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Scratchbuilt Legality

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I've had a look around for answers on this and excuse me if my search-fu is pretty weak, but there seems to be a different answer everywhere I look. I'd much rather take the advice of the people of the B&C than anywhere else, so I'm tryin here to see what answers I get.


What exactly is the official GW tournament legality of scratchbuilt components, or indeed entire models? Does the model still have to be over 50% GW material if the remainder is plasticard and green/white stuff? Can something have a large scratchbuilt component like the wings im planning on my Nurgle DP? Can it even be entirely scratchbuilt, like a sculpted model or plasticard vehicle? I've read on the GW site that scratchbuilt models are legal for things for which GW does not currently produce models, but what about things that they do produce? Where would they stand on something like a Slaaneshi DP that uses a GW torso, arms and head, but features a snake body making up over half the model which is scratchbuilt, even though they make a DP model?

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This is a fabulous question. I should hope GW wouldn't look down on the artistry and hobby-ing joy inherent in scratchbuilding and/or extensive conversions. I've heard that as a general rule, they tend to tolerate things that look recognizably GW-esque. But we may need to get a real tourney buff in here to weigh-in with the definitive answer...

As usual, it boils down to where you plan on playing the model.


If its friendly games, do as you please :)


Independent tournaments, check with the organizers beforehand, but usually if its a decent conversion (aka not a lump of clay or modelled to advantage ), they'll let you use it.


Official GW tournament and events (do people still go to these things?), as said above, I'd says its more important that it looks GW than what specific % you do yourself. But yes, +50% is the thumb rule.


Also, to keep it safe, in a GW enviroment I wouldn't use easy to pick up bits from other model makers (scibor and so on) and go the GS way.


Hope it helps... and that you post a pic :)

What is this "GW tournament" you speak of?


Could it be that other countries don't have independent tourneys where the games are played but GW don't lay out the by-laws?

Generally in a non-GW event, the main rule would have to be "Don't be a dick". We tend to have more laid back events though (but there are still events for those who see painting as an unnecessary trifling).


If you have to ask questions about it, perhaps you shouldn't use it.

If you do have to ask, and get rejected, don't act surprised.

I guess it depends. If your playing tournaments all the time, ask whoever runs them. If your playing normal games, 90% of the time the other person will be cool with it. I let one guy play a collection of wooden dowels as a juggernaut. In his whole army he only had like 6 models actually what they were supposed to be. The only proxies I use are two Basilisks in place of Vindicators. I hate the models for the Vindicators so much.
Does the model still have to be over 50% GW material if the remainder is plasticard and green/white stuff?


I believe the ratio is 75% GW material. Of course one could argue Greenstuff could be classified as GW material.


On this vein one of my armies was banned from a GW because the ratio of parts to models was unnacceptable. I had used entirely GW product, Sprue and plastic card. So You never know entirely.

There are so many ways to interpret 75% or 50% games workshop material...


Are the really stating surface area, or mass?



In general as long as you follow these rules you should be alright:

1) As long as it looks like GW products, and there is a GW/citadel fig at the heart of the design

2) You don't gain unfair advantage from modeling it differently

3) You spend nearly as much on it as it would require you to spend on the actual non-converted model

4) It looks bad ass

If it was a sprue-necron army (using GW sprues, GW plastic cement and GW bases) no wonder :)


It was an Ork Big Mek army. my Walkers were all based off of GW paint pots with extra bits and Plastic card armour. Limbs were combination of sprue d plastic tubing.

It was an Ork Big Mek army. my Walkers were all based off of GW paint pots with extra bits and Plastic card armour. Limbs were combination of sprue d plastic tubing.


Hey mate, have you got pics?


I don't really care for determining whether they'd be legit or not .. I just think they sound cool and want see them!

It was an Ork Big Mek army. my Walkers were all based off of GW paint pots with extra bits and Plastic card armour. Limbs were combination of sprue d plastic tubing.


Hey mate, have you got pics?


I don't really care for determining whether they'd be legit or not .. I just think they sound cool and want see them!


I do and if anyone would like to see them they just have to PM Me since they arent board appropriate. :P


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