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Space Hulk Terminator... BUTCHERED ! into ........


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Hey Guys,


I turned a space hulk blood angel terminator into a Crimson Fist Terminator sargeant with Thunderhammer and storm shield.... Here is a quick pic of him....but seriously, if you want to see him in all his glory, you GOTTA see him in HD on youtube (THE LINK IS BELOW).....



Termie sargeant by ff151, on Flickr



Youtube link




Comments are always appreciated, here or on the tube.



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Thanks guys,


Ummmmm...... I did do a thunder hammer tutorial! It's here....



Yea on the red, I think I got lazy at the end of painting this guy! Thanks for the comments guys,



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WOW that is just... WOW definitely not wasting time on those vids dude. just subscribed. More please. also, in the thunder hammer tutorial it looks like your painting straight out of the pot, is that the case? I always see people posting "thin your paints" but i wondered if it was necessary to paint out the pot to achieve that result, thanx in adv and apologies if thats a silly question
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Holy crapola that's good. And simple too. Totally stealing this. Don't worry! It's flattery! Honest! :tu:


(Not a registered Youtube user so I'll say it here - excellent, instructional video. Love the 'painting paper squares 101' element to it. Gets the idea across.)

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Hey Guys,


No need to steal! I provided it for free to use :). As for painting, yes I do paint right out of the pot! I know its a bad habit but I find it much more efficient. I do however thin my paints in the pots themselves. In fact, I have a syringe on my desk that is full of water just to add water when the pot needs it. (Especially the GW metallic line)


Cat/ ff

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