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Happy days


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So today I got my BA codex, WHOOOOOO, haha

I also got 2 box's of RAS, 2 attack bikes and some cc terminators

So today has been a pretty good day for me so far :D I also got a tyranid codex as my brother collects nids and I wanna know what I'm up against (but it's really a present for him)


So yeah, my Monday has been pretty awesome so far, gonna put my bikes together soon I think!!


How is everyones day so far and what do you guys plan on doing BA-wise this week?

I'm gonna do my bikes I think as I need magnets before I can do my RAS and my meltas are in the post (ordered 10 metal meltas too for my HG project and my RAS)


Yeah this post is a bit random but just wanna see what my BA brethren are up to and what are your modeling plans for the week?

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How is everyones day so far..


Bank machine ate my card for no reason :(



That sucks bro, did you have plans for your card or rather *cash today?


I just realised the GK termies are out and I NEEEED them so I can make my termie sang priest and termie libbie, gonna make such badass models, I'll be posting a WIP on here and a WIP for my honour guard too (what does WIP even mean anyway? Haha)


EDIT: ok I'm guessing WIP means 'work in progress' right? Haha most of these abbreviations are rather self explanatory if you just stop and think for a second.

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(what does WIP even mean anyway? Haha)


WIP = Work In Progress


The week is a good one so far as I am:

i) off work for 4 days

ii) just found my 'lost' iPod which vanished a month ago, meaning I can listen to podcasts and good music whilst painting

iii) my order from Bits&Kits comes tomorrow to custom build my 2nd Stormraven similar to my original scratchbuilt one

iv) I'm off out to buy one box of Sang Guard or Death Co plus the new PA Grey Knights for Libby + Honour Guard later today


Plans for the week are finish my over due LPC vow (I nearly cheated and said it was finished but we are an honourable chapter) then start painting either my vehicles (2x Dreads, 1x 'Raven) or my RAS's. All good.


Oh, and finish off Crysis 2.

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Awesome.. I need to pick up GK termies and DA veterans for my HG and various other conversions, was gonna get them today but it was either the second attack bike and cc termies or GK termies and DA veterans so I decided to put my projects on the back burner for a couple of weeks and get stuck into my cc termies and attack bikes after I've finished my DC and DC dread! I ordered 10 meltas from GW too in antisipation of any GK's who wanna step to my 3rd company and get their faces melted in the name of Sanguinius.. Word, ha,ha.
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Thankfully I don't need it badly as I'm on leave from work for 2 weeks. Just needed some money. But I put it in, pressed Display Balance, and then the machine reset and went out of order!


Anyway, off work for 2 weeks, playing GTA4 and wishing I could get back into GW hobby! :(

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Why can't you get back in GW hobby?



Awesome, I like those FT shoulder pads. I was gonna order some BA ones today

But went for 2 packs of 5 meltas instead as they are what I need and WANT most!!


That just reminded me I need to check out these FW BA terminator pads

For when I'm doing my GK terminator conversions.

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Why can't you get back in GW hobby?


Being in the Royal Navy means I have no time to do anything. At least I have another 15 years of my contract left, then I can start again :D



Yeah, it's taken me from 2002 till now to pick it back up again as I was moving around so much it just wasn't viable, I lost my word bearers army and I've had to start all over again but decided to go back to BA, I was BA before I was seduced by chaos after facing a guy with 10 chaos terminators and a blood thirster (this was in 1992/94ish)

I didn't really know about chaos but when I learned you could summon daemons I was seduced, bloodthirster has like 8 attacks and probably the best stat line ever.. I don't know about now but nothing could beat my bloodthirster back then.

So yeah I decided it was too heartbreaking to start over with chaos so I went back to my first 40k love, blood angels and I must say I love them far more than I loved my word bearer army now.. Infact I really want to face a word bearer/khorne daemon player at some point as I can probably exploit his weaknesses very well but aside from that I'd just love to see how my new love would fair against my old love (kinda like old girlfriend fights new girlfriend, hahaha)

After all, Dante broke a bloodthirster in half, I wonder if he could do it on the table, the bloodthirster to me is still the hardest model in the game in CC.

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My BA FW Terminator shoulder pads and Landraider door upgrade should be waiting for me at home after work, hopefully along with my Deff Dread for my Ork army. Assuming those arrive safely it should take the sting out of the long day at work.


