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Rate the Plasmagun platforms


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The playing field always had a good portion of marines armies. But due to the most recent codex releases, we see more and more PA than before. This may come from most people love "Best of the best (Elites)" armies, from the power lingering in those new codex, or from the easy conversion available from everyone's army SM.


Given all my Meltas (and Lasercanons), I still feel the need to bring more Plasma joy to my opponents, hence tweaking my lists a bit. But my cash isn't much extensible, and I don't want to buy unnecessery stuff, I don't either want to waste my plasma bits in doubtful conversions.


Baring restriction of my army's full / needs, we have several units able to bring Plasma: Chosen, Dreadnougth, Terminators, Chaotic Space Marines, Plague Marines, Havok, Obliterators.


So according to your opinions, could you classify those plasma units ?

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In order of effectiveness I'd say:


Plague Marines

T5, and a chance to ignore Gets Hot!

You cannot beat that.



With Icons you get them where you want them, though not always when you want them. Still, chances are high that they can rapid fire in Turn 2 if you deploy for it.


Chaos Space Marines/Havocs




Random, slightly overpriced CSM. Decent because of the amount that they can take.



Should generally not be using anything Plasma except the Cannon, and even then chances are you're doing something wrong.



Unstable, made of paper, prone to shoot your own. I'd never put a Plasma Cannon a Dread, even in fun games.



My 2 Kraks

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My feelings are similar to Brother Nihms but with one major few change.


I would rank the CSMs higher then the Terminators because 1) they're scoring 2) Plasma is one of the few special weapons thats likely to fire more than once so having an actual special weapon over a combi weapon is more important 3) Terminators are usually used for their Melta delivery and I think I'd rather have Melta Terminators and Plasma CSMs then the other way around. 4) You have to craft your own combi-plasma whereas plasmaguns are readily available.


(ok #4 might be a lazy reason but in fairness you did mention that $$ was an issue)


I personally am happy with my 1:1 mix of Plasma CSMs and Melta CSMs. Having a dedicated "rifle" squad to support the assault squad seems to work well.

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Agreement that plasma PM's are the most effective.


In a rhino you can shoot 4 shots into something while still being in your metal box.


If it must die, hop everyone out and unload into something, if they charge you, so be it. Blight grenades make sure they don't get the extra attack.


If they get hot they have a better chance of just shrugging it off.


After that I would agree with plasma CSM's, termies only got one shot and that one shot is best used on termicide meltas.

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I think Brother Nihm has hit it right on the head. Except for one little point.



Should generally not be using anything Plasma except the Cannon, and even then chances are you're doing something wrong.


While it is to be hoped for that Obliterators will get to spend the game just shooting up the enemy at long range, some jerk always seems to decides to outflank you or deep strike something into your backfield that makes their CQC gear a blessing. More than once I have been singing praises to the dark gods for the Oblits' Plasmaguns after a bunch of Terminators teleported into a rear objective. That said, you are right, players probably should not be striving to bring their short-ranged weaponry into range.

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I find your opinions rather interresting. I'd expected Chosen to come first as they bring (relatively safely) a large portion of Plasma Gun... more plasma shots than any other for the points. However, the unit as a whole is also the most expensive. I'd say Havok are on the par... if only some HS slot are free.


My 2nd choice would be Terminators. But they bring only 1 use plasma, and 3 combi-plasma might not be enough to wipe out a full unit. They are usually used with combi-melta (which turn around our lack of long ranged AT). Also if I need Plasma, it's likely that


My 3rd won't be a CSM squad, as they are used as assaulters. Thus, I'd probably pick PM for the 3rd choice.


The least choices would be obviously Dreads.

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I find your opinions rather interresting. I'd expected Chosen to come first as they bring (relatively safely) a large portion of Plasma Gun... more plasma shots than any other for the points. However, the unit as a whole is also the most expensive.


Chosen are a mixed bag. You can get the highest number of Plasmaguns per squad using them (not counting C-Plasma) but the unit itself isn't quite tier 1 as they're basically CSMs who trade scoring for infiltrate/outflank.


The other part of it is that Chaos needs less Plasma then other armies because we can fall back to a Power Fist to the face if the big nasties get past our shooting.

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I agree with Nimh, but Wildonion has a point. I lose count the amount of times that my opponent has Deepstriked a Termie Squad close to my units (often inbetween two units) using a teleport homer, so I can't fire without risk of hitting my own models. Either that, or a single model unit splits off to assault them, so I just Plasma doubletap him, then assault him myself.
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PMs with plasma are very sexy.


i know i am probably the odd ball here..... but i find plasma dreads not too shabby IF you dont have them to close your own marines..... that said, if i field shooty dreads i usually field 2 with ML. 2 missiles into a target usually does the same for me as 2 plasma and is safer for my plague marines as frag missiles usually dont hurt them. but like i said i am the oddball who uses dreads. this also is from a guy who does not do tournies much (dont like hard core games.... takes too much of the fun out of it for me).

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Am curious, has anyone had any luck using raptors and bikes as plasma platforms? there fast movement allows them to get into positions to get weaker armours better, and allows them to keep out or reach of the units you would be using plasma on (tyranid MC, termis of any kind, wraithlords etc) In particular the bikes (turbo boost first turn, next turn let rip, and whilst your oponents force is split, it easier to deal with) the main reason I want more plasma is to counter tyranid MC and termis as my Thousand Sons/Tzeentch force struggles with them, I reckon termis would be good with plasma and reaper and poer fists for dealing with tyranid MC's, though think bikes/raptors/dreads may be better in dealing with termis (for their speed and cc toughness respectivly)
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The problem is that Raptors and Bikers are pretty subpar units to begin with, so investing the points into them carrying expensive Plasma guns doesn't help the situation.


For Tzeentch I think Terminators are your best bet as they can hold their own in both shooting and HtH combat against the various MCs and Walkers out there. Combi-Plasma and a few Chainfists mixed with a 4++ save isn't trash.

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As a Blood Angels player I find Plagies with Plasma one of the best units in the game. It is a hard unit to shift, scoring and potent. Once they get into cover and with FNP that objective is hard to get.


Other contender from an opponet point of view; Regualr CSM, then Chosen (but they are not scoring).

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