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Tantum per nex does officium terminus - Grey Knights

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How do,


Okay so I tried to quit GW gaming after I left the company and lasted if I'm honestly longer than I thought I would.


However the Grey Knights are one of my favourite armies, so the inevitable hit, and now I've got some Grey Knight terminators staring up at me, waiting for barrels to be drilled out...


Oh well, needs must I suppose. Now because I'm nowhere near a place to play any more, I can take a bit more time and patience with them than perhaps I would have previously.


So, because everyone prefers pics to babble, a few pictures of whats built so far, next to do is drilling out of gun barrels, then out comes the green stuff.


These first two squads haven't had anything conversion wise done to them, With the next box I'll be a bit more adventurous.


Anyway, pics









Looking good, will they be classic Gk or are you going for something more adventorus?


Where did you get the sloped bases for? Ive always liked the look of those, but never known if they are 40k legal. Also, did you find the casting on the pair of legs that are striding forward was really terrible?

not particularly problematic no, I am a bit of a mould line fiend though so these boys will get another taste of scalpel before green stuffing begins.



The bases are Warmachine/Hordes ones, I got mine from Firestorm Games in Cardiff, £1.50 for a pack of 5x 40mm lipped bases, they do packs of 30mm and 50mm as well. No 60mm though unfortunately for Dreads. Though with how I envision the army, There won't be dreads of either flavour in the army.


As for being 'Legal' I doubt you would get your models in White Dwarf or on the website with these style bases, but otherwise personally I don't have a problem with them, neither should any GW store or tournament really. From my experience anyway

Mini update, with 'mini' being the operative word, did an hour of painting before, and managed... a head.


probably the most time I've put into a small section of a model, but I decided to give painting a head separate a go for the first time in a long, long time, with the following results








Not the best pictures really for hyper detail, but hopefully sets the standard for the rest of the boys in the army.


I still have to work out if I'm going for grey or silver knights though, slightly swinging more to the silver side, because I've got an eye on possibly doing Charcaradons with all the mish mashed bits ive found marine wise.




Ok, another hour or so and I think I can call it quits on painting the Justicar's head. Am pleasantly surprised how he came out, after a bit of rouge on the lips and some colour under his eyes.




The 10 Terminators/Paladins are now all sprayed black and ready to receive their first coat of silver. I also hijacked my Lamenters army which is now defunct, stealing a pair of Land Raider Crusaders to cart these boys into battle. They'll both get the airbrush treatment for their initial few layers, cos I'm too lazy to do them both by hand :)


Have found an old recipe for doing silver, I'll get the first one done to show the style off, which is a warm burnished effect, rather than the cold blue steel of GW paint jobs.


Until t

How do boys and girls,


cheers for the support, its always great to think youve struck a chord with your audience :(


Another update for today, sort of a test model really, as i'm out of Boltgun metal, I had to start one shade higher than I would have prefered. I think i'm gonna have to decide overnight if I prefer Chainmail or boltgun as a basecoat, but thought people may be interested in the results of a few hours painting this evening






Hopefully abit more interesting than looking at a solitary head, lol





I rather like that shade actually, it looks good!


Metals is something I have never really done on a large scale (i.e. more than just small bits of detailing), and I'd very much like to know your method for doing it for future reference?



Iron Father Rik


The metals are fairly simple, and again, its more laborious than anything else. To achieve what I did there, I went through the following steps


Basecoat the model with Black Spray, then give it a heavy yet controlled drybrush of Chainmain

A second drybrush of chainmail, moving from top to bottom to give stronger highlights on the raised areas.

A third Drybrush, this time with Mithril SIlver, again concentrating on the raised top edges.

Wash with a watered down mix of old Brown ink and chaos black, about 4:1:4 Brown/Black/Water

Give it a second wash after its completely dried, I used a hairdryer to speed things along

Give it a third wash, concentrating on the recesses for shading

When its completely I return to drybrushing carefully with chainmail, focusing on the raised reas and gradually pushing the shadows back into the corners, follow this up with a gentle drybrush of Mithril Silver



After that has been left to dry for a while, next step is the magic part - Tamiya Orange Clear, which reacts nicely with the brown wash if you water it down loads and loads. I gave it three coats all over the metal in all, again concentrating on the recesses for washes 2 and 3.


Again when fully dried, out comes the small drybrush again to repeat mithril highlights on the fine edges.


And with that, your done to what I've done.


