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Did we win?


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Annoyingly I ssem to have misplaced my Blood Angels codex while sorting out all my gaming stuff, but while reading the new grey knights book, in the background it says that Dante teamed up with Draigo to defeat Ka'Bandha in 911.M41. Is this the big upcoming battle with him in our book, or is this something earlier?
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and BAs got mind wiped on order of GK and Dante said ok.


Yeah, not sure how I'm liking the whole mind wiping thing. Logan certainly would not have let them do that after Armageddon 1 not sure why Dante would allow that.

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the didnt mind wipe anyone. the inquisition does not have that authority. space marines answer only to the emperor. it is only if they become traitors or otherwise corrupted when the inquisition can do anything to a space marine.
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the didnt mind wipe anyone. the inquisition does not have that authority. space marines answer only to the emperor. it is only if they become traitors or otherwise corrupted when the inquisition can do anything to a space marine.


Unfortunately, Ward changed that with the new codex. Now everyone is mind-wiped upon meeting daemons. Hopefully, this is disregarded by all the other fluff makers.

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the didnt mind wipe anyone. the inquisition does not have that authority. space marines answer only to the emperor. it is only if they become traitors or otherwise corrupted when the inquisition can do anything to a space marine.

the inquisition can ask dante what ever they want to ask him, and if he said yes, then they can do it. (i haven't read the entry, but they say that dante said ok) this has nothing to do with authority or sovereignty. it was a simple "can we do this to your marines?" and a simple "sure, knock yourself out."

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Probably to avoid a conflict with the =][=, but I'm surprised they would do that with a founding chapter (respect), but allowing Silver Skulls/Exorcist a little more autonomy.


Also, Perhaps Dante would want to avoid more =][= sniffing into their business and finding more out about the flaw.

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Yeah, Ward does not seem to pay any attention to existing fluff when he makes his. Its like he has never seen the game, they just put him in a room with the minis and some artwork and said make a codex around this. I thought there were supposed to be people who monitored new publications for fluff contradiction, but that is obviously not so. I mean Swallows is convinced the 1,000 Sons were a space marine Chapter and not a Legion (among other things that would take too long to point out). There are contradictions in Deathwatch where the rules previously said no non-codex chapters like BA, Space Wolves, etc. But many writers put a boat load of BA in their Deathwatch novels. Lets not start on Ward, because we don't have that kind of time. So like I said before, when you run into conflicting fluff, go with the one that makes more sense to you (which is probably going to end up being the one you like most). Its not like GW is paying attention to it anyways. Like in this instance, how absolutely stupid would it be to force your best military units to relearn how to fight one of the most prolific enemies every single time they run into them? Seriously if they did, the Imperium would have collapsed LONG ago.


Edit: For the record, I would not argue against anyone on the wind wipe thing since it says Dante gave the go ahead. It shows the Inquisition's respect of the Sovereignty of the Chapters in that they asked and not demanded. It also shows respect in that Dante said go ahead. Everyone keeps their authority, Chapters still answer to no one but the Emperor, but everyone has the sense to do what is best for the Imperium so go team.

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Oh, that codex. Missed that part.


I really think Matt Ward is destroying the whole damn fluffiverse. He shouldn't be writing any more codexes IMO.

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Yeah, Ward does not seem to pay any attention to existing fluff when he makes his. Its like he has never seen the game, they just put him in a room with the minis and some artwork and said make a codex around this. I thought there were supposed to be people who monitored new publications for fluff contradiction, but that is obviously not so. I mean Swallows is convinced the 1,000 Sons were a space marine Chapter and not a Legion (among other things that would take too long to point out). There are contradictions in Deathwatch where the rules previously said no non-codex chapters like BA, Space Wolves, etc. But many writers put a boat load of BA in their Deathwatch novels. Lets not start on Ward, because we don't have that kind of time. So like I said before, when you run into conflicting fluff, go with the one that makes more sense to you (which is probably going to end up being the one you like most). Its not like GW is paying attention to it anyways. Like in this instance, how absolutely stupid would it be to force your best military units to relearn how to fight one of the most prolific enemies every single time they run into them? Seriously if they did, the Imperium would have collapsed LONG ago.


Edit: For the record, I would not argue against anyone on the wind wipe thing since it says Dante gave the go ahead. It shows the Inquisition's respect of the Sovereignty of the Chapters in that they asked and not demanded. It also shows respect in that Dante said go ahead. Everyone keeps their authority, Chapters still answer to no one but the Emperor, but everyone has the sense to do what is best for the Imperium so go team.

to be fair BL is independent of GW, so GW can't really monitor their stuff for stupid additions to fluff...we were just the unfortunate chapter that got the....'honor' of having swallow write our novels.... :D


as to the codexes there is no excuse there, unless GW wants to bring back the mind wiping of marines.

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I hear you there. Granted the only thing indicating that non codex Chapters could not join was a single Chapter Aproved rule set released in a White Dwarf in what 2002 or so? The Index Astartes article says nothing of the sort. And I seem to remember that it did not say that they could not join the Deathwatch, just that you cannot take Deathwatch as you already have enough cool stuff. I am pretty sure I have that WD laying around somewhere, I will have to look for it to double check. I know it was in chapter approved 2003, but I never had a chance to pick any of the Chapter Approved books up. I just have to settle for the Index Astartes.



Edit: Okay, I took a look and apparently my younger brother raided my White Dwarf stash for reading material while I was in the military. I am missing three from the time frame the Deathwatch would have appeared in the Chapter Approved column, and go figure one of the missing ones would have to be the one with the Deathwatch in it. I really should have pad locked my gaming stuff.

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I think the deathwatch article he's talking about reads

Deathwatch Space Marines are, of course, recruited from all different Chapters, including Space Wolves, Blood Angels, and the like. However, the discipline and training of such individuals are legendary among their own brethren. Thus, for the purposes of the article, we've covered only "Codex" Deathwatch. Other Chapters with their own Codexes get plenty of extras already!"

There are BA in the deathwatch, just we weren't supposed to take them in our armylists.

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I mean Swallows is convinced the 1,000 Sons were a space marine Chapter and not a Legion (among other things that would take too long to point out).


To be fair to him, the Thousand Sons were desparately retconned to explain their name after someone thought up the idea that the old Legions were much larger than the existing chapters.

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I mean Swallows is convinced the 1,000 Sons were a space marine Chapter and not a Legion (among other things that would take too long to point out).


To be fair to him, the Thousand Sons were desparately retconned to explain their name after someone thought up the idea that the old Legions were much larger than the existing chapters.


That happened way back in the RT era though.

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