Brother Sergeant Tabris Posted April 7, 2011 Share Posted April 7, 2011 Okay, so here is my first attempt to create my own Chapter. Give it a read and let me know what you think. Be nice, be brutal, just be honest. I have begun painting the army to field at my local game shop. I will try to get pictures up here soon. The Gemini Chapter A New Beginning 40.738 Latest Founding (26th). Most current founding as of 40,995. The Imperium of Man has a never ending supply of xenos encroaching upon the borders of humanity. In 40.738, the Adeptus Terra created several new Space Marine Chapters to fight in the never ending battle for the Imperium. One Chapter was created to monitor the star systems of the Gemini constellation. After getting cleared by the Lords of Terra, the Adeptus Terra began developing plans for The Gemini Chapter of Space Marines Creating the Gemini Chapter Referencing an ancient legend from the time before man had even leapt from Terra into the Stars; the new chapter was named Gemini for the constellation in which the new chapter was to be charged with protecting. In the myth, the brothers shared the same mother but had different fathers (they were the sons of Tyndareus and Zeus) which meant that Pollux was immortal and Castor was mortal. When Castor died, Pollux asked Zeus to let him share his own immortality with his twin to keep them together and they were transformed into the Gemini constellation. The Chapter would allow this legend to regulate their recruitment process. In addition to the normal requirements for neophytes, only brothers would be accepted into the Gemini Chapter. When twins are found it is normally perceived that the pair will achieve great things for the chapter. Spiritually, Gemini space marines associate the transcendence from mortal humans to Astartes with the story of Castor and Pollux. The brothers share a mortal father and have an immortal father from the genetics shared from the Emperor himself. The 10 year Census The Adeptus terra, utilizing the Administratum, began a census of all brothers born within 4 years of each other on Holy Terra within the past decade and began to collect them. Parents had no choice in the matter and were told very little except that the children would be used to benefit the Imperium. Resentment was felt by some families, while others happily obliged with devotion to the emperor, and still others said good riddance with two less mouths to feed. The first bothers were taken from all walks of life that the empire of man had to live. Some twins were found unsuitable; either one or both was deceased or too weak for initiation. Finally, a total of 500 pairs were found suitable for the transformation, fulfilling the normal neophyte requirements in addition to the fact that they were brothers. This 10 year census continues as a tradition to this day though the families are all honored now to have their boys selected by the Gemini Chapter. Indoctrination of the Gemini Chapter The children and adolescents were taken to secure areas where study, training, and indoctrination could begin. They began by training the neophytes in combat and educating them in the righteous history of the Imperium. After six months of initial training, physical competitions were held and academic tests were given. Brother neophytes would be tested as a team and an individual against other pairs. The Adeptus Terra set a standard of excellence which would be tolerated for the next step of gland implantation. Only the top 20% of competing brothers were selected. An enormous ceremony took place the final night of testing and the neophytes selected were called out and given honor in front of their fellow candidates. The others were soon relieved after being informed that these competitions would be held every three months, but after the eldest brother passed the age of fifteen the neophytes would be given the option to become a member of the imperial guard, the planetary defense force, or a chapter serf. These brothers would eventually become renowned leaders for their martial prowess and tactical insight learned from their Gemini training. This first group of graduates was given the rank of scout and began tactical deployments to aid Planetary Defense Forces and Imperial Guard Units in response to xenos attacks and planetary rebellions. 2 battle barges, named the Dioskouroi and Tyndaridae, 8 Strike Cruisers, 20 rapid strike vessels, and 30 Thunderhawks were provided to aid the conquest of the Gemini. As their skills increased, brothers were promoted to full battle brothers and the pairs would be labeled as twins. In fact, after full transformation to space marine all biological brothers were almost identical in appearance to their blood brother. Neophytes continued to enter the rank of scout, and the chapter codex was developed. Chapter Organization Limited by the number of recruits found each 10 year census; the Gemini Chapter diverged from the Codex Astartes and would consist of only 6 Companies. First through third company were designated as Tactical companies. The 1st company is designated by orange, the 2nd Company is designated by yellow, and the 3rd company is designated by red. 4th Company was designated assault and is identified by green. The 5th Company was designated as Devastator and identified by blue, while the 6th Company was comprised of Scouts. A Veteran Sergeant of the 1st Squad of the 3rd Company The Brothers Divided by Death or the Path of Apothecary Each squad was originally assigned 10 marines. It was only