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blood angel home made rules

shan vener

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hey guys i have a question to ask all of you, can you think of any special rules for the blood angels that you have wanted made or fixed. the reason for me asking is that my friends (nids, world eaters, and raven guard) and i have all agreed to the creating of army special rules and this is the only place i know of that i can go for inspiration for said rules.


heres an example of a rule for the nid player

when in combat against a vehicle with a unit of ravenors you may sacrifice one ravenor to burrow inside the tank and cause a penetrating hit on said tank.


so can you guys think of any fun rules or rules that should be fixed.

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Chaplain prevents the rage part of the black rage?


combine sanguinor, dante and mephiston, make the model cost 350 points and call it Sanguinius (mephsitons statline, Sanguinors specialrules and inv save, dantes gear + special rules like troop sanguinary guard, hit and run, deathmask, dosn't scatter during deepstrike) and maybe add something like heroic intervention(vanguard vets)


dantes unit can choose between not scattering or heroic intervention.


Tycho gives the entire army prefered enemy orks since his company fought alot of orks.


Combine sanguinary guard and vanguard vets (assault after deepstrike) and make em cost 50 points without any aditional gear


units with jump packs deepstriking out of a storm raven won't mishap if they land on a enemy unit, they'll get engaged in an assault instead(whole unit taking dangerous terrain tests first though)


The red thirst is rolled for before every charge instead of just at the begining of the game (will only last for that assault)


Blood angels gain tokens for every killed unit in melée just like dark eldar gains power through pain tokens: feel no pain--->Furious charge--->Fearless--->(the black) rage


Deathcompany ain't worth killpoints


Storm ravens/thunderhawks gets to reroll their reserve dice like decent of angel since they are blood angel-y


that's about it

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A ravenor burrowing through a tank... yeah I don't buy that one.


I don't know about us needing much more in that department though I can think of one that may be humorous for the Blood Drinkers.


*After a Blood Drinker's squad has won an assault the warriors of the squad rip off their helmets in a frenzy and begin to literally drink the blood form the corpses of the fallen, friend and foe. As a result the squad is treated as having rolled a 1 for determining if the squad succumbed to The Red Thirst.


*Melta sweep: A melta gunner may opt to instead fire their multi-melta as a less powerful and greatly increased cone of heat. The multi-melta is treated as a flamer but must remain stationary to fire. A model that fires the multi-melta in this manner may not assault afterwards. Being relentless will negate this movement rule.


*Tear attack: The Furioso rolls 2d6 for armor penetration when in close combat.

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A ravenor burrowing through a tank... yeah I don't buy that one.


I don't know about us needing much more in that department though I can think of one that may be humorous for the Blood Drinkers.


*After a Blood Drinker's squad has won an assault the warriors of the squad rip off their helmets in a frenzy and begin to literally drink the blood form the corpses of the fallen, friend and foe. As a result the squad is treated as having rolled a 1 for determining if the squad succumbed to The Red Thirst.


*Melta sweep: A melta gunner may opt to instead fire their multi-melta as a less powerful and greatly increased cone of heat. The multi-melta is treated as a flamer but must remain stationary to fire. A model that fires the multi-melta in this manner may not assault afterwards. Being relentless will negate this movement rule.


*Tear attack: The Furioso rolls 2d6 for armor penetration when in close combat.



I miss the old tear attack rule. Killed my first LR with that.

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units with jump packs deepstriking out of a storm raven won't mishap if they land on a enemy unit, they'll get engaged in an assault instead(whole unit taking dangerous terrain tests first though)

Let the enemy unit roll for a dangerous terrain test just like the jump squad, getting jumped on by a heavy marine must hurt ;)

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combine sanguinor, dante and mephiston, make the model cost 350 points and call it Sanguinius (mephsitons statline, Sanguinors specialrules and inv save, dantes gear + special rules like troop sanguinary guard, hit and run, deathmask, dosn't scatter during deepstrike) and maybe add something like heroic intervention(vanguard vets)


Awesome; I want some of what you're on.

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It's this here awesome new thing on the streets called "no sleep due to painting at night"... It get ones so high...


Though on a serious note: I'd so make that character for any BA apocalypse games :lol:

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Here are some home brewed rules I once used for Sanguinius:


Stat Line

WS9 - BS9 - S9 - T8 - W5 - I8 - A5 - Ld10 - Sv2+/3++


Special Rules

* As long as the Primarch is on the table all Blood Angels are fearless and have Furious Charge including Sanguinius.. Any unit within 12" of Sanguinius have Preferred Enemy including the Primarch. Enemy units locked in combat with the Primarch have -1 to their weapon skill.

* Sanguinius counts as independent character and can Hit & Run out of close combat automatically if he chooses to do so. If he is attached to a unit he leaves them behind when using Hit & Run.

* Prescience - Sanguinius is gifted with the all seeing eye and can re deploy up to d6 units after all units have been deployed including infiltrators - these units must remain within their deployment zone and can be placed back into reserve if so desired.

* Blood Charge - Sanguinius can charge up to 12" and has double the number of attacks any turn he charges.

* All wounds must removed before Sanguinius is taken out of play - if this occurs all Blood Angel units are affected by the Rage.

* Sanguinius has Feel No Pain and it works on a roll of 3+ when locked in combat.



* Sanguinius has a single handed power sword and a psycannon (also counts as single handed due to his immense size).

* Sanguinius has a pair of wings and moves as jump infantry plus can deep strike.

* Sanguinius counts as having a psychic hood that can reroll for the test versus enemy psykers.

* Death Mask - always counts as +1 for combat resolution.


Psychic Powers

* Fear of Darkness - effective range is 12" rolled for at the beginning of any assault phase. Broken enemy units locked in close combat are affected.

* Exsanguinator - Sanguinius can restore one wound to himself or any friendly model while locked in combat for every three unsaved wounds he inflicts. Recipient models including the Primarch can never have more wounds than taken from their basic stat line.

* Portal - The Primarcb can choose one Blood Angel unit including himself that can be removed from the table and placed in reserve at the beginning of the owning Bkood Angel's turn.


G :lol:

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no, he broke the greatest bloodthirster over his knee. it was the same bloodthirster whom shattered his legs and killed many of the bloodangels. and is the same one that is currently heading towards baal...the guy dosent learn despite the chapter beating him several times...
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no, he broke the greatest bloodthirster over his knee. it was the same bloodthirster whom shattered his legs and killed many of the bloodangels. and is the same one that is currently heading towards baal...the guy dosent learn despite the chapter beating him several times...


It's the same one 'Ka'Bandha' that the sanguinor later killed! Or is he still alive? (I guess he can't really die, the blood god would just send him back from the warp maybe?)

You say he's one his way to Baal 'now'? I thought the sanguinor had finally finished him off!?

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It's a Daemon. They just pop back into the warp and, if they are strong enough, return back into the real world after a few years.

Kinda unfair. But they don't seem to learn very much from defeat, and thats a good thing. For us.

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well this thread boomed. thanks for the ideas. although i just thought of a few others fore some C&C


fixing land raider deep strike: any non-vehicile unit that the land raider scaters on top of is tank shocked and any vehicle that is scattered on is considered rammed at full speed.


special rule: angelic leap - once per game a unit of sanguinary guard may make a 30" jump infantry move. (guess where the inspiration came from, and i didn't even thtink of it it was the nid player.)

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