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Dreadknight Remodelling

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So I got my DreadKnight in the mail and seeing it in person made me really start to hate the whole pilot in a baby harness thing, I mean it looks like one of those crappy robots from Avatar, seriously The pilot looks like hes just hanging there doing nothing. So I figured that it would look way cooler if I mixed it with a dread so I trimmed down a dread sarcophagus and attached it to the Body, I think it looks pretty good but my only concern is how it flows with the model.



http://i56.tinypic.com/21kb18h.jpg yes I will fix the GS edges!



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Cool idea, digging the missile pods on the shoulders.


Add something armor, a box, something to the groin/hips area. Without the termie the hip joints look like a guy with a hammer could break off the leg, also cover, armor again the area that the termie legs go. I guess that I'm saying that the terminator is a structural member of the suit and if you remove/replace one piece your going to have to change all of them.


As for the sarcophagus, I think cutting it back so just the front is there. So no top. Looks like it sticks out a bit too much to me.

I just wanted the missles there because they look sick,they dont have any use game wise, I just wanted to fill the emptiness on the shoulders, it'll be a standard DK maybe a knight titan in apoc. One issue is the hips, what can I do to make the joint a bit stronger looking, I was thinking of putting pieces of plastic rod there so the joint doesnt look so thin but I'm not too sure how to do it.

looking good, even if i hate the whole dreadknight model. i think it doesn't look like the "usual" WH40k human technology and always reminds me of a battlemech...

nonetheless your version is ten times better, than GWs baby carrier, though i think a sarcophagus with a head would look even better.


looking forward to see it painted

Thanks guys, Im currently on the road for a trip so you wont see much until thursday ish.

@ wicced, thanks dude, I thought about a head but it just looked weird on the model tbh.

@Reyner, where on the hips would the pads go, I cant really see where to put them, the legs are prettty thick.

@ Lord Ragnarok, Thanks! :)


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