after the first deaths that it became clear that a 7th company needed to be created and tactical squad number changed to 9. It was found that each marine who lost his brother became psychologically unstable. The bond between space Marine brothers is strong, but pales in comparison to the bond between Gemini twins. The remaining brother is filled with melancholy and loneliness when his brother is killed. This drives them to take one of two paths; a kind of madness that fate has divided them or a life spent trying to prevent other from experiencing the emptiness. Divided warriors are so distraught that they will do almost anything to get to grips with the enemy and look to destroy or be destroyed. The roman numeral 2 of their left shoulder guard is reduced to a roman numeral 1. The 7th Companies color is black. The Divided have the Fleet and Relentless universal special rules. In addition, unless there is a Gemini Chaplain within 6" of the unit at the start of the Movement Phase, then the Divided Company squad must move as far as it can toward the closest enemy unit. Some do not go mad for destruction, but feel that they can do their brother, soul, and chapter best by preventing the loss of another’s twin and begin training as an apothecary. This resulted in a large Apothecarion force in the Gemini Chapter when compared to strictly codex chapters. The Apothecarion is so large in fact that each tactical squad is assigned an apothecary. As such, the number of space marines assigned to a tactical squad was reduced to 9, because the apothecary has no brother to complete the squad of 10. Promotion Brothers are assigned to the same position and unit. Although it has been found that one is usually dominant, progression of rank is simultaneous. Both must be the strongest as a team among their peers to advance. Brothers will move from scout to battle brother at the same time and the pair is given the title of Twin Brothers. Once a set of Twin Brothers proves competent through deed and experience, they are sent to the first company to serve as veterans. If deemed worthy, they will be given charge of a Squad in the position of Sergeant and Team Leader in the 2nd through 5th Companies. Sergeants and Team Leaders are the only veterans in a tactical squad. The Sergeant wears an orange helmet while the Team Leader wears a yellow helmet. Sergeant is usually given to the dominant twin, but it has been given to the less dominant twin to increase their ability. After time or great deeds they can be promoted to Sergeant and Team Leader of a 1st Company Veteran Squad. Both are designated by the wear of an orange helmet. From here, if necessity demands, The Pair will be promoted to Captains of the same Company. Every Company has two Captains. It has proven strategically beneficial to have one Twin Captain remain with un-deployed units to handle logistics and support while the other Twin captain leads into battle. At other times, it is found beneficial to have two lead the force into battle. Certain twin brothers are identified as suitable for Chaplaincy due to devotion and acts of heroism, while others have the psychic gift and are elevated in the ranks of librarians. How the Gemini Chapter Structure deviates from the Codex Astartes To this day, the Gemini Chapter has limited its total number of companies to 7, with the 1st through 3rd as tactical companies, 4th as assault, 5th as devastator, 6th as scout, and the 7th being the Brothers Divided by Death. Tactical squads are comprised of a Sergeant and Team leader who lead 6 tactical marines and 1 apothecary into battle making a squad deploy at full strength with a number of 9. One tactical marine will carry a special weapon, but the squad will not use any heavy weapons to balance the addition of the Apothecary to squad dynamics. Each element (Squad, Company, and Chapter) has two leaders who have fought together since becoming a Gemini neophyte. A Chapter Planet Building of a Chapter Planet and the Quintus 9 Incident Referencing the legend of old from which the Chapter drew its name, the Lords of Terra sent the Chapter with the entire fleet to the Gemini constellation to monitor and destroy xenos and mutant activities in the constellations varying star systems. It was known that Castor is a complex sextuple system of hot, bluish-white A-type stars and dim red dwarfs, while Pollux is a single, cooler yellow-orange giant. Pollux, only 34 light years from Terra, was the first target. Here the Gemini Chapter found a suitable planet named Pollux IV from which to base their operations. The Administratum granted the Gemini Chapter rights to name the planet their Chapter World and promptly began construction of a Chapter Hall and Monastery. The next chain of events gave the Gemini Marines a specific purpose. 14 light years away, it was hoped that the chapter would be able to set up an additional fortress in the Castor star system. Several planets in the system showed promise initially. It began on a green world called Quintus 9 and is now recorded as the Quintus 9 Incident. The planet had consisted of a largely agricultural population which was faithful to the Emperor with clean oceans and dense forests. The Gemini Chapter requested permission to begin the construction of a second Chapter base on this planet. It was granted. It was 3 years into the building phase when mining the planet for resources disturbed something deep below, under the planet surface. The Necrons had made home of this world eons ago and now began to rise to take back this planet for themselves. The scale of the attack had been staggering and surprisingly quick. Half of the Gemini Chapter was at Pollux IV and another quarter was on patrol, while the remaining one quarter of the chapter was on Quintus 9 to oversee the final stages of construction. 