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In Sanguis Fratri

Cpt. Salvatore

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Finally, I got myself to do this...


I am playing Blood Angels for somewhere around 5-6 years now, but after the 5th edition codex, my army has been through a huge changes, made by the codex and by myself rather improving in the painting (You do not want to see my first marines, seriously). And now I finally managed to start the finishing touches on the 2000 pts. army of my Angels (Wich will soon grow a little bit more again though...Work of the Just never ends.) and I decided I want to showoff with what I have done a little...


But, enough of me babbling, let's get to the pictures and stuff!


IN SANGUIS FRATRI, 3rd Strike force of the 2nd Company of the Blood Angels Chapter

Strike Force In Sanguis Fratri (Brothers in Blood) was created prior the third war of Armageddon, in wich it took part and made it's name. Aboard the Strike Cruiser "Scarlet Justice" they scour the galaxy in hunt for all what might threathen the mighty Imperium of Man. Their new leader, young but very skilled and promising librarian Michael Salvatore has led the force to many glorious victories over the past years. Their star is still rising amongst many other Blood Angels strike forces but as Captain Donatos Aphael, their Patron says "Their faith is strong, I have no fear for them." Motto of the Strike Force is "Memento Morri", the last words of Captain Leonard, first leader of the force.








Terminator Assault Squad Lucius accompanied by Sanguinary Priest, brother Santino

Brother Lucius is a veteran of many and one campaigns under the banner of the Blood Angels. With the sole exception of the Strike force's Dreadnoughts, he is the oldest marine present in the "In Sanguis Fratri". He is calm and precise, his motto and motto of his Squad is "Terminatori Fortificat" wich roughly translates as "Terminators will endure". He is very often consulted by brother Salvatore, the Leader of the Strike Force for tactical advice and it is his squad who leads the way when enemy fire is thick. Brother Santino is most often accompanying Lucius's Terminators because they are very often in the harshest fights and thus he is needed and also, when around them, it happens that all the other brothers are nearby too because it is the Lucius squad that usually creates a spearhead of the assault.








Land Raider Crusader "Leonard's Pride"

Brother Captain Leonard, former commander of the In Sanguis Fratri was a great leader and a virtuous marine. His death by the hands of the vile Eldar filth was a tragedy to both Chapter and the Strike Force. But, according to his last wish, his tomb was not built on Baal but instead, it was placed under a protective field on top of a repaired Land Raider the strike force managed to recover on their previous mission. The Land Raier was named "Leonard's Pride" and soon it started to act as a strongpoint in the lines of the In Sanguis Fratri. The tomb of the Captain Leonard on top of it fills nearby brothers with holy rage at the loss of their Leader, and the crew is pretty sure that it is the strong and indomitable spirit of the Captain himself who is helping them lead the grand machine and protects it from all harm.


Next up (probably next friday) is the strike force's Furioso and Baal Predator...

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Nice conversions, mate! ;) I like your freehands on the raider, and the sarcophagus is very original! :)


The painting looks good, but I think there are quite some brush strokes on the landraider...If you want to go with pure Blood Red, I'd advise a white foundation and a lot of thinned layers to get a smooth finish. ;)


Nice work overall. More pics would be nice indeed!



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love the models and most of your fluff. i have a huge problem with the whole tomb on a land raider thing. they would never permit that as the risk of losing the body (or desecration of the body) is too big.


Different strokes for different folks, right?


Anyways.. I would like to start off by saying: HOLY MOTHER OF THE EMPEROR. Those models look wholly amazing.(Get it? Holy? Wholly? Eh...)


But, I am curious about something: Is it the manner in which you are taking the photos upclose that makes the paint look... unrefined? I don't want to say clumpy, because that doesn't fit.. but they look strange to me.


Also: I love the Laurels on everything, makes me wish my greenstuffing was better. :D

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love the models and most of your fluff. i have a huge problem with the whole tomb on a land raider thing. they would never permit that as the risk of losing the body (or desecration of the body) is too big.


I agree with this from a fluff stand point, but rule of cool is in full force here. By the Emperor that LRC is awsome. I mean I've seen shrines and the like, but a tomb?

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First, thanks for the positive feedback, all of you. Now to some answers.


love the models and most of your fluff. i have a huge problem with the whole tomb on a land raider thing. they would never permit that as the risk of losing the body (or desecration of the body) is too big.


I thought that as well first BUT...It is a land raider. The tomb is made of the same material as the rest of the vehicle. so, it is an AV 14 Tomb...From a marine's wievpoint, I do not think they see the risk too high as in marines wievpoint, LRs are called "invincible" right? And if by some "incredible stroke of misfortune" the tomb gets damaged...I wouldn't want to be the gunner who fired the shot...


