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Slaanesh god of fighting?

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I have been thinking a lot about the sex drugs and rock and roll them of slaanesh, and I think it is pretty terrible. The other gods have so much deeper powers specifically in relation to war.


Nurgle = toughness, absence of all fear and emotion

khorne = Muscles, danger, fighting rage etc

Tzeentch = ummm.... sorcery I guess?


But Slaanesh doesn't really have any intrinsic combat related abilities. The have heightened perception portrayed by their boost in I, but what else? The seven deadly sins is a neat approach, I think a really good one for the god as a whole, but in relation to combat it is not a very valuable approach. I was thinking about lust, excess in relation to war and I think an interesting angle on this would be that followers of slaanesh have combat abilities related to the pleasure they get from killing, the adrenalin of combat. I think this is really similar to the actual fluff, but it disregards the parts of slaanesh that don't pertain to war ie. Tzeentch doesn't sit down in the middle of a battle to discuss politics, or form plans, they fight. I think for the same reason slaanesh shouldn't be bringing their rhino-harems or their guitars and boom-boxen along. The way I see it, while khorne is the god of 'killing' slaanesh is the god of 'fighting'.


This is also a great approach because you can make flavorful counts-as berzerkers who worship slaanesh for the joy of killing, and the adrenaline of combat, and then add them to your lash builds ;)

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I was thinking from more of a fluff perspective than a game play perspective, but those are all really good examples.


Remember slaanesh is perfection or the desire to be in said state, to forever reach beyong what you are or what you have to find better or become greater. Both Khorne and Slaanesh have some cross-over at martial pride and while warriors or khorne and warriors of slaanesh will go about combat in different ways you must remember that if they follow the path for long enough the warriors of slaanesh will become masters of their form of war and turn their combat style into a beautiful work of art (well from their perspective)... While some warriors of khorne are also great fighters they will often only care about landing the killing blow and they might not push themselves as far as those under the path of slaanesh.


Also remember those drugs? They can make you as strong as a berserker and as tough as a plague marine... they don't take all of them for fun!

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they use combat drugs a lot . that boost them above the super human level a chaos sm is . They are faster , stronger , with better view of the battlefield and just like the bile dudes they burn themselfs out very fast.
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Two "combat" themes of Slaanesh I've thought about are the replacement of fear with excitement and the element of perfection.


For the first one, imagine instead of being scared of going into battle, you're excited. More then excited even, you're passioniate, you can't wait to fight that huge scary monster, to see what it will do to you and you to it. Its one giant game for them. Far from feeling no pain, when you are injured it focuses you even more on the fight.


The perfection element is pretty well summed up by the old Lucius rules, where his WS would be dependant on what his opponent's was. The desire and pursuit of being the best, becoming perfectly in tune with whatever it is you are doing.


I often look to the Eldar, especially the Dark Eldar, for influences and food for thought and its only fitting as the Dark Eldar's lifestyle was what gave birth to Slaanesh in the first place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's a (paraphrased) quote from a Vampire: The Masquerade that sums up Slaanesh in regards to war perfectly: "Yeah, they're mostly weak little aesthetes, but god help you if one of them regards sword-fighting as an artform".

Slaanesh isn't simply about sex, drugs and rock and roll, it's about perfection. As Lucius shows, some Slaaneshi's desire to be perfect in swordfighting, or perhaps the galaxies best shot, or what-have-you, and if they do, then you do not want to fight them in their preferred style.

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There's a (paraphrased) quote from a Vampire: The Masquerade that sums up Slaanesh in regards to war perfectly: "Yeah, they're mostly weak little aesthetes, but god help you if one of them regards sword-fighting as an artform".

Slaanesh isn't simply about sex, drugs and rock and roll, it's about perfection. As Lucius shows, some Slaaneshi's desire to be perfect in swordfighting, or perhaps the galaxies best shot, or what-have-you, and if they do, then you do not want to fight them in their preferred style.

"You've won. Aren't you going to kill me?"


"What do you mean, 'No'?"

"No, that was a good fight. Exhilarating. I'm no musclebound Berserker, I'm not about to dispose of a worthy opponent just so I can collect another worthless skull. It's been a long time since I've had a proper rival - come find me again when you've practiced another fifty years. Ohhh I can hardly wait! Bye now!"

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There's a (paraphrased) quote from a Vampire: The Masquerade that sums up Slaanesh in regards to war perfectly: "Yeah, they're mostly weak little aesthetes, but god help you if one of them regards sword-fighting as an artform".

Slaanesh isn't simply about sex, drugs and rock and roll, it's about perfection. As Lucius shows, some Slaaneshi's desire to be perfect in swordfighting, or perhaps the galaxies best shot, or what-have-you, and if they do, then you do not want to fight them in their preferred style.

"You've won. Aren't you going to kill me?"


"What do you mean, 'No'?"

"No, that was a good fight. Exhilarating. I'm no musclebound Berserker, I'm not about to dispose of a worthy opponent just so I can collect another worthless skull. It's been a long time since I've had a proper rival - come find me again when you've practiced another fifty years. Ohhh I can hardly wait! Bye now!"


Lol, u got me there.