7 Squads of Gemini marines died in the assault, and they could not hold the planet nor defend the half constructed fortress. The lost time and effort was taken as a grave blow to the Chapter’s honor. Since this incident, the Gemini Chapter has found that the entire sextuplet star system of Castor is plagued by Necron Tomb Worlds. Upon this discovery, the Gemini Chapter decided to build their second base within the Pollux solar system. A moon named Gibbous Prime on Pollux VII was chosen and is now the operating tactical base for the Gemini Chapter named the Tears of Castor. It has 7 towers and each has been named for one of the fallen Squads from the Quintus 9 Incident. The original base named The Pride of Pollux is now the Training Operations Center for the Chapter. The Gemini Chapter has been tasked with defending the Imperium against the rising Necron found in the Star systems of the Gemini constellation. As such, they use the Pollux System as a launching offensive and defensive location. Continual raids are conducted against the tomb worlds and human worlds are constantly in need of protection. The Chapter still conducts war against other enemies of the empire, but a large amount of effort is spent cleansing the Castor System one world at a time. Heroes of the Chapter In the past 250 years, certain Twin Brothers have stood above their fellow battle brothers and elevated through the ranks to take leadership of the Gemini Chapter. 40.788 Masters of the Chapter So as time passed the number of Space Marines grew and it came to that one set of twins stood out above his peers and were granted leadership of a the Gemini Chapter. Daine and Victor constantly bested their peers in training exercises, tests of wit, loyalty, strength, and faith. When combat ensued they led from the front and crushed enemies of human kind. So it was, through merit and deed that role of dual Chapter Masters was earned by Daine and Victor 50 years after the Gemini Chapter had begun. Since that time, it was they who led the Company to Pollux IV and Gibbous Prime. They have led the chapter to glory in campaigns, most notably hunting out Necron tomb worlds and cleansing them of the ancient evil. Daine is a logistical genius and has continued the rituals of census, recruitment, and rigorous training to sustain the Chapter at full capacity. Victor’s tactical brilliance leads the Gemini Chapter to countless victories. Chief Librarians Twin Brothers gifted with the psychic talent are extremely rare, but tend to be more powerful due to the connection between brothers. It is shared that they can draw on one another’s strength in times of need to overcome extremely challenging opponents. Chief Veluscious and Chief Croteus have the strongest psychic power within the Chapter and often times appear aloof to their normal battle brothers. Their visions have proven critical in times of uncertainty and the guidance given has never led the Gemini Chapter astray. They have foreseen Ork waagh invasions, Necron outbreaks, and Dark Eldar pirating activities. Veluscious and Croteus can communicate telepathically with each other over vast distances of space almost instantly allowing the rapid communication between separate forces of Gemini allowing for the quick deployment of reinforcements or urgent warnings and commands to be issued. They are in charge of the Tomb of Gemini, being a history of all the Chapter’s work and search for historical records showing weakness or vulnerability in Necron forces. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Sergeant Tabris Posted April 7, 2011 Author Share Posted April 7, 2011 Weird. Some people have over 2000 views and multiple replies within minutes of the same time I made my post. I have 14 views and no replies. Am I missing something? :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grandmaster Anaziel Posted April 7, 2011 Share Posted April 7, 2011 First off, I really like the paint scheme! I'd love to see some of these guys painted! I also really like the concept you have come up with: a brotherhood of literal brothers. :lol: However I have 3 recommendations. 1 They should not be based that close to Terra. Everything near Terra is already unimaginably fortified. I would suggest you move them further out in the galaxy. 2 I think the Chapter's philosophy to only recruit brothers should have been created by the original Chapter Master and his core brothers, not the Administatum. 3 I think you have created a very cool chapter. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Sergeant Tabris Posted April 7, 2011 Author Share Posted April 7, 2011 I just figured out why other people had so many views and replies after I posted my topic. The most recent update is based on the most recent reply. Okay. that makes sense. