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Team BA: The Darkest Hour


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Hey all: Here are the only pics I took of our display at the Team Tourney this past weekend. Again the team was called Blood Angels: The Darkest Hour and consisted of Koyote, wadders, Steel Armadillo and myself.


It's a depiction of the demonic incursion into the Baal system by Ka'Bhanda, the nemesis of the Blood Angels since Sanguinius broke his back during the Battle of Terra. The story comes right out of the codex. Here's how we presented it at the con for those who don't want to look it up:




These pics really don't show how well Koyote's Sanguinor stood out in contrast with the Thirster.










In the event that anyone else was there and took pics I would really appreciate a copy. In the flurry of preparation I just didn't have time to take more.


So anyway... on to next year.



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OMG, OMG!!! Another log on the 'fire of regret' for not making Adepticon!!! That's a beautiful display. It makes me want to organize an Invasion of Baal' event at the Chicago Bunker. Unless someone has already, which I haven't heard that they have. I'd like to setup an Apocalypse-sized game of BAs vs. Nids and Daemons as soon as I wrap up some business out of town next week. Now that I've seen your setup, I'm inspired to defend Baal with all of the might my mini-Dante can gather.
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Sorry to be a threadomancer but this is going to be the theme of my army and I'm a big fan of OMG's work. The pics have disappeared, is there any chance of seeing them?
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