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And since the brass packs for veterans looked a bit bright, I tried a darker gold (right) compared to the original (left). Which looks better?


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This stuff is mixed... some of the paint looks nice and smooth (and thats important with the metallic blue you are using) and other bits look rough and a bit thick... Some bits of the painting look very nice while other bits look like you have put in less effort... not bad but very basic.


My painting isn't great so don't take this as me having a go but just trying to point out some thoughts... It looks like your abillity is greater than what your models show. My only gripe would be all the blood angels icons on the terminators... I turned some into Deathwing and cut off the blood drops and replaced some (like in the middle of the crux terminatus) with little broken swords... off the top of my head I can't say what the executioners chapter logo is but I think they would be improved if you had done some work to the space hulk models... right now they are blood angels models painted metallic blue rather than being executioner models... Also if you drilled out your bolters you might want to drill out the assault cannons because they stand out a lot now ;)

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i agree with Hellios. some of the painting looks a little unfinished or rushed (e.g. the cybot could use more highlights and the paint looks rough in some places)

and the blood angels iconography on the terminators should definitely be filed off.


criticism aside, i really like the choice of colours and i think it's gonna be a nice looking army... :tu:

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Hm.. well I don't know how the paint looks rough in the pictures, on the minis it is very smooth. After the basecoat I would thin some down to a glaze and go over it to smooth it. For the BA bits, I've just started pruning them off, except for a couple here and there I don't think I have the skill to greenstuff anything nice over them. I've decided to go with the darker gold for the veterans since it blends a bit better with the dark armor.
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