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Sergeant Tabris Posted April 7, 2011 Author Share Posted April 7, 2011 Grandmaster Anaz..., Thanks for the ideas. I was a little hestitant of using the Pollux and Castor star sytems, as they are real; I thought maybe bringing real knowledge from 2K to 40K could be a cool tie in or a potential down fall. The closest system of pollux is about 34 light years away. In 2011, the total distance of the galaxy is 100,00 light years. It may be further in the 40th millineum. I am a fond of the eastern fringe though. Maybe I could use artistic liberty to say that the star systems of pollux and castor have moved to that part of the galaxy through natural means or by the warp during the age of strife. Then again it could just be a mystery unexplained in recorded history. I like the last option. I got a few ideas about the origin of using brothers. First, is the one that I have stated initally. I do like it, because it ties the brother theme of Gemini into a nice little bundle. Another one is that it was a mutation in the geneseed stock which only allowed brothers. That one is a little hard to work out logically. It would mean that two seperate geneseed are linked and somehow aware if they are implanted into biological brothers or not. I don't see this being a sound concept. But maybe the first of the Gemini chapter including Daine and Victor were not biological brothers. Daine and Victor were competitors for the number one spot of Chapter Master and great friends who saw that they both had strengths and weaknesses which complimented each other. They agreed to share the role of Chapter Master accepting the tactical benifit it would bring. After their successes, they decided to institute the recruiting of brothers and strict two man training of brother to be the perfect Astartes Team. Or maybe the Adeptus Terra began the the training of the two man teams and it just so happened that Daine and Victor were the first brother by birth team to become Astartes and just so happened to be the strongest and brights among the recruits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted April 7, 2011 Share Posted April 7, 2011 *Makes a 'dramatic entry' appearance accompanied by thematic music. - Cries of grief, lamentation and sobbing.* The Imperium of Man has a never ending supply of xenos encroaching upon the borders of humanity. In 40.738, the Adeptus Terra created several new Space Marine Chapters to fight in the never ending battle for the Imperium. - never ending... never ending... - 'supply of xenos' is strange wording. Creating the Gemini Chapter Referencing an ancient legend from the time before man had even leapt from Terra into the Stars; the new chapter was named Gemini for the constellation in which the new chapter was to be charged with protecting. In the myth, the brothers shared the same mother but had different fathers (they were the sons of Tyndareus and Zeus) which meant that Pollux was immortal and Castor was mortal. When Castor died, Pollux asked Zeus to let him share his own immortality with his twin to keep them together and they were transformed into the Gemini constellation. The Chapter would allow this legend to regulate their recruitment process. In addition to the normal requirements for neophytes, only brothers would be accepted into the Gemini Chapter. When twins are found it is normally perceived that the pair will achieve great things for the chapter. Spiritually, Gemini space marines associate the transcendence from mortal humans to Astartes with the story of Castor and Pollux. The brothers share a mortal father and have an immortal father from the genetics shared from the Emperor himself. *sound of bursting bubble* - Do you realise, the rate of acceptance in the Space Marines Chapter is, under normal conditions, below 1%? This first group of graduates was given the rank of scout and began tactical deployments to aid Planetary Defense Forces and Imperial Guard Units in response to xenos attacks and planetary rebellions. 2 battle barges, named the Dioskouroi and Tyndaridae, 8 Strike Cruisers, 20 rapid strike vessels, and 30 Thunderhawks were provided to aid the conquest of the Gemini. - If I'm counting right, you have 200 wannabe Space marines at this point. There is no need for entire fleet to carry them around. It was found that each marine who lost his brother became psychologically unstable. - I'm surprised... No, I'm not. What did they expect? Divided warriors are so distraught that they will do almost anything to get to grips with the enemy and look to destroy or be destroyed. The roman numeral 2 of their left shoulder guard is reduced to a roman numeral 1. The 7th Companies color is black. The Divided have the Fleet and Relentless universal special rules. In addition, unless there is a Gemini Chaplain within 6" of the unit at the start of the Movement Phase, then the Divided Company squad must move as far as it can toward the closest enemy unit. - How do you represent your Chapter is up to you. The rules have low to zero bearing in the background development. ++++ Warning! Warning! Harsh judgement is coming. To be honest, this article is incredibly boring. The theme is twins, I get it. - the nigh impossibility of such thing aside - you don't need to beat your reader with it over and over through the entire article. Another thing, description(s) of organisation and heraldry is just dull. The Adeptus Astartes Chapter is more than "We paint our power armour in such way." Look into Guide to DIYing, Liber Honorous Index (the pics are click-able.) and Octaguide 2.0 and have a nice read. