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Slaanesh god of fighting?

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Advantages for Slaanesh in battle that I can think of would be these things.


1. Fearless, their own death and the amazing ecstasy of excess and powerful emotion spewing from it makes it almost desirable, and something to be enjoyed.


2. Slaanesh warriors aim for perfection, landing a single killing blow and deftly dodging every enemy blow in return. Making them flowing and skillful combatants.


3. Combat stimulants, especially with Chaos Space Marines. In 40k there are apparently drugs that can give you instantaneous reflexes, the ability to perfectly manipulate your body, sharpen your senses, and speed up your brain to the point where you know every enemy location on the battlefield, and you can dodge bullets in something like slo-mo. Now these drugs would literally destroy a human body after a few uses, but given space marines enhanced physiology they not only don't degrade from these drugs, but truly thrive under the influence. Constantly tweaking to an extreme and reaping the benefits.


4. They're having oh so much fun watching people die.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with the combat drugs and pursuit of a perfect single style of combat - the worshipers of the Dark Prince should be twisted reflections of the Eldar since they gave rise to the newest Chaos God.


Something I've long thought about Slaaneshi warriors is that they're not out to just kill anyone and everyone (well, not all the time) but that they are also looking to fight and kill the very best foes, the most difficult, skilled and challenging opponents that can possibly be found anywhere.

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  • 3 months later...

Here's how i see the 4 chaos gods in terms of warmaking.


Slaanesh- Formal fighting prowess, technical mastery of combat in all forms.


Khorne- Rage, the thirst for blood letting that creates and ignites conflicts.


Tzeentch- Less formal combat skill, retains an edge from awareness of all possible outcomes during a battle (Try landing a telling blow on an opponent who saw where the sword landed two weeks ago)


Nurgle- Endurance. No frills, its all about wearing the enemy down. Nurgle always wins in the end anyway, everyone has to die.

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I'm going to throw in my horrifically crude, and brutal argument in here (much like the blood god himself!).


However. Something not many people realise is that the Chaos God's are not just one deity...They are thousands upon thousands of different aspects, each melding into a great power in the warp. The different names by which the God's are known, such as She who thirsts, Slaanesh, the Dark Prince and the Lord of Pleasure, are all different aspects of the same what GW claim is a single deity. Thankfully, this is what most of you are pointing out. And I applaud you for it. Depending on the individual, Slaanesh will appeal to differing people and astartes depending on their preference. Some may love to experience different states of consciousness, others may desire to heighten their own senses and abilities, some may love the arts.


This is equally true with the other Gods. However, the one I particularly like personally, is Khorne. Please don't think that he's just a blood-fueled merciless warlord. That is just a single aspect of him. He is Khaine, by another name, the god of Murder. He would also be the god of the hunt, or a god that Knights would pray too. In him, is martial pride. Not just the way Berzerkers are portrayed unfortunately...


Anyhow. Interesting thread. I'd like to see what people say about Tzeentch or Nurgle to be honest, never put much thought into them.

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I would say that Nurgle encompasses people's obsession with death: avoiding it, fear of it, embracing it etc etc. And the best way he manifests it is through diseases because he is the "Grim Reaper" as first portrayed in Medieval times as the relentless harbinger of the ending of life through the Black Plague and other diseases. Edgar Allen Poe showed him as the Red Death.


Tzeentch would be the embracing of life: the strive to accomplish all of one's goals before he dies. To leave a mark that no one will ever forget though it will fade in time much like the great Ozymandias.

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But other aspects?


Slaanesh may appear as a beautiful hand-maiden to some fanatical devotee, or the slaaneshi hero from Fantasy (don't know his name, sigismund I think?) to Lucius..Or even an absolutely revolting looking old man, smelly, buck toothed and crater faced...but rediculously charismatic, to a politician who desires the love of the masses.


Whereas Khârn may see Khorne as a bloodthirster marauder, a Dark angel might see him as a Knight. Or a Commissar might see him as a general.


Different appearances represent different aspects of the god's being. What other aspects could there be of Tzeentch and Nurgle, beyond hope, ambition, death and despair respectively.

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Slaanesh I would see as the fulfillment of Pride. The need to be something greater than you already are. Sigvald(that's the WHF character you were thinking about) wanted to become a Prince who was loved and adored by his people, rather than rejected. Lucius wanted to become a warrior peerless beyond words amd fulfills this by becoming those who prove they are stronger than him. The pleasure maiden wants to become more beautiful so as to better serve. The hedonist seeks only fulfill his own selfish desires, whether it be through drug or some other medium.


Khorne has similar aspect to this because some warrior follow him only to become stronger. Some follow him out of wrath. So if I had to categorize them similar to how I categorized Tzeentch and Nurgle, Khorne would be Pride mixed with Wrath while Slaanesh would be Pride mixed with Lust, Gluttony and Greed.

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I don't think I'm asking the right question:(


If Khorne and Slaanesh have those particular aspects.. What other aspects would Tzeentch and Nurgle take?


If we're to discuss this lets do it over private messages. I think we hi-jacked this topic a little bit. XD

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interesting thread..personally i like slaanesh the most (used to prefer nurgle but slaanesh is far more interesting)


problem is that GW (and most gamers?) tend to think that slaanesh is all about drugs and pleasure-with a tiny bit of pride thrown in perhaps.


Slaanesh has many different aspects-not only the pursuit of perfection in combat, or debauchery, or experiencing every sensation. There is also the aspect to do with charisma-wanting to be adored, wanting to be charismatic, wanting to be BETTER!


very interesting chaos god slaanesh is...hope my rambling made a tiny bit of sense! :D

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