will be putting our DC into stasis and dumping them somewhere to do their thing so that's 400ish Tearers plus X DC *X= a lot plus 8* and then there is likely to be the whole BA chapter so a 1000ish there plus DC then there are all other children of Sangy so a metric :cuss tonne of Marines I would guess it will be like back in the days of us fighting as a Legion But more awsome :P


I'd be curious if the Imperial Fists would aid us considering we fought by their side at the Emperor's palace. This was to defend the Emperor. Plus, yellow boy was green with envy when the Emperor's lone teardrop was actually a single RED blood drop!!!


Lysander to Dante: "You don't say? Hive Fleet Leviathan AND Ka'Bandha? Umm...er...uhhhh...I think we're taking our Strike Cruisers in for tune-ups that weekend. Sorry!" +++click+++


I would just got for BA successor chapters.. If it's different colour schemes you want then lamanters have an awesome colour scheme as do all of the successor chapters, keep it in the family bro!! ;) Unfortunately, according to fluff, Lamentors are too few in number. But I wouldn't turn them away when and if they show up. They make yellow look so much better than Imperial Fists!!! :D
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I wouldn't be surprised if all BA successor chapters didn't just paint their armor like the old BA legion armor for the defense of Baal (but keep their chapter icon).

The defense for Baal will be a strange homecoming, and I'm sure the chapters would be willing to display their pride in Sanguinius and their parent legion

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I love the idea. Combined arms forces have always had an appeal to me, so much so that I played BA with IG (Tallarn) allies back in 2nd (with some GK for "big" battles).


I would keep the "flavor" squads to a minimum though. Ultramarines Sternguard and an Imperial Fists Devastator Squad. Possibly a heavy support slot Imperial Fists Dread.


Best of luck with this diea. Make sure you show off some pics when you can.

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I love the idea. Combined arms forces have always had an appeal to me, so much so that I played BA with IG (Tallarn) allies back in 2nd (with some GK for "big" battles).


I would keep the "flavor" squads to a minimum though. Ultramarines Sternguard and an Imperial Fists Devastator Squad. Possibly a heavy support slot Imperial Fists Dread.


Best of luck with this diea. Make sure you show off some pics when you can.


An allied Dread might be a good idea, that'll make it 7 dreads ;) Making it it Imperial fists would also be good with me, if I were to play vanilla it would probably be fists.


But my next buy is attack bikes. I don't see them as very Blood Angely. What should I go with then?



I will paint the allies in their original colours, but also paint a small "honour badge", showing that they are under the command of Dante. Don't know how it'll look, but let's worry about that later. Or does anyone have any good ideas?

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Ravenwing for the Attack Bikes, for sure. The Scars would be appropriate as well, but Ravenwing fills the Rule of Cool for me.


Also, your "honour badge" idea sounds a lot like the old army badge concept. i.e. all of the Imperial forces that fought in the 2nd Armageddon War used the White roundel with the black lightning bolt. I agree that something along those lines would help tie the army together, visually.

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I wouldnt be surprised to find a few Lamenters bodies somewhere inside those Hive Ships... Given they weree sent on penitent crusade and walked smack into a Hive Fleet... There was no reason given for them not being there yet, but equally, ther is no proof that they even got the message - maybe the inquisition answering service isnt forwarding mail these days?
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I would build this army based on a couple of things with the option to include or exclude Death Company. By all means, paint as many squads from other non-BA successor chapters as you'd like. My suggestion would only be to NOT include them when you are using a Death Company. If you use a Death Company, reserve that list for ONLY Blood Angels and the other sons of Sanguinius. This would reflect the various actions on planets outside of the Baal system but within the sub-sector, or even engagements that simply aren't where the Death Company are operating.


I would think that any passing Chapter would probably lend a hand. Many would come to fight. A few would probably come to fight with the ulterior motive of possibly exposing the Blood Angels or their successors. If they have the ability to send delegations, you would likely get elements from many of the Legion legacies, especially the White Scars and Ultramarines. Tu'Shan and the Salamanders are high on honor and would likely help out, as would the Iron Hands and Raven Guard. Fists, Wolves and Dark Angels may contribute, but might be a bit more recalcitrant, although I believe that even Logan Grimnar deeply respects Dante and they probably have some debt to each other from somewhere, each being so damn old.


The Knights of Blood will probably not have ANYTHING to do with ANY of the other Chapters, fighting their own protracted war and probably sending situational reports and updates via obtuse methods or super-encrypted so as not to alert anyone besides the Blood Angels themselves of their presence.