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 Quote Bursting Bubble? Less than 1% seems to make more sense for the smaller size of my chapter. Please expand how that bursts the bubble. the nigh impossibility of such thing aside? It is science fiction. anything is possible-except for female space marines. :D Any advice on making it more credible in the grim darkness of the far furure? Also, it takes more than words on a nerd forum to burst my bubble. :o First, I hate the "It is science fiction, anything is possible." argument with burning passion. That being said, the trials of acceptance are designed that only the most suitable candidates pass. The requirement that both brothers pass the trials, damper the ability of Chapter to replace its losses. Therefore you need some good offset for such tradition. Of course, the brothers could* technically work better than not blood-related people, however the Marines don't work in pairs but in squads of 5/10 warriors. So the advantage of such tradition will be in fact relatively small. Add here that the Marines job is not the safest work in the universe and you have actually disadvantage with little to no gain. Second, we don't even have precedent of brothers being accepted into Chapter, the closest thing I can think of is the (grand??)uncle-nephew and grandgrandfather-grandchild. On similar note, the marines in Chapter *are* actually brothers. They share the genetic heritage of their father, the Primarch. Certain Chapters even display significant resemblance in personality and appearance of their Primarch. The training and indoctrination then toughen these bonds. * Based on my experience with twins. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Sergeant Tabris Posted April 9, 2011 Author Share Posted April 9, 2011 Quote Of course, the brothers could* technically work better than not blood-related people, however the Marines don't work in pairs but in squads of 5/10 warriors. So the advantage of such tradition will be in fact relatively small. Add here that the Marines job is not the safest work in the universe and you have actually disadvantage with little to no gain. Hmm, I see the disadvatage. All I can think of right now are two options. Maybe two warrior teams could be a a difference in tactics used in the Codex Astartes eliminating the need to have the chapter draw its neophytes from brothers. The first story in Brotherhood of the Snake by Dan Abnett has the main character, Priad, deploy as a single marine to destroy an eldar threat. The other option that comes to mind is to figure out a way for the geneseed to develop a mutation where it can only be placed in biological siblings. That concept seems a little far fetched. I will think on it more. Quote Second, we don't even have precedent of brothers being accepted into Chapter, the closest thing I can think of is the (grand??)uncle-nephew and grandgrandfather-grandchild. The only precedent for brothers I know of is in James Swallow's Blood Angels Omnibus. The hero eventually has to kill his own brother. If I take the route of two warrior fighting teams, I can eliminate the need for birth brothers and still keep the Gemini Chapter theme. What do you think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aegnor Posted April 9, 2011 Share Posted April 9, 2011 There's some good stuff in your write up so far, and some stuff that needs some more work. As always, I'll start by saying that these are your models and you should make their background whatever pleased you the most. If making them fit in the shared universe in the eyes of others floats your boat, then you'll get plenty of help here. A couple of broad points - normally in an Index Astartes article here, you don't reference actual tabletop rules etc. I take it you want to use the Blood Angel 'dex for these guys - and your "Brothers Separated" company is a really neat way of a different basis for the Death Company. But there's no need to include the rules. The twin/brother thing is a touch overbearing at the moment. It has some big issues in terms of how it fits with how Marines normally work. They're encouraged to forget their family and past live for a reason: it helps rid them of fear and helps ensure they have no loyalty other than to their chapter. Having bonds of blood within the chapter sets up all sorts of prospects for conflicts of loyalty, resentments etc. The problems with recruitment have already been highlighted in terms of the unlikelihood two siblings would both make it through. I'm not saying, at all, that you can't use this idea, but you need to be conscious that the bigger these kinds of issue, the more explanation you need to give. You then either need to come up with a nifty elegant solution or else the story can quickly get bogged down and collapse under the weight of explanation. I'd suggest losing some of the Gemini references. Certainly would suggest moving them from the actual Gemeni constellation - it's too close to Earth and is the easiest bit of overtheming to snip. Get Castor and Pollox references in "later" as deliberate references by the chapter itself. One way you could get your twin idea in would be for your chapter to deliberately clone adolescents who meet the incredibly high standards for recruitment. It just seems too unlikely there would be enough twins who met the standards otherwise. Cloning could be a common practice on your homeworld, and hence something the chapter adopted readily. The original neophytes would definitely not have been recruited from Terra. If any chapter recruits from Terra, and the position seems to be that none do, it would be the Imperial Fists who still have Terra listed as their official homeworld. The best bit from my point of view is the 7th company. Stick at it, you'll get there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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