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Glaives Encarmine


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Long time ready, recent member and first time poster.

I was reading through the Blood Angels Codex I noticed that the Glaives the Sanguinary Guards have is Two-handed. What does that exactly mean that a weapon is two-handed?


I hope this questions isn't too noob'ish *blush*


Thanks in advance!





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^ this but to clarify, when a model charges it receives a +1 attack for the charge, plus and additional +1 if it has 2 close combat weapons, since the weapon is two-handed, it does not receive this additional plus one.


So the most attacks a Sanguinary Guard would have on the charge is 3. Base attack 2, +1 charge.



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^ this but to clarify, when a model charges it receives a +1 attack for the charge, plus and additional +1 if it has 2 close combat weapons, since the weapon is two-handed, it does not receive this additional plus one.


So the most attacks a Sanguinary Guard would have on the charge is 3. Base attack 2, +1 charge.




Or 5 attacks on the charge. Chapter Banner (+1A), and within range of Sanguinor (+1A)...

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Also, keep in mind that the Glaive Encarmine is a master-crafted weapon, which somewhat mitigates the loss of that 1 attack.





Even with the re-roll, the Glaive is still the weakest of the special close combat weapons, which is a shame, and I can't really see the point of that. The Glaive ought to be at least better than the ordinary power sword.

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Also, keep in mind that the Glaive Encarmine is a master-crafted weapon, which somewhat mitigates the loss of that 1 attack.





Even with the re-roll, the Glaive is still the weakest of the special close combat weapons, which is a shame, and I can't really see the point of that. The Glaive ought to be at least better than the ordinary power sword.




They should just have been Relic Blades rather than inventing an all-new weapon for no good reason.

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Also, keep in mind that the Glaive Encarmine is a master-crafted weapon, which somewhat mitigates the loss of that 1 attack.





Even with the re-roll, the Glaive is still the weakest of the special close combat weapons, which is a shame, and I can't really see the point of that. The Glaive ought to be at least better than the ordinary power sword.




They should just have been Relic Blades rather than inventing an all-new weapon for no good reason.



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Well, apart from the Techmarine.


At least the techmarine can reinforce cover or zip around with his jump pack fixing things. The servitors on the other hand... 45 points for a BS3 multimelta.


Death masks seem to be the only good reason to go with SG instead of VV or HG.

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Well, apart from the Techmarine.


At least the techmarine can reinforce cover or zip around with his jump pack fixing things. The servitors on the other hand... 45 points for a BS3 multimelta.


Death masks seem to be the only good reason to go with SG instead of VV or HG.


Well, I dunno how much fixing he will be doing with that 6+ roll as he no longer has a servo-harness xD


And I see plenty of reasons for taking SG over VV, or at least along with. They are after all 5 points cheaper with power weapons than V.V, have better dakka and saves and can actually drop with a priest or librarian (or both) without losing all of their nifty abilities. And they can has flag. (Last part was a joke).

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Well, I dunno how much fixing he will be doing with that 6+ roll as he no longer has a servo-harness xD


And I see plenty of reasons for taking SG over VV, or at least along with. They are after all 5 points cheaper with power weapons than V.V, have better dakka and saves and can actually drop with a priest or librarian (or both) without losing all of their nifty abilities. And they can has flag. (Last part was a joke).


It's actually 5+ now, doesn't matter if you have the servo arm or not. With the servo harness it's 4+.


You do get a nice deal on the artificer armor, but the high starting cost and low attacks make them a bit more "meh" than the very elite of the chapter ought to be.

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Even with the re-roll, the Glaive is still the weakest of the special close combat weapons, which is a shame, and I can't really see the point of that. The Glaive ought to be at least better than the ordinary power sword.

Nobody is disputing that Glaives aren't that great, and of course from a fluff point of view you would not expect them to be worse. I wouldn't ever take one over a Power Weapon or Lightning Claw, given the choice, but I'm okay with them in the hands of the Sanguinary Guard.

It's not like it's horrible to have five of them in a squad with two attacks per model and the option of gaining another by adding the Chapter Banner. I can live just fine without Relic Blades, which would also come with a heftier price tag.




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The Glaive ought to be at least better than the ordinary power sword.

Erm, it is... That master-crafted thing... You know, the one that everyone and their dog used to buy for characters in 3rd and 4th eds... Taken in isolation, a Glaive IS far better to a PW. Its only when you start looking at that singe bonus attack dice for 2 CCW's that there is any comparison.

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I guess that maybe the glaives were originally going to be better, probably 1h, but were found too good for the points. Why else would the Angelus Boltguns be wrist-mounted and the only other wargear options pistols? Wrist-mounted pistols at that. Then again, GK's don't have true grit no more.


The main thing which annoys me with the glaives is that the re-rolls have to be applied for each model's attacks. So no "ooooh I get five re-rolls", but more "blast, I have to keep track of who does what".

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Play 1 game with 2nd ed rules - then think yourself lucky this is about as complicated as it gets...


I miss the complexity, tactical depth and lack of a billion USRs. Doing some basic math and playing with fewer models at similar points levels was well worth it IMHO.

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IMO, i believe that two handed weapons will get a general rule for all two handed weapons. Something like +1 - 2 str or maybe an initiative boost. That way, all glaves, axes, relic blades, large choppas and various other recent weapons act the same. Otherwise, glaives indeed are the weakest close combat weapon.
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IMO, i believe that two handed weapons will get a general rule for all two handed weapons. Something like +1 - 2 str or maybe an initiative boost. That way, all glaves, axes, relic blades, large choppas and various other recent weapons act the same. Otherwise, glaives indeed are the weakest close combat weapon.

I agree with this, I have a feeling that when 6th rolls around their will be a rule change for how the mechanics of 2 handed weapons work. This not only effects BA but several other armies have units that exclusively tote 2H power weapons (Incubi, and certain GK squad builds off the top of my head).

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Yeah, but the codex just says that a glaive is a two-handed master-crafted power weapon. So if the rulebook changed two-handed weapons to get a +1S, it would apply.


It wouldn't apply to things that specify S, like relic blades attacking at S6 specifically.


I doubt it'll happen though, personally. Since you can attach a priest and have a squad full of S5 PW attacks (on the charge) and assault 2 ranged weapons, I think SG are pretty darn good as they are.

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I wouldn't ever take one over a Power Weapon or Lightning Claw, given the choice, but I'm okay with them in the hands of the Sanguinary Guard.

Correct me if I am wrong:

There is only 1 model outside of SG that can choose the GE and that is the VV Sergeant. If I give the VV Sergeant a SS, I would never give him a PW over a GE.

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IMO, i believe that two handed weapons will get a general rule for all two handed weapons. Something like +1 - 2 str or maybe an initiative boost.

Mark my words, this will not happen for the GE.


The point value for SG is right on target as it is. If they foolishly buff 2h weapons, you can bet your booties I will immediately jump into an SG army as they will be bar none the best bang for your buck unit in the BA codex.

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