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Night Lord's Dreadnought

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April Fools Bitches!!!! :(


I know, I lied, what can I say? ^^


So I know its not an actual Nemesis Dreadknight, but I do have pictures of a new dreadnought for you.


Allow me to introduce my new, revamped Night Lords dread.


Will some inspiration from 1000 heathens for the dread claw. THANKS BUDDY!


















I know there's still a few mold lines left and theres some parts that are really rough, but they'll be fixed soon enough. I havent even added the greenstuff left.


anywho, enjoy. :cuss

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Loken- tabard came from the plastic daemon prince and the chains are well.... chains from dirt cheap jewelry at a garage sale down the street.


Malika- I'd love to if I had a dreadnought arm for that side of the body, but I don't yet so that'll have to wait for the time being. I need to find someone with a spare right arm who will sell it to me cause I'm not buying another dread. I've got plenty. :huh:


Master of fact- here ya go http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...4217&st=375 but i like the 1s and 6s. they make my dreadnought even better at what he does >: (and that is charging head first at the enemy by himself and tearing them apart limb from limb)


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