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A strange Fluff question

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I've been reading the DA codex for a few weeks as a possible stop gap to get my wife's Chaos army running and to get a few games in. In spending time with the DA book I had a few ideas of adding a small squad of Fallen into my army. I know how well this forum looks upon an entire army of Fallen Dark Angels, but what about a squad level number? Would they gather in enough numbers just to form a squad rather then an army? Would the Word Bearers allow them to hang around if they were devout enough?


My Chaos army is Word Bearers and I was wondering how cool it would look to have a squad of Black PA marines hanging around probably built out of a Combat Squad and a DA vet kit. Would this be semi-fluffy? I know that the Fallen don't hang around in huge numbers but seeing a small squad or one or two might be cool. Any opinions or help?

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I dont think the old fluff told about larger gatherings of fallen [like warband sized] other then when when cypher was there. But to be honest I dont realy see the sense of adding another mono black painted unit . most people wouldnt even notice those are not BL dudes.
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The Fallen armour colour is Black though so they would end up looking like DA renegades.

Personally I would paint them in traditional fallen colours and then spruce them up with freehanded chaos stars/spikes/images in red.

That, and the robes would surely be enough to make them stand out from regular Black Legionaries.



Check out Widowmaker's Fallen for examples of what I'm rambling about.

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