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Good day fellow Wolf Brothers!


I have a question that I couldn't find an answer for using my search techniques.


I want to put a Wolf Guard Battle Leader with a unit of Wolf Scouts and I've given him the Saga of the Hunter, which allows him to Outflank with the squad.




Does he also benefit from the Scout's "Behind Enemy Lines" rule? It is technically a modification of the Outflank rule, but I'd rather clarify before really using it.


Ale for everyone! HA HA!

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Yes he can.


The entry points out that when the Wolf Scout unit outflanks it can OBEL The WGBL is part of the unit except in close combat where he fights as a unit of his own. Since he is granted the ability to Outflank by the saga and since he is considered part of the Wolf Scout unit, when the UNIT outflanks, it can OBEL.


Keyword of it all is the use of UNIT. If the wording only mentioned, "When the Wolf Scouts outflank, they can OBEL," then we would be hosed.

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I dunno. Can a squad of the Legion of the Damned with an attached character (who has the deep strike rule) still benefit from "Aid Unlooked For"? Can a Blood Angels Assault Squad with an attached Character with jump pack still benefit from "Descent of Angels"? At least in the case of the Legion of the Damned I think the consensus had been that the unit would not benefit from that rule if an attached character did not have that same rule.
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In general special rules do not transfer from a unit to an IC unless specificly stated. If a special rule require the entire unit to make use of it, and the entire unit does not have the rule, you may not use it (for example a jump packed IC joined with a bike squad will prevent the squad from turbo-boosting). There is just enouph ambiquity that I would accept a dice of in a game. But if I was asked to make a ruling, I would say no.
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I dunno. Can a squad of the Legion of the Damned with an attached character (who has the deep strike rule) still benefit from "Aid Unlooked For"? Can a Blood Angels Assault Squad with an attached Character with jump pack still benefit from "Descent of Angels"? At least in the case of the Legion of the Damned I think the consensus had been that the unit would not benefit from that rule if an attached character did not have that same rule.


All Blood Angels with Jump Packs have Descent of Angels.

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Yes, the IC can deploy with them. Scouts can outflank. Saga of the Hunter lets the IC outflank. OBEL modifies the units outflank. When the IC joins them before deployment he becomes part of the unit. Ergo, the IC can deploy with scouts in OBEL.
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