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JP Torsos


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Right, so I'm diving into a RAS squad and starting the pruning, mixing w/ DC bits, etc. They'll be JP 90% of the time, but my plan is to magnetize so they can be switched to regular packs if needed later. So, assault torsos or standard? They'll look a bit out of place either way. I would have traditionally said use the assault torsos if they'll be mostly assault, but I think they'll look sillier on foot with the straps than they will in the air without. Also, the new DC models don't have straps and no one seems to have issues with that. To pile on, I always thought it a little odd that the JPs were held on by strap rather than magnetic clamp or something to the armor. If you can't guess, I'm leaning to regular torsos, but wanted to see if there is strong feeling here.


Any advice?

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Regular Torsos +1


Regular torsos and dc embellished torsos have become the norm for jumpers. Although I was thinking or making up a VV squad using the torsos with the straps, just to make them different and identifiable. I figure if you are going to try Heroic Intervention, you better strap in :)

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I like the ones with the straps. They bulk the model up nicely. To me, and this is just me, jumpers without something to hold the pack on look a tad off.
Whats holding the regular backpacks to the regular torsos? The same mechanism could prbably be used for the JPs as well. Didn't older armor marks have straps for all back packs?
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Didn't older armor marks have straps for all back packs?


No, just exposed cabling.


JP torso on any non metals with JP, anything else would feel weird. The downside of the JP torsos is that the bulky special weapons have to be reposed.

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I always figured the backpacks, either standard power or jump pack, were machined into place when the armour is put on. The straps on the jump pack may make it extra secure, but probably aren't really necessary. Look at all the pre-Heresy models with jump packs. Most of those don't have straps across their chests, like this guy.


Death Company probably don't care how secure their packs are, and the straps would probably get in their way, anyway.

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I only use the JP torsos for my assault Marines since it gives a nice uniform appearance. Either is fine but it might detract from the overall look on a character. If you're using the new jump packs that are provided with the Sanguinary Guard I don't think you need the straps.


G :(

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Dante has never worn straps! The new Lemartes does and I think actually looks better with the straps forming a big red saltire than the current DC with their heavily decorated breast plates.

Excellent points, both.

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I was just thinking about this exact issue myself.. Thanks guys, you already have it covered :lol:


So normal torsos it is, to hell or rather *the eye of terra with the straps.

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, to hell or rather *the eye of terra with the straps.


I think you meant "eye of terror"! ;)


Yeah that's what I ment, whoops, now I feel sheepish :(


Well the reason I don't wanna use the straps is I'll be magnetising the backpacks/jp's so I can use them

For DoA or razorspam so if they have the straps when they are either on foot or in an RB they will look silly but on the other hand when they have jp's on the straps would look good I think.


Guess I'll just have to do them without the straps.. Hmmm

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