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Painting a Daemon Prince

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I'm currently working on a Word Bearer army with troops, defilers, daemons , lesser daemons and a greater daemon in it.


I've been surfing about the web to find a good colorscheme for the skintone of the daemon.

Most I've seen are either black/brownish, green or red.


The power armour the daemon is wearing will have the Word Bearer colours on it.

So know I'm wondering what to paint the body of the daemon prince.

Painting it red isn't really an option as the armour is already red with silver/grey lining.


Any suggestions?


I've been thinking of a dark purple-ish skintone. But then I'm also puzzled on how to go about on getting that effect.

As a newbie in painting miniatures I'm always open to advice.


All suggestions are welcome.

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I painted a Word Bearer Daemon Price and ran into the same problem. For the skin I ended up using Codex Grey glazed with Badab Black. A picture of the result can be found here. If you did an off white or light grey color and washed it with a blue or purple I think you could get a more purple result without going full-on eggplant daemon.

I also did WB colors but I used a blue-grey tone using various shades of regal blue+Skull white+ (the light foundation grey) and something else.


Pics will explain it a bit more




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