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3rd Company Squad Numbers and Army badges

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Hi everyone,


I'm looking for a bit of input on squad markings and such for my continuing BA project which is a 3rd Company force (with a few extras) based around Tycho and lots of fast vehicles.


What I need for it is a bit of clarification on squad markings and any army badges, banners, honour markings etc for the marines from the 2nd Battle for Armageddon up until the 3rd.


I know from the codex that the company make up is 6 tactical, 2 assault, 2 devastators but the squad badges (the ones that go on the knees) in the colour section of the codex aren't all clear on what's what (I'm assuming squad badges 5 and 6 are for the two assault squads). Is there any links or information on the rest?


Also were there any army badges or squad markings that were added purely for this campaign era?


I know they aren't needed for gaming but I'd like the force to be as fluffy as possible.


Any help on this, or anything else that may be worth knowing about the campaign would be appreciated.

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Battle company markings follow the pattern we see in the BA codex combined with the typical Codex Astartes battle company organization.


3rd Company Badge: Single White/Silver blood drop


1st squad elite, white skull, black field

2nd squad elite, white skull, blue field

3rd squad tactical, red blood drop, yellow field

4th squad tactical, red blood drop, black field

5th squad tactical, white “x,” black field

6th squad tactical, white “x,” blue field

7th squad assault, yellow lightning bolt, black field

8th squad assault, black lightning bolt, yellow field

9th squad devastator, yellow wing, black field

10th squad devastator, black wing, yellow field


I remember that Brother Jazzman had an excellent document on the subject here on the B&C though I don’t have the link offhand.


Also, you might want to check out Koyote’s Armageddon army. Like yourself, he wanted to ensure that the markings were consistent with all the 3rd company and related Armageddon fluff.


Cheers, -OMG

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Back in 2nd edition the Army Badge used by the studio for all the 2nd war era Blood Angels was a black lightning bolt in a white circle. I can't remember if it was ever specified that it was the Armageddon war army badge, but I half remember that it was somewhere (maybe the non-model based battle for Armageddon board game?).
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I've decided to represent the 4th company as the I like thre green blood drop on the shoulder pad and the name 'knights of Baal' is awesome plus I haven't came across anyone else representing the 4th and I want to be original!

Only thing is I haven't read any fluff on the 4th, there doesn't appear to be anything in the BA dex ;)

If anyone reading this can point me towards some BA 4th company fluff that would be amazing.

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I've decided to represent the 4th company as the I like thre green blood drop on the shoulder pad and the name 'knights of Baal' is awesome plus I haven't came across anyone else representing the 4th and I want to be original!

Only thing is I haven't read any fluff on the 4th, there doesn't appear to be anything in the BA dex ;)

If anyone reading this can point me towards some BA 4th company fluff that would be amazing.

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Anyone can feel free to correct me but here’s my understanding of a Space Marine “army” in the 40K context.


An “Army” in 40K terms is a group of various military units that may come for a very wide range of different military organizations. The term is very generic as it can apply to corsairs, kabals and warbands as easily as more formal military organizations.


By my read, it’s rare for an SM Chapter to deploy more than a single battle company to a single engagement. But, that Company is not deployed by itself, it will come along with some “Elite” support form First Company, mechanized support from the Armory (+Techmarines) perhaps even some additional officers from the HQ organization; e.g. like Librarians and/or Chaplains AND reserve units derived from the various reserve companies.


Remember that a reserve organization is there to respond to changing situations on the battlefield; for example, responding to sustained losses. As a formation suffers casualties, the reserves are there to fill the gaps and thereby maintain the line.


So when modeling your army based on a given company it’s also appropriate to include units from the reserve companies as well. Say you wanted to take more than two Assault squads. The battle company formation only has two squads of 20 total marines incorporating two veteran sergeants. A third or forth squad may then come from reserves.


Like this guy for example:




Though somewhat hard to see, he has the knee pad signifying that he’s from 8th squad assault but I also gave him two green blood drops on his right shoulder pad, so he’s from VIII company reserves. I call my 8th Company the “13th” Company as a reference to Julius Caesar but that’s me.


So I said all that to say that you can mix things up a bit more to add a higher level of detail to your army, as you like it.


Cheers, -OMG

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Cheers OMG. I will be adding in some other elements to the army. Its the only way to get the other support units such as the rhino chassis, land raiders, dreads and such.


With this in mind I was wondering also if there was an Armagedon campaign badge or markings? Or even campaign banners and such?

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