Also, about the Laurels, they are not green-stuffed, they are stolen from WFB empire knights box.


Also, the weathering and shading is going quicker than anticipated so next friday it might be even more than what I thought it will be...

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  • 2 weeks later...
My apologies for the long silence and for me not standing by my word and putting up those pics. But, I decided that my Dreadnought needs a COMPLETE (you heard me, stripped from all paint complete) remaking and then the damn school jumped into it. But, I am past the worst now and works on my Force started again so next weekend I hereby wov to add a big addition to this blog-thing, by the name of the Emperor and Sanguinius!
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Finally, I got to the new additions to showcase of my Strike Force. I almost didn't made it to fulfill my vow, clock is showing 23:22 and I am starting to write this up...Got so carried away in peeling off paint from old bits I am going to reuse on my new VV squad I forgot the time...Sheesh, such a stupid mistake almost cost me my honor... Anyway, now for the picture time...They are pretty badly lit, it's late here and I am pretty crappy photographer.






Predator Baal class, Belial

Baal is pretty new machine, one of the newest Baals in service of the Blood Angels Chapter. It is a fast and sturdy vehicle as all of it's nameskaes all over the Galaxy. What the vehicle lacks in years of service, it's crew makes up in ferocity and lust to prove that their machine is a worthy one.





Squad Angelis

Sergeant Angelis is a perfect Blood Angel Assault squad veteran leader. Hundreds of battles at his shield, he boasts a incredibly low amount of lost or injured brothers. He does not believe in fierce frontal assaults, no matter how they are popular amongst the younger marines, he believes in precise surgical strikes, much like the Vanguard Veterans of the chapter. Thanks to this approach to battle, his squad often ends up almost unharmed after a battle as their prey is often caught completely unaware and unprepared by the descent of Squad Angelis. Despite that, they never are behind other squads with the number of dead enemies. Sergeant Angelis himself had been already invited amongst the Venguard but he refuses the promotion every time, saying that it is not the Vanguards but the youngbloods in the common assault squads that needs someone with calm head at the point.





Squad Rafael

Where Angelis shows the tactical and perfectionist side of the Blood Angels psyche, Rafael is the fierce and brutal side. This young sergeant is always as close to enemy as he is able to. The Chaplain Ezekiel appointed to watch over the In Sanguis Fratri voiced concerns about Rafael few times already as the signs of Black Rage are becoming more and more visible on the young sergeant. His squad is as vicious as he is, every man trying to match his leaders fury in battle and they proved that the Emperor truly favours the bold many times already.






Librarian Michael Salvatore

In Sanguis Fratri were given as first complete leadership assignment to young Salvatore at the direct wish of the deceased Captain Leonard. To Leonard, this man was appointed as a counsel from the Librarius when the strike force was hunting a band of Eldar led by a Farseer on a jungle world of Kharadrim. Michael proved as an invaluable help to the captain and earned the stern veteran's respect and trust. And so when Rafael died, it was Michael who inherited the command of the force. Michael is relatively young for a leader, not having reached the status of Epistolary yet. But, he is experienced nonetheless as expected from a member of Blood Angels Librarius. He is calm and highly logical person, despite his Blood Angels blood. His men quickly got to trust him as well as his trusted advisors, Sergeant Lucius and Chaplain Ezekiel. He proved himself to them and to the chapter many times already. Only thing that gets his blood boiling every time are the Eldar. Michael hates their kind most of all alien filth thanks to him knowing far too well how dangerous can a psyker be, and it is his long standing goal to eradicate them everywhere these witches show their long faces.










The Winged

The Winged are the Honor Guard of the Librarian Michael Salvatore. They are the best of the best from the In Sanguis Fratri, most of them in service as long as their Commander, two of them, Vittorio and Alessio have been even drafted in the same year as Salvatore. They are silent, grim and menacing sight in their resplendent armours and the huge winged jump packs carrying them towards their enemies, bringing swift doom to all before them. Carrying a sacred Banner of Nessus, gifted to the Blood Angels by the Sisterhood Order of the red Archangel as a gift for their help at defending their stronghold against Ork Invaders, these men are not only protectors of the force commander, they are also one of the deadliest sight on the battlefiled and a beacon of hope and inspiration to all forces of the Imperium.


That's it for now, next week (If I manage what I well damn should!) I am going to introduce the Tactical Squad one or two dreadnoughts (but no promises here, I have a rather huge work for my school so we'll see how much of work I'll manage to finish.)

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