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Blood Angels Bikers?

Sir Blayse

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I know we don't have the advantage of taking bikes as troop choices, but is it possible to run bikes with BA.


You can still take a captain, libby, or reclusiarch as a HQ on bike. I'd probably go for the libby for overall best HQ.


Elites, chaps and priests can take bikes. But I would probably only make one priest on bike, others would have to be jump pack.


Troops- It's too bad DC can't take bikes and without a bike troop option, I'd have to say JP Assault troops are the only other option for a fast moving force.


Fast, 2-3 bike squads. I'm tempted to say only 2 bike squads with attached attack bike and a third choice with 3 attack bikes.


Heavy- I'd probably go with Dev's, but not sure here.



Has anyone done anything with the bike options?


Has anyone wondered why are captains don't let you get bikers as troops? I think bikes with furious charge and FNP sound amazing. Did someone think this was too much?

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They call these "rodeo lists." Basically you use the bikes as a mobile firebase and a combat screen. Toss a priest in, the T5, possible 3+ TB cover and FNP ensure they're not easy to kill and then your assault squads/DC come in with FC to mop up. Devs are good and provide a nice little static firebase to anchor yourself around but vehicles can keep up with the rest of your army for a highly mobile list that can redeploy and pressure different units quickly and easily. After I get my painting done I want to experiment with this type of list more.
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2 attack bikes with multimeltas and a sanguinary priest with a powerweapon is a very nice combination. Admittedly this is only on paper, but I get 2 ravenwing battleforces next month so I shall be adding bikes and speeders to my blood angels in force, and I shall give it a go.
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I tried the Blood Rodeo for a bit, it is a fun list but is definitely lacking in fire-support. I could see the potential in it, but I just didn't pursue it, wasn't my cup of tea. Kirby over at 3++ is the new black has written several article on the concept.



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Yeah, I take after James On the bike front, attack bikes are king, I either run one squad of 3 or two squads of 2 (maybe 3 if points permit it)


When I take one squad of 3 the other 2 fast options are Baal predators and when I take 2 squads of bikes (between 4 and 6 attack bikes) I take a squad of ten VV's too!!


I love fast attack, attack bikes, baals and VV's are totally my thing.

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Just put my first attack bike with mm together, not the easiest model I've ever put together I must say.. And I've got one more to do tonight too so I can get them ready for painting tomorrow.
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I've been running 5 man scout bike units with a locater beacon recently. They do really well at controlling the battlefield.


They can still infiltrate and Scout move, so I can put them on the board if I get turn 1 wherever I want. If the other person deploys on the board too close, I can zoom up and meltabomb a vehicle for a guaranteed hit (since they didn't move) or if there's no targets close enough, I use the scout move to zoom off.


If I play safe with them, and just have them boost up at the end of turn 1, then reserves start to come in and can use the scouts to not scatter. Give them a power weapon, and with T5 they last a bit longer than most 5 man squads.


I think they're better than just regular scouts with a locater beacon just because of the maneuverability and being more effective on guiding units down.

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My problem with them is that some mental giant decided that half the bikers in the game should get only 1 attack. It is very hard to justify paying the cost of a jump pack for an IC (this sentence is making me cry) for a single attack on a bike, especially when its effective assault/fire range is the same as my RAS.


Attack bikes are a whole other matter entirely. Attack bikes are great and as I use my BA to represent the Night Lords, this is a completely reasonable sacrifice for land speeders.

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