Now this isnt something I've come up with myself, it came from a GD winner by the name of Ben Cartwright, who in turn nabbed and varied the techniquie from Jakob Rune Neilson, met Ben once and he was a top bloke, for a much more in depth guide,at his Deviant art page and for his following stages of shading with Scaly Green, have a look here






I really like the color of that metal. I honestly see no reason to change it, but it is obviously your choice in the end. I'm not a big fan of that head, but that isn't because how you painted it. I just don't care for the sculpt.


All-in-all, the metals look great. I can't wait to see more of your stuff. You make me want to get those new GK terminators even more, but seeing as how I am homeless and jobless right now, that would be a bad idea. :P

*looks at the metal* Sweeeeet!


*follows up with a read of the recipe* Craaaaap!




The minute I see "drybrush" I can't help but cringe. Oh well, seems you've made it work rather well for you. I rather like the look as is, Boltgun has always been too dark for my tastes (though then again it's clear you can manage things with metallics I never have).


I'm curious though, won't vehicles and models with large flat spaces be a bit...uncooperative with a technique like this?

@Alpha PTP


They are rather spangly models, luckily I had some stuff boxed up and unopened, so swapped them for both boxes of termies, as im too skint to go buy anything new of late.


Having dug out two Land raider crusaders yesterday, I also found this morning a Prometheus, already sprayed boltgun metal for for Heresy Era Iron Warriors. I think the Grey Knights will be appropriating it before it succumbs to a future of evil or ebay, lol


Quick pics, there were taken before I started on the cloth, but the light was alright so snapped a pair of shots before I lost the chance.






I'm defiantly getting into the rhythm of painting these boys one at a time, they are proper heroes after all, even compared to regular Space Marines.


That's one thing I'm going for with this army, I've seen that the dreadknights are kinda cool, but I feel there's two ways to look at the new grey knights.


First, to fight by any means necessary to win, which includes bringing dreadknights out of storage.


Second, that its much more heroic for one guy *albeit in terminator armour* to try and chin a Greater Daemon.


I'm definitely in camp number two with this army. So no dread knights or storm ravens for me.





Anyway, enjoy, no doubt i'll post up some more photos once the united match is over






They can, Luckily I've had some practice doing vehicles before with a similar, slightly darker scheme for my iron warriors, If I can bring up a pic...


*fumbles about abit*




Old pic from old phone, but you can see it abit, However im planning a few 'embellishments' to the three raiders, once payday comes around I can order some special stuff, lol.


Reminds me, if anyone reads this that has bought a storm raven or two and hasnt used the grey knight parts, get in touch if your willing to trade for something else.




Full of keen, *and happy United won again*


Got another pair of pics taken, before the light starts to fade for the evening. Thats the cloth done with the first couple of layers, which has started to pull the model together abit better.


Next to do is to give it an injection of colour, the red and whites and decide how to do the hammer, some kind of glowy blue I think.






Hopefully folks are enjoying this as much as me B)

Last pics for the evening, the lights starting to go and im knackered and settling in for the night.



Not sure if the colour effect on the hammerhead really works, it was kinda just faffed with, rather than finding good refeence material to copy, I'll see what folks think however








First and formost : I've never, ever been able to paint such nice metal on my minis! It's just awesome!

Then, I'm an average hobbyist, and like most people I don't spend much time preparing my minis.

BUT when I'm seeing such an awesome paint job, and read your "how to", and realise how patient you have to be, I can't help but cry when I see mold line and un-drilled SB!!!


Don't get me wrong here, it's because I rarely see such well done metalic paint scheme that I'm "conplaining". Painting metalic GK for years now, I think I've an Idea how difficult is your paint scheme (as I've try so hard, but fail far beyond) and the effect you achieve (let' call it TMM - true metalic metal - as it need an acronyme to make it a proper Real Artist technic - lol), and to me it's Golden Demon winner!


Please post more of your GK, but PLEASE take more attention to what is in the end just minimum/easy work of preparation... your work could (and is already) an aim to reach!


Thanks for your reciepe and the motivation it give me,





I know exactly what you mean about mold lines and drilling bolters. Hopefully there isnt any mould lines on it, the one on his hand is an optical illusion and is part of the guantlet armour.


For the drilling of the bolter, i'll offer my excuse of, i started doing them, got to hole number 5, jumped at the sound of my firt aid certificate falling through the letterbox, snapped the bit and embeded it in my thumb, lol. Unfortunatly that was my last bit, and since im miles away from any hobby shops to get a replacement, it was either put the project on hold, or crack on and drill them out carefully later. Feeling keen i went for option 2.


I also didnt think they would come out how there progressing, normally i paint in a much darker and grubbier style, whereas this is so far badab black free, lol


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