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Slaanesh Colour Scheme


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Hey guys,


Just wondering what colour scheme you guys use for your Slaanesh marines and noise marines. These forums are great for new conversion ideas and such, but I'm not seeing enough followers of Slaanesh and their pics. Do you guys use the a pink with black trim scheme, or something else?


I have a single unit of noise marines and a lord painted up (would post pics but I'm unsure how to) and as mine are part of the black legion I included some black, silver and a little gold. But for the slaanesh colours I went liche purple with warlock purple highlights and fortress gray highlighted with space wolves grey/skull white for the trim. I know pink is the slaanesh colur of choice, but I wanted to do something a little different and I'm pretty pleased with the results.


I may be getting my hands on more noise marines and Lucius, and I am looking for ideas.

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The purple Daemon Prince with the gold trimmed white armor in the first link is really inspiring. I was thinking about doing something god-awful like sunburst yellow as a base, with scorpion green flames on the ankles and wrists, edged in pink or summat. Now I'm not so sure.


Whatever it is, it must be fabulous...

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I prefer the legion's original colour scheme of purple and gold. I've always figured that the black and pink colour scheme that noise marines are supposed to have is just the remains of GWs style during the 80s and early 90s of painting the miniatures very bright and garish.
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I know there is a painter from OZ or New Zealand that did a great preheresy purple scheme, but can't remember where it is.


Here is a great purple/ pink with black i.e new EC: http://www.sotavasara.net/keskustelu/viewt...62&start=40


Here is a great pastel version of the EC: http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.p...oise&page=4

Army shots from GW's site: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/...p?aId=15900043a


Hope that helps make up your mind either way, or just provide some juice for you! :P

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The purple Daemon Prince with the gold trimmed white armor in the first link is really inspiring. I was thinking about doing something god-awful like sunburst yellow as a base, with scorpion green flames on the ankles and wrists, edged in pink or summat. Now I'm not so sure.

Whatever it is, it must be fabulous...

-Max-, I assume you mean this one?


Thanks for thinking my prince is inspiring. When I started with my Slaanesh warband I had the same problem as Rawne_11, what colour to choose. I was very tired of painting black and purple and gold, so i more or less said "bugger this" and choose the brightest colour there is "white", part of Slaanesh is overstimulation of the senses. An other idea I had was to paint every squad in a different colour going from bright pink to dark blue. The more fanatical squads would be brighter pink with gold trimmings "lords, princes and sonics" to the squads who recently joined or had converted would be dark blue/purple but still with gold trimmings "havocs, predators, vindicators" and then different shades of pink-blue. A nice way to keep track of your squads, but I am lazy so I went with pure white. The white is also a way to go with the Dornian Heresy White scars, but now that idea has been shelved and my Slaanesh marines are just a DIY Slaanesh Warband.


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-Max-, I assume you mean this one?


Thanks for thinking my prince is inspiring.


I did indeed mean those. The white and gold really taps into the idea of luxury to me. It makes me think of aristocracy, classy military dress uniforms, purity, that sort of thing. Those colors on a daemon or obviously corrupted Marines emphasizes decadence to me. I was thinking more along the lines of "visually disturbing" for a paint scheme, but the feeling of moral decadence is stronger than "permanent acid trip". To me, at least. So now I'm trying to think of a color scheme that creates the same feeling without directly copying yours. I also still really want to paint something yellow, so I'm having a hard time of it...


The Flagellant as a prisoner is an awesome detail. And I also just noticed your warband's name is "Brotherhood of Innocence", which is really neat for the implied contradictions.

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Yellow is an awesome colour, but is not a fun colour to use as it is kinda hard to make looking good, but it is probably doable, if you want to go with the more decadent look instead of the acid trip or rock and roll look I would try if really bright gold works with the yellow, either you go with a darker yellow close to an egg yolk with almost silver looking gold for the trims or a canary yellow and almost bronze looking trims. If you go over the top with gold as the main colour the decadence will be lost and they will look strange. I found this with a quick search "colour suggestion". The yellow is the main colour is yellow but some areas are white and you can still have gold details for the more decadent look. If you want to do flames I would go with blue flames as yellow and blue are two colours who work nicely together. Blue flames The chaos marines will look more decadent with more spikes, horns, mutations, naked flesh, skulls and furs. Lords and princes should have loads of trophies in my opinion. Stay away from red trimmings as your chaos marines will look like fallen Imperial fist, which is a fun thought, but if I would do a fallen Imp. Fist it would be Tzeentch, I always wanted to do a a yellow Lord of change. :)


You will be scorned and ridiculed by some gamers for having non-sinister black chaos marines, but as I say. Who cares? It is your plastic soldiers, you paid for them, you painted them and since when is Chaos something regular and something that follow rules?


Mix them up with loyalist bits, keep the eagle on the chest and on the bolters, my take on warbands are that they are scavengers so they steal the loyalist stuff. If I remember correctly the Emperors childrens warcry is something like "For the emperor, death to his foes!" even after the fall.


Sonics I see as pure Emperors Children, but can join up with other warbands and legions, and should always have some parts painted up in the original colours, black/pink/purple, but can paint up the warbands colours on other parts, for example if I by a strange reason would incorporate some sonics in my warband I would paint one half the marine black and purple and the other half white with gold trimmings. If i by any chance learned to free-hand I would make strange patterns in a light-grey who would work nicely with both the white and the black/purple. Sonics should also, in my opinion, have more trophies and gold details as they are the original Slaanesh worshiping marines.


When it comes to colours for Slaanesh, I am back to Rawne_11 original question, I would stay away from glum and dark colours as the main colour, I never liked the black and pink Emperors Children as the almost always have black as the main colour. Go with the purple and gold Emperors Children, but make the purple closer to tentacle pink than warlock purple making it look like the Emp. Children armour has been matted over a long time.

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