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Captain = worst HQ?


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Twin claws attached to a unit with a chaplain or libby with unleash rage in addition to a priest will certainly be nasty. The Black Templar players make use of their marshals with twin claws and it can be quite effective. Granted the BT commander has rites of battle which is huge given their need to pass Ld tests to advance more quickly should they be on foot. The issue is that the BA captain still costs more than a librarian base and starts with only a basic close combat weapon and has no way of becoming a force multiplier. The librarian and chaplain both start with power weapons, the libby gets free powers, and the chaplain has the zeal thing. The straight combat approach of the captain plus squad just isn't as point efficient relative to the extra damage output of an attached squad benefiting from rerolling hits. So yes, as an HQ that doesn't start with a power weapon, the lack of various C:SM wargear options, and the fact that he doesn't offer the army any benefits whatsoever, I would say that the captain is the worst HQ we have.


If I were to look at the captain's one strength that no other marine HQ has outside of special characters it would be his higher weapon skill. This coupled with the priest's furious charge and the chaplain/libby's rerolling hits would make for a decent character killer. Five power weapon attacks on the charge at WS6 and I5 that reroll hits and wounds should prove effective against HQ's of other non power armor armies and the chaplains/librarians in power armor armies. Still, C:SM still beat us at this game due to the access to relic blades which will instantly kill IG and Eldar commanders and wound all others on 2+.


In closing, I offer you this arbitrary and completely unrelated blurb from the Space Hulk rulebook.


++ Recover the artefact and protect brother Calistarius. Regroup at the chapel++

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Hahah. I appreciate it. I'm making a Vampire themed army, and I guess I just need to figure out a way to model a dracula priest, or librarian.


With the priest i imagine you attach and HG. Is the thing to do, just kit it out with 4 Meltas? Or is there a good H2H build for the HG?


With a Librarian, should I bother with an HG, or just keep him out of combat?


Mephiston is HQ, but not independent character, so... can he take an HQ, if so, does it make any sense?


i appreciate youre time on this. I'm just starting out, and its been 8 years or so since i've played. Finally got my fledgling force rolling, built, painted, and adding.

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Mephiston can take an Honor guard, he just can't join it. That said, there's no saying that he can't stand behind them and benefit from a coversave from all that nasty plasma and melta that hates him so much. also, he'll get furious charge and fnp from the priest. They can also serve as a can opener so that Mephiston can gobble up all the tasty bits inside =3
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Yea, you can take one HG squad for every HQ unit, regardless of what they are (even if you're rocking Mephiston and The Sanguinor you can take 2 HG squads), and yea, captains really are kind of 'meh...'


Twin librarians are awesome (a little cheesy looking, but still awesome :D)

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The librarian has many uses. He can act as a shielder, shooter, buffer or slayer.

The reclusiarch has two jobs. Kill things and make the unit he is with kill more things. Put him with some DC and you have a wonderful unit! :D


I usually have a Furioso librarian with Shield, so my librarian on foot often becomes a shooter or slayer. Shooty libby can use blood boil to try to take out special weapons or fear to make the enemy run like little girls. I've never been happy with blood lance. Why, oh why did the wolves get a fixed range with their superpower and we got stuck with rolling 4d6?


The captain...well, I have a theory. Since Dante is getting a bit old, he has ordered all the captains to turn in their artificier armour, glaives and relic blades. After all, those young pups at an age of only a couple of hundred years shouldn't be outkilling the chapter master!


A honour guard is always a good idea. 4 plasma guns is fun. 4 melta guns is fun. 3/1 plasma/melta is also fun. I've never tried CC HG since we have so many good CC units in the list anyway.

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In my opinion the best captain build is twin lightning claws, jump pack. With furious charge from a nearby priest he can hit hard.


The problem is he isn't as good than a similar costed Reclusiarch or a cheaper Librarian. And its not too much more to start to get into special characters.

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Sometimes (when I feel like the opponent could use some help) I take a terminator TH&SS captain as my only HQ, probably one of the worst waste of points in the codex. :(


By some twist of fate this has always backfired and he performs incredible thanks to insane luck.

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