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Repositioning the GK Dreadknight

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I am looking forward to getting a couple of the new GK DKs but I am a big fan of converting and generally don't care for their static pose so I am going to get creative with these.

However I am concerned that people may complain and claim that I am breaking some rules as far as LOS goes, I know they are supposed to be "Monstrous Creatures" and thus suffer some drawbacks where cover and LOS is concerned.

So if I posed these new guys in such a way to reduce their height profile, strictly do to a new more dynamic pose, how might I expect people to react? How could I balance it out or compensate for any potential game related complaints that might come up?


As an example, below are some old metal Eldar WLs I made a few years ago. I have always been a fan of anime so I was attempting to emulate some kind of dynamic pose with these.



He was supposed to look like he was dodging to the side to avoid an incoming shot or swing.



He got mounted on a rock, he is supposed to look like he had leaped and just landed on a rock before leaping off again (think harlequins or ninjas) ;-)

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I wouldn't mind at all, nor would most folks I game with. Generally we also accept a quick like-for-like swap about as far as models are concerned - so an assault marine in a dynamic pose isn't at a disadvantage. So long as the pose is fairly sensible (ie a dreadknight crawling on its belly would be silly) I can't see a problem.


For my buck the dreadknight and pilot both need serious reposing to make the kit 'make sense', and lose the baby carrier-esque disassociation of pilot and control. Given your work on the WL's I reckon you'll pull something nice out of the hat.

If people complain you can tell them to bite you... However I don't think the dreadnight is as flexible as its Eldar counter-parts... If Eldar have Asian martial styles then I see a dreadknight being more restricted to poses suitable for someone in fullplate armour... and while it is possible to do a handstand in full plate armour moves and styles that might be practical when wearing some of the lighter and looser asian armour wouldn't be suitable for full plate... So while you could make the dreadknight a lot lower in the poses that would suit it best I do not see it being that much lower but just more dynamic with far more movement.
Why not take the measurement of how tall a 'normal' DreadKnight is (Think most GW stores have one now) and then model a large rock/antennae/etc on the model that's the same size as the normal pose? Then just say to anyone who complains that they can measure from the rock/thing.


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