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My DIY Vulkan, Sternguard, and Rhino

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Maybe if they get another good 20 years under their belts, get some lines in their faces, and some gravel in their throats, I'll be able to take them seriously.

*shrug* None of that has made Metallica not suck.


DragonForce doesn't need to be taken seriously, they're like the musical equivalent of a crazy D&D campaign. :P

Plus, their guitarists are faster than Skwisgaar.... That alone is a hell of a claim to fame.

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The rhino looks fantastic. I wish I could freehand that well. In reality, it's only by the grace of the almighty Emperor that I can even wipe myself.


If I may, I have a suggestion for your Vulcan model. Really, it's for your metallics in general. I personally am not a fan of drybrushing metals. I think it looks better if you wash them instead. Simply paint the model in your desired color (remember your lining in) and then give it a medium/heavy wash of black. I really like the way that looks. In my blog (link in my signature), I have a link in my "other models" section that shows my Titan that I used this technique on. I think it'd look awesome on Vulcan's flamer.


Also, in that picture you have in the first post of the five models, the second from the left seems to be missing his left arm. I'm sure it's just the angle from which the picture is taken, but it looks funny.


Not meant to criticize, just offering my two cents. But really, your painting style is amazing. Well done!

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You're totally right on Vulkan's metal, it definitely needs some tweaking, but I've been in a "Get things done" mode lately and didn't spend a ton of time on it. You're absolutely right that some washing would do wonders. I'll probably revisit him a bit. I'm also not totally happy with the flames in his brazier yet.


As for the armless dude. He's actually got an arm back there that is pulling a grenade off of his belt. I built that model right when 3rd ed. came out, so with the perspective of years....it actually look like he's pulling a grenade out of his butt. I will cut/ reposition it sometime soon, because I'm not stoked on it, but, see my previous "getting things done mode" comment.


Thanks for the crits!

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Maybe if they get another good 20 years under their belts, get some lines in their faces, and some gravel in their throats, I'll be able to take them seriously.

*shrug* None of that has made Metallica not suck.


DragonForce doesn't need to be taken seriously, they're like the musical equivalent of a crazy D&D campaign. :)

Plus, their guitarists are faster than Skwisgaar.... That alone is a hell of a claim to fame.


Don't get me started on metallica, as I despise them. Same with Dragonfail.


Here's a theme song for your Marines:



Your Marines are quite unique with the full body flames, I dig it. I've got no more to say then that.

4.5/5 beers

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