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Honour Guard


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Ok so I'm doing my first WIP for B&C and I'm going to be making some honour guard as a retinue for Dante using Dark Angel veteran bodies and DC jp's and various other DC parts..

I'm also gonna attempt to make melta/flamer combi's, I have my meltas in the post so they should be here tomorrow.

Has anyone made melta/flamer combi's before and how did you do it? Only problem is I think I've only got one full size flamer and I need four for the job :cuss


So yeah the HG will have gold power armour and slab red robes and will be equipped with melta/flamer combi's and have DC jet packs.

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But why combi's at all? Just go with melta guns. The bolter's aren't going to be better for anything other than really squishy things like guardsmen or the like and you might as well toast them with meltas and then charge in for the kill. With sweeping advance you can wipe out way more than bolters will ever do.


Looking forward to some of the WIP pics. <_<

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But why combi's at all? Just go with melta guns. The bolter's aren't going to be better for anything other than really squishy things like guardsmen or the like and you might as well toast them with meltas and then charge in for the kill. With sweeping advance you can wipe out way more than bolters will ever do.


Looking forward to some of the WIP pics. :D


I said melta/flamer combi's, nothing to do with bolters!


And I have decided that I'm not experienced enough to make such a weapon without seeing one someone else has made first, I might try and make one and see how it goes but I'll probably just go with meltas!

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But why combi's at all? Just go with melta guns. The bolter's aren't going to be better for anything other than really squishy things like guardsmen or the like and you might as well toast them with meltas and then charge in for the kill. With sweeping advance you can wipe out way more than bolters will ever do.


Looking forward to some of the WIP pics. :D


I said melta/flamer combi's, nothing to do with bolters!


And I have decided that I'm not experienced enough to make such a weapon without seeing one someone else has made first, I might try and make one and see how it goes but I'll probably just go with meltas!



Drop, a combi-weapon is a bolter, w/ a single use special weapon attached.



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But why combi's at all? Just go with melta guns. The bolter's aren't going to be better for anything other than really squishy things like guardsmen or the like and you might as well toast them with meltas and then charge in for the kill. With sweeping advance you can wipe out way more than bolters will ever do.


Looking forward to some of the WIP pics. :)


I said melta/flamer combi's, nothing to do with bolters!


And I have decided that I'm not experienced enough to make such a weapon without seeing one someone else has made first, I might try and make one and see how it goes but I'll probably just go with meltas!



Drop, a combi-weapon is a bolter, w/ a single use special weapon attached.




He knows. The melta/flamer combi was in part my suggestion because it's the only feasible way to model two special weapons at once. Having a melta in one hand and a flamer in the other would just look silly.


1drop, I'd take it easy if I were you, don't rush the conversion. Remeber that you can always use a picture and model your things in paint/photoshop/gimp before you start to cut the plastic. I haven't figured out a good way to do these conversion myself yet, is it the metal meltas you'll receive in the mail?



Tip: Use superglue and not plastic cement. That way you can get them off easily if you want to make the conversions later. Just put the models in the freezer over night as this makes super glue brittle and you don't risk breaking or bending anything by mistake

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Yeah it's the metal meltas.. And thanks for that freezer/super glue tip, would have never have thought of that myself.


I'll take pics of when the models are assemed then some more when I have all the base colours done then probably a third set when the are completed.. I'll be borrowing a half decent camera from my brother as the only camera I have is on my iPhone 3GS and it's not good enough for the job!

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He knows. The melta/flamer combi was in part my suggestion because it's the only feasible way to model two special weapons at once. Having a melta in one hand and a flamer in the other would just look silly.


wait im confused what is being asked. Are you making a combi-weapon (bolter with special weapon) or some kind of of combination special weapon (model armed with both flamer and meltagun) or interchangeable special weapons for different games?


i dont have my codex on me but i dont think you can have two specials, normal combies on HG are not the best idea, and if using interchangeable specials just use magnets

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He knows. The melta/flamer combi was in part my suggestion because it's the only feasible way to model two special weapons at once. Having a melta in one hand and a flamer in the other would just look silly.


wait im confused what is being asked. Are you making a combi-weapon (bolter with special weapon) or some kind of of combination special weapon (model armed with both flamer and meltagun) or interchangeable special weapons for different games?


i dont have my codex on me but i dont think you can have two specials, normal combies on HG are not the best idea, and if using interchangeable specials just use magnets


It was pointed out to me by another member of this board in an earlier thread about HG. The entry for the HG allows you to replace both ranged and ccw weapon with any option. You can replace the bolt pistol for a flamer and the chainsword for a melta, just as you can take both storm shield and a power weapon.

You could of course replace one special weapon with either an infernus pistol or hand flamer, but there's no benefit to that as you already lost out on the extra potential attack by taking one special weapon and the pistol are worse in every aspect.


Nothing in the rules prevents you from having two ranged weapons, you just have to choose which one to use each turn as infantry can normally only fire weapon at the time.


The problem is how to represent this on the model. All special weapons are very bulky and any sidearm would be the same as taking one of the pistols. Making a combination special weapon seems to be the best way.

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i dont have my codex on me but i dont think you can have two specials, normal combies on HG are not the best idea, and if using interchangeable specials just use magnets
I don't see why not."Any HG can replace his boltgun chainsword and/or boltpistol with ..."

Whether this si any good, is a different question.

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Its perfectly legal to give an HG a meltagun and a flamer.


And for modeling purposes to merge them into 1 special Combi-weapon would probably look good, at least better than having a melta in one hand and a flamer in the other.