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I wouldnt be surprised to find a few Lamenters bodies somewhere inside those Hive Ships... Given they weree sent on penitent crusade and walked smack into a Hive Fleet... There was no reason given for them not being there yet, but equally, ther is no proof that they even got the message - maybe the inquisition answering service isnt forwarding mail these days?


Something to point out is that the Lamenters are not considered traitors and one of their dreadnoughts currently serves with the Deathwatch. They, as well as the Scythes of the Emperor are also not considered wiped out, just nearly so. For all we know, they are too far away to respond or might even be en route with bad luck throwing them into a warp storm that then spits them out in some random plot of realspace on the edge of the Segmentum Pacificus, lol.

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I'm sure an obligatory smidgen of any nearby Chapters is all any of them would be able to spare without depleting their forces everywhere else in the Imperium. So, with that said, because of their vastness, I could see Ultramarines sending 2 or 3 Companies of Tyranid Veterans (Sternguards, Terminators, Troops); same with the Imperial Fists, but probably just a Company of Terminators and support to bolster defensive perimeters, break walls and bunkers; Salamanders should send at least a Company of Devastators; at least a Biker Company of White Scars; Deathwing and Ravenwing support from Dark Angels; if Dante sends out a communicae that Thousand Sons are dug in, then that'll get the Space Pups and Sisters there faster than a fat kid can eat a cupcake!!! :yes: I can't think of any other significant First Founding Loyalists, so that pretty much leaves BA and their Successor Chapters to mop up everything and leave the scraps to the visitors.


Sidebar: Since this is home for BA, can we just load our LRs on catapults or trebuchets and sling them onto the battlefield? :tu: :tu:

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got to say no to any thing that isnt ba or grey knights. cause theres no reason to think of non be succesors being there. if you want all the other chapters then you would be better with armegeddon or some such war. ba dont need no the help of the other emperors sons. plus isnt every other chapter supposed to be in a heavy war somewhere at the same time? isnt the fleet that was diverted into the ork sector heading back into ultramar. and theres one heading for terra. etc. grey knights i would say are an automaic due to there being deamons and so on. but yea because of the rage in general ba and succesors do have to be caeful. but this is bound to be worse because its a huge battle, but its also to protect the resting place of their primarch. id say well loose alot to the rage and thirst. therefore it would probably be bad to have outsiders there, or well to many. of course nids and deamons weaken each other so we should be able to win. but i say try to keep it ba succesors only and grey knights. if there is outsiders use them to set up defences on surrounding moons etc. but thats just me...

oh and lamentors may show up but they are fairly low on numbers. iirc after the babdab war the pentinant crusade they were sent on, well its supposed to last 100 years? and for that length of time they are not allowed to recruit? and they ran straight into a hive fleet? im sure if theres any left they will be there, if....

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Maybe the Angry Marines will come to our aid and bring this one:







But about the DC, is it really that bad if anyone else sees them? I mean, BA are known for their furiosity. Send the DC charging into whatever and the visiting chapters will be awed and maybe think it's a waste of good marines. Dante can explain that they volunteered to lead the charge so that their brothers would survive. I mean the DC is on many battlegrounds, didn't Tycho die on Armageddon?


Ravenwing is cool, but I fear that the black bikes will look like DC bikes. Imagine that, raging DC on bikes :tu:

White scars might be better, the pure white will surely stand out in the army.


Edit: took some time to write this, Jack Daniels make me write slowly ;) you guys managed to response before I finished.

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thing is the death company might attack our 'allies'. and yea thats part of the tycho consparicy. he should not have been where he died. he should hae been supported by brothers who would be watching over the squad to make sure they do go through some guardsmen. was just lucky in a way that they were attacked in a major weakness in the defences by a large group of nobs... that could easily have gne wrong and should not have happened... :tu:
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Let's ask Matt Ward what happens:


1) The Blood angels are nearly slaughtered

2) they call for help from the Grey Knights and Ultramarines

3) A Dreadknight holds K'banda's arms while Calgar punches him to death with his powerfists


4) The blood angels all paint thier armour blue in honour of the victory.

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Let's ask Matt Ward what happens:


1) The Blood angels are nearly slaughtered

2) they call for help from the Grey Knights and Ultramarines

3) A Dreadknight holds K'banda's arms while Calgar punches him to death with his powerfists


4) The blood angels all paint thier armour blue in honour of the victory.



we call all the other chapters up for 'help' we take care of the invasion on our own and charge $5 per marine who came and watched us kick ass, and then blow all that money on SoB strippers. sounds like a great way to end a hard day of deamon/nid ass whoopin

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I like that idea Lensoven. Maybe I shall build and paint a bunch of Ultramarines on a stand with giant foam fingers and signs.


Oh, what a show afterwards. Fire and babes when they come rollin' to the party!

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