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Mod Clash at Adepticon!


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Seahawk has done a good job with reports on the battles we played here.


My lists were:

in the 1500 game

Librarian, jump pack, infernus pistol, fear of the dark, unleash rage.

Sanguinary Priest, jump pack, lightning claw

10 Assault Marines, thunder hammer, 2 meltas

8 Assault Marines, Power fist, melta

5 Assault marines, power weapon, melta, Las Raz

2 attack bikes, multimeltas

2 attack bikes, multimeltas

Vindicator with Dozer Blade

Vindicator with Dozer Blade

6 Devs, 3 Missile Launchers, 1 Lascannon


In the 1850 I had:

Astorath the Grim

Librarian, jump pack, infernus pistol, fear of the dark, unleash rage.

Sanguinary Priest, jump pack, lightning claw

Sanguinary Priest, jump pack, power sword

10 Assault Marines, thunder hammer, 2 meltas

10 Assault Marines, thunder hammer, 2 meltas

10 Assault Marines, Power Fist, 2 meltas

7 Devs, 3 Missile Launchers, 1 Lascannon

7 Devs, 3 Missile Launchers, 1 Lascannon

3 attack bikes, 2 multimeltas

2 attack bikes, multimeltas

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That was a cool game to see (the little i did) The updates were interesting none-the-less!


I was busy battling Koyote and his awesome models at the time, but it was cool to have so many people around from the forum - Koyote, Seahawk, JamesI, Number6, OwlandMoonguy, Gaganius, SteelArmadilo, Mordekiem etc etc.

A great weekend!

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Just for clarity I suppose, my lists were:


1500 list (Well, 1465 anyway :wub:)

Captain Sicarius

Dreadnought - plasma cannon, heavy flamer

8 Sternguard - plasma pistol, power axe


10 Legion of the Damned - flamer, multi-melta, plasma pistol, power axe

10 Tactical - meltagun, missile launcher, plasma pistol, power sword


10 Tactical - meltagun, combi-melta, power fist



1850 list (1835 actually)

Captain - terminator armor, lightning claws


6 Assault Terminators

Land Raider Crusader - multi-melta, storm bolter

5 Scouts

10 Tactical - meltagun, lascannon, plasma pistol, power sword


10 Tactical - plasma gun, lascannon, combi-plasma, power fist

10 Devastators - 2 plasma cannons, 2 heavy bolters

Land Raider - multi-melta


Rats! I could've afforded that power sword I was dreadfully missing that game. Ah well :whoops:.

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That was a cool game to see (the little i did) The updates were interesting none-the-less!


I was busy battling Koyote and his awesome models at the time, but it was cool to have so many people around from the forum - Koyote, Seahawk, JamesI, Number6, OwlandMoonguy, Gaganius, SteelArmadilo, Mordekiem etc etc.

A great weekend!


It was nice to finally meet you James ! Great to see Mort and Koyote again too !


G ;)


Yeah, it was great to meet everyone at Adepticon. Other than locals or players who had passed through Albany, I had never met fellow B+Cers before Adepticon.



During red thirst rolls in game 2, I only had 1 Attack bike unit fall to the thirst (despite 7 units and a 50% fall rate). Morticon playing on the table behind us gave me the advice of "Roll Better!"

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I have small armies and the units rarely go Red Thirst. Oh well. That is funny it was a bike squad. That is just about as bad as sergeant in a Dev squad receiving Sanguinor's blessing. :D


G :tu:

In my first game against Seahawk I had nothing fall to the Thirst (if I recall correctly). In the second just 1 (even with Astorath!)


In the team tournament, my first game (against Ultras/Deathwing) I had 3 out of 4 fall. In the rest of the team tournament not a single unit fell.


Damned Retail Management kept me from meeting some BA Mods and an Ultra Mod to boot! I AM SO THERE NEXT YEAR - NO DOUBT!!!

There were 5 mods there (OMG, Morticon, Number6, Seahawk and me).


I doubt I will make it back next year due to finances.

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