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The Grail Templars

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So, my plan of making some sororitas being put on hold until GW makes some plastics of them, i've decided to start up a marine army (this will be my...third, i think)

The plan here is to make a knightly order-themed army, based rather heavily around arthurian myth, and, as such, will have a rather deep focus on the Grail imagery, which means i'm going to be bits-ordering a fair few blood angels shoulderpads with the grail symbol to go on the important folk (everyone else will have to make do with my sloppy freehand attempts)

Colour Scheme


Focusing on this knightly order theme, every single model (and i do mean that) will be getting his own individual heraldry, the left shoulderpad (white in the picture above) will be taken up by this coat of arms, while the red shoulder will have a golden grail

Current plans for the force include:

heavy mechanisation, every unit that can take a transport vehicle gets one (lots and lots of rhinos... gods i'm going to regret that)

heavy close combat focus (vanguard vets with relic blades and power weapons, TH/SS termies, every vetsarge gets a power weapon etc)

"Trebuchet" wing (Ironclad dread and vindicator)

The 'knightly' theme will be quite heavy, so expect to see lots of brettonian bitz (namely the knight helmets on the captain/chapter master/terminators, little shields on squad commanders that show the squad's heraldry alongside the personal heraldry of the squad leader, larger shields on the tanks etc) as well as Black Templar parts. I plan on each model being highly individual, so the templar crosses are perfectly acceptable ^^ (besides, it fits in with the name)

Also, expect to see a few Sanguinary Guard parts, particularly with the command squad, as i do like the models, and with a bit of tweaking, they'll be perfectly acceptable as knightly folk

That's all for now, expect to see some prototypes cropping up over the next few days as and when i finish making them, until then...

Servallier out

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Thanks for the responses ^^


@Molloch: First prototype (sternguard sarge) will be going up as soon as i remember where i put my SD card


@Dark Link: That's something i fully intended to do ^^, i've put in a bits order for 10 grailly shoulderpads from a bitz site, and intend to use the Sanguinary Guard as the command squad


I've also decided to include Legion of the Damned as a group of death/relic-focused knightly people, some generalised fluff on this chapter will be going up as soon as i figure out a good format, until then


Servallier out

So, i promised protoypey pictures, here you go


First up is the Sternguard Sergeant, with crotch-shield ready for the heraldry of his squad



Next up is a tactical sergeant, made from the remains of one of the times i sculpted a few tabards onto some marines, with extra plumage


amazing how the camera picks up EVERYTHING


And finally, the nearly complete Captain Aldric, Captain of the first company and something of a Blood Knight in the way he approaches combat (Read: runs at it, screaming with rage), still some things to go on him, but he's almost good to go







C&C gratefully accepted, let me know what you all think guys ^^


Servallier out

Tough crowd, well, have an update anyway


Myrdden, the leader of both the librarium and the chaplaincy of the Grail Templars. It is his solemn duty to see to the relics and extensive library of the chapter, as well as to assign the rare suits of terminator armour and the Relic Guard. A stern fellow with a reputation for silence unusual in a chapter known for being unusually friendly (for space marines, that is, they will still remove your skull from your body if you look at them funny)





C&C welcome, and strongly encouraged, pretty please?

B&C is always a tough crowd, there's just too much competition. Don't be discouraged though.


I really like Aldric (pose and combination of parts), though there's not much you can do wrong with Sang Guard bits ^^


I think most people (including me) are just waiting on how well you do the halved scheme, which will look awesome if done right. I'll definitely keep an eye on this thread


EDIT: The pic of Myrdden didn't load before. He looks nice, though still a bit on the chaotic side. Getting rid of the rivets on the leg armor could help making him look more loyalist and less heretic. Also, the book on the leg looks a bit random. What's it attached to?