Slaneesh= fast, spiky, sense numbing, likes fighting dirty, has absolutely no life except for doing something they choose to do (eg swordfighting)

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i've used slaneesh alot in my new iron warriors themed army focusing on the perfection side of things


The perfect siege plan


The perfect siege machines


The perfect ammount of force


The perfect weaponry


the perfect fortifications


the perfect troops for the job


etc etc


Slaneesh touches us all more than we know :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
There's a (paraphrased) quote from a Vampire: The Masquerade that sums up Slaanesh in regards to war perfectly: "Yeah, they're mostly weak little aesthetes, but god help you if one of them regards sword-fighting as an artform".

From the Assamite book: "You can bet your heart's blood that if one of them considers swordsmanship an art form, he'll easily be worth any two of our warriors."


I don't usually venture into the dirty pits down here, but this was interesting enough for me to jump into ;)


This is something many people forget- thinking of Slaanesh simply as hedonism incarnate when its really about exceeding limitations, breaking barriers and, ultimately, perfection.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

there are fluff things to each god(well, maybe not khorne) that is not part of the in game play. Sure, there might be debauchery and depravity within certain sects of slanneshi cults, but that does not mean they are all like that. Fluff wise, my two slanneshi lords will try and kill each other on sight. Avarice, because she is sickened by what Serin does, and Serin, well, Serin has let us say... Disturbing tastes in fighting, food, and leisure(to him, they are all the same thing).


Both are masterful combatants in their own right. Avarice being a prideful, spiteful, and ultimately, fickle leader of her company, keeping a tight hold on those under her, each strictly inforcing her will upon themselves. Serin, on the other hand, being an aloof, drug abusive sorcerer whose simple commandments are the nightmares of those that fall prey to his company.


You can have the best(or worst) of both worlds with Slannesh, in game no less. You just have to figure out how you want your army to run.

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Interesting, never saw that "perfection" angle on Slannesh, though it makes sense. Then again, I haven't read any Chaos Fluff first hand (except some from the codex). To me he was always the god of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll...well, and pain. Lots of pain.


EDIT: forgot "drugs", stupid me

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What's wrong with sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll? I really like this aspect of Slaanesh [there's a 'Kiss' themed Slaanesh army I cba to look for that is amazing]. What disappoints me is that the attributes associated with Slaanesh, e.g. heightened senses, allure, martial perfection etc. etc. are expressed in game as +1 Initiative - lame...
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  • 1 month later...
What's wrong with sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll? I really like this aspect of Slaanesh [there's a 'Kiss' themed Slaanesh army I cba to look for that is amazing]. What disappoints me is that the attributes associated with Slaanesh, e.g. heightened senses, allure, martial perfection etc. etc. are expressed in game as +1 Initiative - lame...

You don't think that increased in initiative is a bonus?!? Against equivalent loyalists, you get to kill some of them and they don't hit back? What's not to like.


To OP, watch a bunch of blokes trying to dance whilst sober. Clumsy, self conscious, no rhythm. Now watch them dance whilst drunk, or even better watch them dance whilst in a sense of religious fervour, ecstsasy etc.


Slaanesh warriors dance with swords.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Remember that to a follower of Slaanesh, pain IS pleasure, both in the giving of pain and in the receiving. Sadistic, masochistic, drug crazed, and hedonistic all rolled into one package. :)
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All four Chaos Gods have intrinsic combat-related aspects to their natures. As you said, Nurgle's theme involves toughness, and by overcoming fear by embracing and accepting your human despair in the face of death. Khorne is quite obvious, being the god of pure fighting, and his flavor of combat focuses on strength and reveling in killing and triumph over your foes. Tzeentch isn't only sorcery, he involves hope and ambition for success and domination. Also, generals who utilize deceit and trickery to triumph over their enemies are utilizing one of Tzeentch's many aspects. Slaanesh is also combat related, but in their case they revel in an almost Eldar-like love for "artful" killing. Slaanesh despises what he sees as the crude and single-minded nature of Khorne's killing, and venerates the obsession of a warrior like Lucius who strives not only to be the best swordsman, but to make his method of killing "beautiful" in a twisted way. Slaanesh prefers the artful, showy, clean kills of Lucius, and not the practical brute force nature of Khârn's kills.
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As I quote:


"Although not a god of war, Slaanesh does indulge in conflict and violence on all scales - it is yet another pleasure to be sampled and perfected. For His servants, war is simply a fetish, part of the greater ritual of endless sensation and pleasure"



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There are a couple of ways I can reply to this one..


In Mass Effect, there was a quote from Ashley, about her sister being so good at martial arts she just 'flowed' around her enemy, striking only once but winning without a scratch. That's how I see Slannesh in combat.


But a lot of the Slannesh stuff is really just exploiting it's followers. The Emperors Children could be summarized with the word 'pride' and Slannesh exploited that by saying that they WERENT perfect, but that they COULD be if they followed. So they did, in an initially indirect way. The sex, drugs, and rock n roll stuff is mostly them celebrating afterwards. The thing is, they celebrate ALOT for what they do.


Slannesh's appeal is that it's inherently exploiting. No matter how good you are, no, you can be better. No matter how fast you are in a fight, you can be faster. No matter how attractive you are, you can look better.


All with a little help..

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