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Night Lords

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Hi everyone


here are some of my night lords that I'm working on, I use the Blood angles codex for my army if you are woundering about some and I'm sorry for the images, need a new cam.


Night Lord Sagent


Night Lord Scout 1


Night Lord Scout 2


Night Lord Scout 3


Night Lord Scout 3


Terror Master 1

Terror Master 2

Terror Master 3

Terror Master 4

Terror Master 5

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Heya, I'd like to give a little C&C,


Scout 1's head looks like it is too big.

The terror master looks great, though I'm not 100% sold on the Sanguinary wings. They look too flimsy somehow.


If your camera has a Macro function use that, with more light (e.g. a lamp nearby), it should help with the picture quality.


Other than that, rock on.



My 2 Kraks

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I can't see the scouts very well but I don't think the colours work. There's too much red and the gold (or yellow?) bracelets are just wut. Also, Night Lords scouts is a BIG converting opportunity but you've pretty much just got standard scouts with what looks like Frankenstein's Monster's head on Scout 1 :)


That being said I actually really like the Terror Masters and the gold abs really works, which surprises me cuz I was telling this other dude who used them for his Night Lords that it wouldn't work but I stand corrected.

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Thanks for your input and I still working on the scouts


here is some better image if you would like a better look plus my Chaplain ,Assault Squad and Dreadnoughts


Terror Master 1-1

Terror Master 2-2

Terror Master 3-3

Terror Master 4-4

Terror Master 5-5


Assault Marine 1

Assault Marine 2

Assault Marine 3

Assault Marine 4

Assault Marine Sergeant




Dreadnought 1

Dreadnought 2

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Well you've got the camera sorted but i think some depth is needed for the paint.

Some washes will do well with the white helmets, while some simple highlights on the armour will really make them stand out.


Also on some of your Assault marines and Terror masters there are still BA icons, they'll need to go (unless you have something sneeky up your sleeve)

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Welcome to the darkness brother i agree with Bewlay some washes and high lights are needed for the whites a washed out babbad black will add shadows to your helms.


Also if you use enchanted blue to highlight your armour edging.


good job so far brother.

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