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Where is Gaganius?! Tournament report demanded!


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This is a request from your fellow teammate/mod :ph34r: Get your Adepticon BatReps up!


For those of you that dont know, Gaganius (out of Canada) was one of two BA armies to get into the 2nd day finals at Adepticon.


Lets hear the results /feedback!

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Don't you mods and former mods have childern to babysit?


I think someone might be saying mean things in the Black Templar forum, I suggest you hall monitors get over there. :lol:


I will post a batrep later in the week if I get a chance.


Long story short BA are great as long as your opponent doesn't roll double 1s for morale while battling your chaplian and librarian in CC. ;)

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He might be too busy dry brushing them Boltgun metal to post.


So who was the 'other' army.. Koyote?


I don't get it, drybrushing them boltgun metal?


And yeah, battle report bro?

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He might be too busy dry brushing them Boltgun metal to post.


So who was the 'other' army.. Koyote?

I think Koyote just missed making the second day.


And to be fair, Morticon, where are your bat-reps from the championships? ;)

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I don't get it, drybrushing them boltgun metal?

He means jumping on the bandwagon and converting his BA marines to Grey Knights.


That’s just like that Gag… Just like him… :)



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And to be fair, Morticon, where are your bat-reps from the championships? :lol:


I didnt make it to day two :(

My batreps wont be as interesting :lol: :lol:


That said though, even if I wanted to, day one is such a haze. I had 11 games (24hours) over those three days.


But ill try get something up when im settled down and not touring America !

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