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Pondering a heretical kitbash.

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Hey all,

Im on the verge of finally starting my word bearers host and was pondering ways to make them stand out somewhat from other armies. A friend hti upon an excellent point- why not use grey knight bits?


It sounds mad i know but all the plastic kits are embossed with lovely engraved words and what not. As long as i file off any inquisitorial symbols it should look pretty good.

I'm initially thinking of just using the terminator kits to make my chosen terminators. That being said, if they look suitable, i may branch out into the power armoured models.


Any other sons of Lorgar have any thoughts on GK kitbashing for Word bearers?

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Definitly thought about it but am not really sure what kind of extras can be found in the Knigget boxes. Using the armour might be a possibility that could be interesting depending on the words etched in and the ease of removal of the inquisition stuff on the models.


But if you are using the power armoured models then consider not using the helmets at least, there is something wrong about them that I just cant put the finger on, sort of a childish, bulbous and non 40k feeling to them.


But at the end of the day be sure to bring pictures! I positively love looking at how others have done their Word Bearers.

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Ill be using basic chaos helms i think, or some chaos warrior ones ive got lying around.


I was inspecting the sprue the other week and the engravings are variants on "Purge" and "cleanse" so i think its quite fitting. Must be careful to avoid any imperial iconography.


EDIT: Get back on bugmans anyway Rik :P

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I was pondering this as well. I'm going to demon-ize a Dreadknight if it kills me. That thing would look so more badass with spikey bits and a proper kill banner, like a mini Titan.


ive heard folks throw around ideas about using it as an iron warriors daemon prince

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I am one of those people Witchhunter Krain! Its a tough mission though, but I think I am getting there now... kitbashing is done... working on greenstuff atm... Will hopefully have pictures up of it by tonight... and otherwise by tomorow night... depending on my progress....
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The purity seals from the Grey Knight Terminators are great to spruce up the religious feel of your models, also the Dreadknights purity seals are great for your rhinos/land raiders. Just ordered a bunch myself :)


The purity seals from the Grey Knight Terminators are great to spruce up the religious feel of your models, also the Dreadknights purity seals are great for your rhinos/land raiders. Just ordered a bunch myself :tu:

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The terminators are nice models but, like the PAGKs, a big part of their visual distinctiveness comes from their armour's brand-new, still-with-new-armour-smell-new aesthetic. Not only is everything unworn and showroom fresh, and every model wearing the latest issue luxury-model plate (compare: *one* mk-viii suit in a tac squad box, and it lacks the cable shielding), every model's suit is clearly complete/entire with no mismatched pieces or clunky retrofits.

Which is annoying, because the Chaos Marine look is created in part by suits which are cobbled-together assortments of different marks, cannibalized replacement pieces, improvized/missing components, personal customizations, and a generally well-broken-in character. I looked hard at the new GK stuff with my Word Bearers in mind, but I feel like by the time you filed/swapped/sculpted enough bits to add that "and then, 10 000 years of hard use" layer, you'd have next to none of the GK model's good points left.

For example:


There's something that'll just never look right as is, but be more trouble to fix than it's worth. To me, anyway.

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Well I see no reason why the Word Bearers could not have killed a few Grey Knights here and there, then maybe defile the GK armor with demonic spirits and murder or something. Give it to the most worthy of chaos marines to wear. It is not a guarantee that the Grey Knights will always be able to reclaim their fallen brother's armor.
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