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Painting reinforcements to Baal


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And Mephiston standing in the entrance, making sure everybody pays, and I mean everybody Mr. Calgar!


I can clearly see the diorama where the Mephy does his Transfixing Gaze thing at poor Calgar who has really REALLY hard time counting money with those mittens of his:D

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Just paint up some Necrons :D

I hate you. A thousand burning suns worth of rage could not define how much I hate you. Or Matt Ward for doing that to our Fluff.





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I am with the guys who don't think anyone but the Grey Knights would come, and even then in limited numbers. The Grey Knights are dealing with a mess all over the place. They would need to send at least one guy with the bones of Brother-Captain Solor (Grey Knights codex page 16, Matt Ward strikes again), but in all fairness they would probably send some heavy hitters with the best of Khorne's demons set loose upon the galaxy again. Heck, its likely there are already a bunch of Grey Knights enroute already, but with Chapter Masters being the only ones with the knowledge they are coming.


In terms of other Chapters, for the most part it is expected for a Chapter to hold their home world on their own as there are so very few threats that an entire chapter assembled cannot deal with. With the successors already coming most other Chapters would probably just assume they have it under control. Then you have the whole issue of pride. I mean, imagine the perceived strike against the Legion's honor if their is a threat the combined remnants cannot deal with? The last thing I would worry about is the Tower of Amareo. Sure, others in the Imperium have seen the Death Company in battle before, but according to new fluff they feed on one another thru some form of psychic (sp?) connection, gaining more power as more of them get within proximity to one another (hence why they gend rending and basically blood talons all around in apoc). If the Tower of Amareo gets breached some how, things could get real nasty real fast. And no matter how remote the posibillity, there is no way the Blood Angels and their Successors are going to want to chance anyone else being around if that happens.


This is just the way I feel though. With how many times the Blood Angels have fought beside other Legions, and taken command of Imperial forces by the unanimous consent of all present, there is a lot of good will out there for them. Even if they could not send significant forces, many Chapters who are not Blood Angel Succcessors would want to send at least a token force as a show of solidarity and friendship, or to respect old old debts and alliances. So if you want to include other Chapters you certainly have a good basis to do so. And let us not forget the rule of cool, its your army and if you think it is cool go for it. The Midwest battle bunker allows any Space Marine Chapter to field Storm Ravens because the minis are cool, so i don't see anyone having issues with you fielding Marines painted in different Chapter's markings as long as you only field them using a single codex.

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...Then you have the whole issue of pride. ...

That's why I will include some Ultramarines. We helped them, they have to help us, otherwise they would have no pride.


And I'm not sure that even the Chapter Masters are sure if the Grey Knights are coming or not. They are not known for their good PR. But I will paint some Termies like GK.

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we only helped them with clean up though...

ya because we didn't get the call in time, and even then do you really think that cleaning up after a splinter fleet would be all that easy? especially with your entire chapter decimated? i don't remember they gave numbers on how much of the ultras survived, but with out the help of the BA and other chapters that showed up, chances are the ultras wouldn't have gotten the infestation cleaned up in any reasonable amount of time, if ever.


but in the end, it's the fact that we showed up to help. calagar and his boy scouts would have a major loss of face if they didn't show up to help at all, even a single squad and some dreads would probably be deemed as too little, so i think they UM would send at least 30 brothers 10 of which would be from the 1st company.

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UM losses werent actually 'that' bad. 1st Co, and about 1 and a half battle companies (with a few odds and sods survivors). Even with losses in the space battle and before, they'd almost certainly still have 5-600 marines left functioning to do a clear-up operation. They'd have managed it, but it would have taken longer...


It is a darn long way form Ultramar to Baal though, even assuming they'd been asked along to the party. No invitation, no entry and all that.

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also maccarage is extreamly important to ultras and succesors, and also its the center of their section of space. the population is massive and would be a big boon to the nids. oh and ol roubout is still there in stasis(so his gean seed is in far better condidtion than sanguiniuses....) and whilst corrupted by the warp would likely be far more dangerous in the bellys of the nids.

compared to baal, where the most important thing is sanguiniuses corpse. without a dought. thats why all the ba are responding. theres not much for the nids to eat. not huge populations for the bezerkers of khorn to slaughter. just us defending our primarch. if ultras are there they can go to the outside of the starsystem and watch how you should defend your homeworld :thanks:

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...Then you have the whole issue of pride. ...

That's why I will include some Ultramarines. We helped them, they have to help us, otherwise they would have no pride.


And I'm not sure that even the Chapter Masters are sure if the Grey Knights are coming or not. They are not known for their good PR. But I will paint some Termies like GK.


Well, this is a kind of situation. I mean, yes Blood Angels sent troops when the Ultra Marines were in need, but if I remember correctly the Ultra Marines had a lot fewer forces sent to help them. Now granted you have a demon army as well, but there is some calaculating the Ultras would have to do in terms of if showing up. If the forces already arrayed have a greater chance of victory then they did when the Blood Angels arrived for them, then they would lose face if they showed up to repay their debt of honor. If the odds of success are less, then they would be able to gain honor and repay the debt. Things can for what ever reason never be simple when it comes to honor.

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also maccarage is extreamly important to ultras and succesors, and also its the center of their section of space. the population is massive and would be a big boon to the nids. oh and ol roubout is still there in stasis(so his gean seed is in far better condidtion than sanguiniuses....) and whilst corrupted by the warp would likely be far more dangerous in the bellys of the nids.

compared to baal, where the most important thing is sanguiniuses corpse. without a dought. thats why all the ba are responding. theres not much for the nids to eat. not huge populations for the bezerkers of khorn to slaughter. just us defending our primarch. if ultras are there they can go to the outside of the starsystem and watch how you should defend your homeworld :)


Ohh, good point, that came right as I was posting. Nids absorb and incorperate the genetic material of those they consume. The absorbtion of Space Mariine genetic material caused the creation of the tyrant guard, what could be created with the genetic structure of a primarch would be terrifying to behold.

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