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How to best represent Canarvon

Frater Uriah

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I'm making some good headway into my new Flesh Tearers force, but I have a simple question regarding the best representation FT players have for High Chaplain Canarvon. Would you say he is better represented by Lemartes, or by a Reclusiarch? I'm of mixed minds now, though I am tending to lean towards Lemartes.



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I've thought of ways to represent him, and I think Astorath is a perfect fit. He has all the Chaplain-y rules, an Artificer armour fitting a man of Carnavon's stature and finally the super Red Thirst special rule. Since the Flaw is more prevalent in the Tearers I think a higher chance to get Red Thirst fits perfectly.
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personaly i just say go with what you want to. make a model to fit with what you want to. my high chaplin otho can run as lemartes or a reclusiarch or common chaplin...

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Thanks for the feedback, brothers! Astorath, rules-wise, seems to be the way to go. Vilicate, I agree that the axe is perfect for a Flesh Tearer, but I'm probably going to go with another model, because Astorath is a bit too long-haired to go with my image of him. Maybe I'll make the Executioner's Axe a chainaxe....


Brother Nathan, I really like the picture of Canarvon you posted: that and the Seth pic are two of my favorite Space Marine portraits. I'd really like my Canarvon to have the same, pinched, snarling quality, which means a lot of work on whatever I choose as my counts-as Astorath. I'm working on converting my Seth to look more like the savage, slightly deranged version that is the companion to the Canarvon pic.


Thanks again for the thoughts!

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SamaNagol, Nice! I'd like to take a look at him when you're finished, if you could post him!


Brother nathan, That's the pic I mean! I plan to work Gabe over with an X-Acto knife and some green stuff, with some other wires and bits into his head, so I can get something similar. The new miniature, while dynamic, is missing the seriously battle-scarred, barely-suppressed rage that the picture evokes.

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