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first of my mentors

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Sold my Scythes of the Emperor army today. I've gone back to my first chapter the mentor legion, I can remember the white dwarf article and discussing it in my maths class about 20 odd years ago. Here's the first of my elite cadre. Comments and advice requested please.





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Like the colour scheme and the pose.



To make your model look cleaner I would:

- Drill the holes out of the barrel

- make sure all the flash and lines are shaved off the model.

- thin the paint a bit more and you will get cleaner colours, also, citadel washes help make the colours blend together a lot better.


Cheers and keep up the good work!

Thanks folks, sorry about my rubbish photography skills, its a bit embarassing when o checked the photo and saw all that flah on the bolter. Thanks for the advice but the barrel is drilled out and I have used washes but I'll try wateridown the paints

I've gone for the original chapter badge as that's how I remember the mentors, bugger to paint though. My armies going to be really fluffy with loads of sternguard and fast attack options.


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