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I just received my metal meltas so I have ten metal ones and one plastic melta and I also have a plastic flamer. I need a few more flamers if I am going to make the melta/flamers which I really want to do.
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I did a quick little mock up of what the conversion might look like using the metal melta as a base.



This should keep work with the metal at a minimum and only require a little bit of greenstuff to smooth things like the groves in the original melta handle.



Note that this is an approximation a I don't have the models at hand and can't be 100% sure of the scale.

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Yeah that looks good ^^^^


Now I just need another 3 plastic flamers, got any advice on the quickest/easiest/cheapest way to get them?


Ps.. Would keeping the hand on the melta not be a good idea though to easily attach it to the arm?

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Yeah that looks good ^^^^


Now I just need another 3 plastic flamers, got any advice on the quickest/easiest/cheapest way to get them?


Ps.. Would keeping the hand on the melta not be a good idea though to easily attach it to the arm?


Online bitz shops or e-bay. Or check with the players in your area/LGS if they want to trade/sell.


Because of the added bulk, posing it with the original hand might be tricky. Removing it gives you some freedom to tweak the spot where you want the hand to go if needed.

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Yeah I guess, I think before removing the hand I'll see what it will look like if I can but if it needs removed then so be it.. I guess I could just remove a bolter from a hand and then place the newly crafted super weapon onto the hand that is already attached to the arm..


I'm gonna have to go to my local GW and try and get ahold of some flamers though so if I decide I definitely want to do the new 'super-weapon' (which I really want to) then this WIP is gonna take a little while longer than I had of hoped (really wanted to assemble the models tonight :) )

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Good lucky finding what you need, just remember to start slow with the plastics. A lot easier to trim a little bit extra than trying to add bulk after you cut too much.


A little more work on the plastic parts would get you something like this



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Good lucky finding what you need, just remember to start slow with the plastics. A lot easier to trim a little bit extra than trying to add bulk after you cut too much.


A little more work on the plastic parts would get you something like this




So in the newer picture where there is no gap where the flamer head meets the melta, would that gap be filled in with green stuff or would the plastic be cut more to fit in place?

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So in the newer picture where there is no gap where the flamer head meets the melta, would that gap be filled in with green stuff or would the plastic be cut more to fit in place?


I would trim the inside of the flamer head to make it wrap around the melta heat shield like this (from the front)


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So in the newer picture where there is no gap where the flamer head meets the melta, would that gap be filled in with green stuff or would the plastic be cut more to fit in place?


I would trim the inside of the flamer head to make it wrap around the melta heat shield like this (from the front)



Yeah, I think I'm capable of doing that, would you use a scalpel? I use a scalpel for most things really!


Thing is I'm still thinking about the hand/handle bit on the melta, do you really think I'll have to remove that?

Just where else would I put it? I'm sure I could make it work with the handle still in place but you know more than me

Do you know for certain that I'll have to re-fashion the handle because of the bulk of the weapon?

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Yeah, I think I'm capable of doing that, would you use a scalpel? I use a scalpel for most things really!


Thing is I'm still thinking about the hand/handle bit on the melta, do you really think I'll have to remove that?

Just where else would I put it? I'm sure I could make it work with the handle still in place but you know more than me

Do you know for certain that I'll have to re-fashion the handle because of the bulk of the weapon?


Can't tell for sure when I don't have the parts in front of me. I'd probably use a combination of scalpel, drill and needle file.


You certainly don't have to, I'd just assume it would be simpler to use a regular bolter/trigger arm from a tactical marine but I guess it depends on what parts you have laying around.


If you keep it there's a lot of things that could need fixing once you're working with the final pose. The angle of the wrist might not match up, the support hand is harder to tweak and might not match the trigger arm, weapon might be too bulky and press against the torso... etc.

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Yeah, I think I'm capable of doing that, would you use a scalpel? I use a scalpel for most things really!


Thing is I'm still thinking about the hand/handle bit on the melta, do you really think I'll have to remove that?

Just where else would I put it? I'm sure I could make it work with the handle still in place but you know more than me

Do you know for certain that I'll have to re-fashion the handle because of the bulk of the weapon?


Can't tell for sure when I don't have the parts in front of me. I'd probably use a combination of scalpel, drill and needle file.


You certainly don't have to, I'd just assume it would be simpler to use a regular bolter/trigger arm from a tactical marine but I guess it depends on what parts you have laying around.


If you keep it there's a lot of things that could need fixing once you're working with the final pose. The angle of the wrist might not match up, the support hand is harder to tweak and might not match the trigger arm, weapon might be too bulky and press against the torso... etc.


Well I sti have all of the bolter arms from two boxes of DC so I just have to remove the bolter from the hand and I guess that'll work just the same as a tac marine arm!? I see where you're coming from as I don't want to do all that work and then for it not to fit.

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Well I sti have all of the bolter arms from two boxes of DC so I just have to remove the bolter from the hand and I guess that'll work just the same as a tac marine arm!? I see where you're coming from as I don't want to do all that work and then for it not to fit.


I don't have that set myself but it seems to me like you'll have plenty of options for posing, much better than the tac-arms.

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Yeah.. I have one plastic melta and one plastic flamer so I could knock up a test melta/flamer before I start hacking into my precious metal ones.. I could always just make my HG with just the metal meltas but now we have invented this new killer weapon I feel like I will have failed Sanguinius if I don't atleast attempt to fabricate it from the plans you have drawn up... Again thanks so much for drawing up the plans, you have made this project so much closer to actually becoming a reality... My HG are gonna stomp up and down tanks and nids alike!!


Hahha my brother has a tyranid army and I have just shown him the plans for my new toy, gonna set those vile bugs alight and send them back to the hell hole they crawled out of.

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