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Purity Seal

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Avoid at all costs. From my experience (and what others have said), it will fog up your minis seemingly at random (I once used it on three marines, and the first/third were fine, while the second got ruined). I haven't used it myself, but Testor's Dullcote has been said to be more reliable, not to mention cheaper.
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Opinions vary. I use it with good effect, haven't experienced any frosting. Lots of my gaming buddies use it too and don't complain. It seems one of the better options as famous Testors Dullcote is unavailable in my country for some reason.


Having sprayed over 1000pts with PS and Army Painter Matte I start thinking that all frosting problems people write about are caused by improper use of the spray (too close/too far from the model, wrong temperature, wrong humidity, can not shaken enough).

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Having sprayed over 1000pts with PS and Army Painter Matte I start thinking that all frosting problems people write about are caused by improper use of the spray (too close/too far from the model, wrong temperature, wrong humidity, can not shaken enough).


My experience suggests otherwise. Three minis were sprayed with the same can, in the same conditions, one after the other. #1 and #3 were fine, #2 came out fogged up. Purity Seal is simply a defective product, and while you may have had good luck with it, it can turn on you even when you're doing things fine.

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