I like the librarian and sternguard sergeant, not too big on the captain or the other sarge. The captain because of too much BA stuff and the sarge because the plumage isnt very knightly IMO. But I like the scheme and I want to see the libby and sergeant in those colors!
I'm really digging that captain, especially the helmet. Also like what you did with his legs, I never liked the prancing around look some of the jump pack legs gave. What did you use to make the staff head on the Librarian-chaplain guy, looks very good. Can't wait to see these guys painted.

I dunno what some of you guys are saying, the poise of the captin really brings the image of him swirling around in melee, cutting and stabbing fresh enemys as he walks over the bodies of those he has slain. That model is litterly one of my favorite models now.


btw: Do you mind if I make a copy?

Thanks for the comments so far guys, i'll just address a few things


Nither Aldric, nor Myrdden is finished yet, Myrdden has since gained a servo-skull familiar and they are both getting a few details as and when i get round to them, Myr will be getting de-rivited later


Myrdden's head is from the Grey Knight Terminator sprue, which i shall be using to make my TH/SS assault terminators (after they have been de-psychic-hooded), this sprue is an absolute delight in terms of things that can be played with on it.


Aldric and his crew will be (apart from the company champion) all made from Sanguinary Guard parts, although the rest of the command squad will be somewhat less...sanguinary. A certain amount of blood-angelness will always be lurking about due to the fact that i am using a load of blood angel shoulderpads for the chalices, but it will be getting tempered by a mix of normal marine bitz and BT parts, as well as some brettonian knight bitz here and there. the CC himself will be a modded EC


@Astrum Vinco: Thanks, and go for it mate


@matchbox: going with the standard marine codex for these fellows


Paint job will be going up as soon as i've clobbered together a sacrificial victim brave volunteer to test it on, i'll probably go from a white basecoat, still, burn that bridge when i get to it, keep the comments going, they keep me motivated

until next time, Servallier out

Good evening all, i have tasty, delicious updates for you


well, just the one really, but it's a very delicious one, the start of the paintjob on the sacrificial victim brave volunteer, so you can see what the basic contrast will eventually be. There's still a ways to go yet, but a journey of a thousand miles and all that nonsense




The head, chest eagle, head and shoulder trims will get a coat of black, and the red and grey will be washed/highlighted etc


Also, i may well make a shrike stand-in soon, with said shrike weilding dual power lances, opinions?


Servallier out

Two lances would be as hard to pose with as Lightning Claws. Sometimes, it's better with just one.


If you do have two lances, you can have him floating, holding one lance aloft, while the other points down at some victim.

Updates for you


So i've been working at a snails pace on this project, i know, i'm sorry D:, but now i have gotten a big-box-o'bits back from a mate who's house i'd left them at, i have the motivation, and requisite parts, to get the ball rolling on this project


So, first up, here's the first tactical marine in this army



(Apologies for the less than stellar photos, my camera's gone walkabout and i'm relying on my phone for pictures)


i'm going for as much individuality as i possibly can in terms of poses in this army, which will involve some cutting and reposing of legs etc


Next up is Chapter Master Abel, still thinking of a backstory for this fellow, he's mostly just big really...



C&C, as ever, greatly appreciated, until next time


Servallier out



I like the pose of this fella, he looks beefy as a Terminator-clad warrior should be. His face however, reminds me of a friend's uncle who would scowl, tilt his head, and almost shout "HUH!? SPEAK UP!!" even when nobody was in the room...



Next up is Chapter Master Abel, still thinking of a backstory for this fellow, he's mostly just big really...



This looks very cool as well and that termie shoulder pad really makes him look buff. For the waist, I would recommend adding something to it. Pouches, grenades, even a scabbard to make it look like he doesn't have a 'slim figure'.

Thanks for the replies ^^


@hushrong: Hehe... "Git off me lawn ye dern pesky xenos!"


On a serious note, thanks for pointing that out on the chapter master. He does already have an extra sword (the sheathed one you get with the newer catachans) which alleviates the hourglass figure on one side in RL, i'll stick a couple of pouches on the other side, thanks for the heads up ^^


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