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Night lord biker army?


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Ok so i really like the A-D-B book souls hunter and the fluff that the night lords have not fallen to chaos and are more renegades looking for vengeance and are really angry with the imperium. This has inspired to to start a night lord army based around a company with no chaos' stuff just a pure renaged force.

Now this is possible (just about) in the csm dex to build this army, but to be honest its a pretty boring army without all the demonic stuff in it that cost more points and performs less well then if i randomly picked up almost ant other space marine dex. Also i want it to be fast attack heavy in particular to be biker heavy.


The dexs i am looking at are

Dark angels, i lke this dex because you can have loads of scoring bikes and the leader rides a jetbker which is very pre heresy also it means i can have more options with termy'y like in the csm dex.


Blood angels, i like this dex as assault troops can e taken as troops freeing up 3 slots for bikes and there is alot of fear powers ect which fits with the night lord fluff, also dante has hit and run which would work well with night lords.


Codex space marines i can take bikes as troops aswell as outflank with khan which represents night lord tactics aswell.


Any imput would be very helpful, at the moment i am leaning towards the dark angel dex.

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I think either Khan s/m's or DA would be good subs for NL's. I forget what Nehm uses for has NL's (BA's or Khan maybe ? I'm sure he will be along soon).

It's a shame that we can't make a good NL's army w the chaos dex, but we really can't.

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I think either Khan s/m's or DA would be good subs for NL's. I forget what Nehm uses for has NL's (BA's or Khan maybe ? I'm sure he will be along soon).

It's a shame that we can't make a good NL's army w the chaos dex, but we really can't.

I had a bit of a test play using a mates bikes and some of my space wolves using the chaos dex and it really was terrible. probably the worst chaos build possible lol

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i have been looking through the codices and DA are over priced and the assault marines are underpowered compared to the other dexs i have been looking at. so its betwean c;sm and BA. BA seems to be generally better except bikes are not scoring although the assault troops are.
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I think a counts-as Khan list would probably be the most effective and give the most options
Though I have never been a fan of Night Lords = Fast Attack - Personally I'd go with this.
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Depending on how many points you have...


Khan gives bikes as troops (if on a bike) and outflank (?) giving you wooo out of the shadows!


If you don't (read your gaming group... I don't know if you do events..) mind Forge World also consider Knight Captain Elam Courbray...


His chapter tactics make all flamers and heavy flamers twin-linked (consider that a bonus rather than a reason to take him) and makes all assault squads and vanguard squads scoring units (which is pretty cool for a faster army and he could be combined with a biker captain as well).


Any squad he joins that has jump packs gains the hit and run AND counter attack universal special rules.


Oh and if he takes a command squad they may have jump packs :) he has some other special rules and wargear but I don't see them as being positive or negative for night lords counts as...

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