Probably going to reward myself with a Storm Raven later this week too (putting in a ton of overtime recently both at work and at home ((darned home renovations)) so I think I deserve a little something). So my week is looking up!

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My BA FW Terminator shoulder pads and Landraider door upgrade should be waiting for me at home after work, hopefully along with my Deff Dread for my Ork army. Assuming those arrive safely it should take the sting out of the long day at work.


Probably going to reward myself with a Storm Raven later this week too (putting in a ton of overtime recently both at work and at home ((darned home renovations)) so I think I deserve a little something). So my week is looking up!


Yeah bro, you deserve that SR ;)

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I'm actually going to do some painting tonight (once the baby is bed lol) haven't done any in ages! Also recieved my brothers, ahem, 'outfit' for his stag do today, can't reveal anything though as he passes through here every now and again. ;) Mwwhahahahahaha ;)
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i have about 100EUR spare money a month, i wanted to buy 2 Stormraven.

To bad, this morning was the annual account letter from my service provider (electricity, gas, water) in the letter box. 1140 EUR to pay, at 13.04.11 ...


no BA for a long time :)

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i have about 100EUR spare money a month, i wanted to buy 2 Stormraven.

To bad, this morning was the annual account letter from my service provider (electricity, gas, water) in the letter box. 1140 EUR to pay, at 13.04.11 ...


no BA for a long time :)



Ah that sucks bro.. Where do you live?

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I had a bit of "painters block" this weekend while trying to get some color on my raven so I started up a JP Librarian. He's about 50% done and I should be able to finish him up in the next couple of days. I also threw Dante and his Honor Guard in a purple power bath, I'll have to find time to give Dante a proper paint job real soon, I'm looking forward to that.


Hey 1Drop, you should get a DC box to mix in with all those RAS guys you have lined up. There is plenty of bling in that kit to share.

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I had a bit of "painters block" this weekend while trying to get some color on my raven so I started up a JP Librarian. He's about 50% done and I should be able to finish him up in the next couple of days. I also threw Dante and his Honor Guard in a purple power bath, I'll have to find time to give Dante a proper paint job real soon, I'm looking forward to that.


Hey 1Drop, you should get a DC box to mix in with all those RAS guys you have lined up. There is plenty of bling in that kit to share.



I have two boxes of DC bro :ph34r:

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I'm having trouble getting anything much done now as I'm completely out of Blood Red paint. I've been highlighting a few tac squad brothers but I'm almost out of Blazing Orange as well. :ph34r: So until that happens I'll probably content myself to finishing a chaplain or the detail work on the marines I already finished highlighting until I can get more paint. Of course, I haven't gotten anything done over the weekend, what with my girlfriend having stayed over since friday. :3
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I'm having trouble getting anything much done now as I'm completely out of Blood Red paint. I've been highlighting a few tac squad brothers but I'm almost out of Blazing Orange as well. :ph34r: So until that happens I'll probably content myself to finishing a chaplain or the detail work on the marines I already finished highlighting until I can get more paint. Of course, I haven't gotten anything done over the weekend, what with my girlfriend having stayed over since friday. :3


Yeah, my girlfriend has been in London all weekend for her bday so I've got alot of my DC done but sues back and demanding my attention tonight/tomorrow so I gotta go round there soon.. (gonna be thinking of attack bikes and painting yellow helmets on assault troops the whole time, hahaha)

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I lost my travelcard on the train into London, and when I arrived had to pay a £20 fine and rebuy the £16 ticket. A £50 trip to London


However I also bought some more Attack Bikes to bolster my Flesh Tearers tourney list to 1750

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I lost my travelcard on the train into London, and when I arrived had to pay a £20 fine and rebuy the £16 ticket. A £50 trip to London


However I also bought some more Attack Bikes to bolster my Flesh Tearers tourney list to 1750


Attack bikes.. Nice, I love attack bikes, much prefer them over landspeeders.

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i have about 100EUR spare money a month, i wanted to buy 2 Stormraven.

To bad, this morning was the annual account letter from my service provider (electricity, gas, water) in the letter box. 1140 EUR to pay, at 13.04.11 ...


no BA for a long time ;)


Wow, forgot how Expensive civilisation is. I pay about 20EUR a month for all gas, water, electricity and phone.

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